With the latest update, some friends from Will & Angie's church felt called to organize a prayer night
this coming Tuesday, March 5, 2013, from 7:30 - 8:30 pm PST.
Here's the info they sent out:
Prayer Night for Will and Angie Gray, next Tuesday, March 5, 7:30-8:30 pm. Last October, Will Gray, a member of the Crossroads community, was diagnosed with cancer. Please join us at the church office (6330 San Vicente Blvd, Suite 102, Los Angeles, 90048) to pray for healing, peace, and strength for Will and his wife Angie. Parking is available on the street. For more info, email Allison at allison_bwrs@yahoo.com.
Obviously, any time there's a chance to help Will and Angie in any way, we want to share.
Here's what the #GoTeamGray network can do:
- If you're in the LA area... please consider joining the loving group at Crossroads church by reaching out to the Crossroads organizer, Allison.
- If you're not in the LA area... As so many of you from all over the globe have been touched by Will and Angie's lives and stories, the #GoTeamGray core is hoping that you'll also considering joining in the prayer night virtually. It may be a late night for you, or mid-day for those of you on the other side of the world, but the sentiment behind people all over the globe praying at the same time for Will is far too beautiful and powerful to pass up. "For where there are two or more gathered in my name..."
While Will and Angie have continued tangible and financial needs, they are also desperately in need of spiritual and emotional support right now -- prayers, intersessions, wishes and hopes for healing, peace and strength. All are absolutely coveted.
We hope you will consider joining the Crossroads community prayer night as we transform it into a #GoTeamGray prayer night.
Ever so grateful for the community that loves and adores the Grays...
The #GoTeamGray Core
June 19, 2013Prayed for you from Argentina! Blessings, strength peace and healing to you in Jesus name!
Suzanne Wilsey
March 5, 2013Praying in San Francisco.
Mike and Nancy LaRocco
March 5, 2013Praying from Long Island at 10:30.
March 5, 2013I love you hits and will be joining in the prayer night.
Ben & MB
March 5, 2013We’ll be praying tonight! We love you!
#GoTeamGray » REMINDER: Community Prayer, 3/5/13
March 4, 2013[…] For more details, please visit our previous post. […]
Esther W.
March 2, 2013….Will, thank you for your inspiring music….#GoTeamGray, praying with you, for hope and strength, with love, from the Netherlands.
Reagan Carfield Berry
March 2, 2013Will be praying from Kentucky!
Amy Rapier
March 1, 2013Colorado Springs,Co – count me in as prayers united go UP!
Amber Palmer-Halma
March 1, 2013In from Takoma Park, MD.
Jamie McCorkle
March 1, 2013You both our in our thoughts and prayers!
Jon and Joan Oneill
March 1, 2013Manchester CT, WE ARE SO IN!! It will be around 1030pm I think!
Judy and Don Linn
March 1, 2013Fort Wayne, IN–Count us in!
Dan Beck
March 1, 2013Joining in from Long Island New YOrk
March 1, 2013Count me in!!!
Brian & Angie
March 1, 2013Northern VA 1030pm, we are in! Will and Angie, don’t lose hope please..
February 28, 2013Portland, OR is in!!
Kathy Gathro
February 28, 2013We’re in at 10:30 pm!
Carol Johnson
February 28, 2013….it will be midday Wednesday in China, but I’m IN!
Love, Strength and Hope…