What We Know

Posted by on Mar 26, 2013 in Updates | 64 Comments
From our friend Warren Pettit, in the hospital with Will and Angie:
5:50pm PT -- A few minutes ago: I read the following passage to Will and Angie, You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. I looked up at Will and he nodded his head. Earlier this afternoon: Angie’s brother and sister (John and Kelli) arrived this afternoon.....bittersweet. Will and Angie have now been in the hospital for five days.... it feels like five months. We’ve been waiting for a variety of tests to tell us what we think we already know, but, nobody has walked through the door to put it all together. Then, the supervising medical oncologist came in and we just stared. It was the word “non-curative” that I remember. She said, based on averages, that Will has weeks to live, possibly more with a regimen of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It only took minutes and then she was gone. We all left the room.....Will and Angie wanted to be alone. Later, we came back in. I offered to read the following passage. You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. I looked up at Will and he nodded his head.


  1. Melody Phillips Creasy
    March 27, 2013

    I just saw for the first time about your diagnosis and my heart aches for you and Angie. I am praying fervently for a miraculous intervention. 2 Cor 4:16-18 have been my meditation for you that you do not lose heart and that God may be glorified through your life!
    16 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

  2. Friend of a friend
    March 27, 2013

    You’ve never met me…..you never will. I’m visiting this website to say I am praying for Will, Angie and their friends because of how Will impacted the life of a shared friend. Prayers will continue……. and Thank You Will for teaching our “shared” friend how to be a true friend…….he’s made my life richer.

  3. JulieAnn
    March 27, 2013

    Sadly, I had not kept up with your story until I caught a post Monday night. I read every update from the beginning until now and my heart has not stopped aching! I read until midnight when I finally made myself go to sleep! Since I woke the following morning, I have had you all on my mind and am praying constantly! For God’s will, yes, but outside of that, I cannot fathom the extent of your needs! “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit!” Romans 15:13 Much love……a fellow Unionite and sister in Christ.

  4. Sandra Roam
    March 27, 2013

    It is time to praise & thank the Lord! Rejoice in what the Lord has had Will do here for Him. I don’t know Will, however my sister does & just reading what everyone has said, Will has made the Lord glorified. I hope that I can do the same. You’re a great Steward of the Lord & I pray I can learn from you. I thank you Will for all that you have done! You now are about to get to take the next journey in life & get to meet our Lord & I rejoice in it. We all must remember that it isn’t goodbye, but see you later. I’m excited for you Will…please pray for us. Pray that we do the Lords will and glorify His name. My heart & prayers go out to your family Will. God & many others will take care of t hem for you. Thank you my Brother & save me a house on your block in heaven for I’d love to have you as my neighbor. Love you, Sandra

  5. Nathan Robertson
    March 27, 2013

    Praying for you both and standing firm in faith that the blood of Jesus is still able to bring about miraculous healing!

  6. michelle
    March 27, 2013

    I do not know you guys personally. I know Gayla Fields and saw your story on her fb page. Holding you both close in prayer. Lots of love from Illinois.

  7. natalie
    March 27, 2013

    I pray for peace. I pray for acceptance. I pray for comfort for Will and strength for Angie. I pray for special memories to be created and cherished during this difficult time.

  8. Paula Byars-Stockdale
    March 27, 2013

    ~Psalms 23:1-6~

    The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
    He makes me lie down in green pastures,
    He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul.
    He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil, for You are with me;
    Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
    Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
    And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

  9. Marya Davis Bailey
    March 27, 2013

    I cannot quit thinking about you guys and praying for you. Your light is shining extra bright through these dark days. I will continue to pray without ceasing for you.

  10. Lindsay LaRue
    March 27, 2013

    I don’t know you guys…I saw a link to this on Russ Mohr’s Facebook page and just read through all of the updates. My heart is breaking and I have been thinking of you guys all day, even though I don’t know you (I wish I did!). Praying, praying, praying.

  11. Kristy
    March 27, 2013

    My family is praying for you and yours. This has really touched my heart and want you to know we will continue to do so.

  12. crystal teague long
    March 27, 2013

    Will Im Praying for you and your family. I see your mother alot. Crystal

  13. Karamaneh Winchester
    March 27, 2013

    Will–I have always thought of you as a kind and wonderfully spirited person, but yours and Angie’s example of enduring faith is a truly beautiful thing to behold. Woody and I send our love and prayers for you.

  14. Beth
    March 27, 2013

    My heart breaks for you, I will continue to pray

  15. Clint Walker
    March 27, 2013

    We continue to pray and are in awe of your bold witness in the midst of this incredible trial. Your humble faith is so encouraging!

  16. Janet Scott
    March 27, 2013

    Will, I am Jason Crockarell’s mom. I have such fond memories of you growing up among friends. You were always such a good example among the group. I want you to know that I have been praying fervently for you for the past few months. I saw your mom yesterday on the court square here in Paris. I asked how you were doing. I knew the news was not necessarily good, even though she didn’t elaborate on your condition. I will continue to pray for you and Angie during this very difficult time. You know that God has a plan for you and for all of us. Miracles do happen! Never give up hope!
    Janet Scott and family

  17. Sonya Trull
    March 27, 2013

    I do not know Will / Angie, but I am a friend of Warren Petit and Pedro Valentin. I pray God’s presence during these days. Prayer will comfort and sustain you. “Prayer Warriors” across the county are speaking prayers for you daily. God Bless….

  18. Neida L. Reyes
    March 27, 2013

    Don’ personally know you. My son, Pedro Valentin posted this site, and I have been praying for God’s grace and mercy. Will continue to pray for the family.

  19. Kate's mom & dad
    March 27, 2013

    Thank you Warren for your crafted words that show how much you care. My eyes are not dry.

  20. Kate's mom & dad
    March 27, 2013

    Grace grace, God’s grace… The words to this song flood my heart at this time. Will, we met at the house of blues in chicago with Kate. You are a hero. Keep fighting the good fight together. The tears are being counted. We love you.

  21. Ben Enoch
    March 27, 2013

    I’m not sure whether or not Will reads this, but regardless, I’ve always thought he is a kind and talented person who always has been a positive influence to those of us lucky enough to know him. I’m sending my love and prayers for you, Will.

  22. Joy Barbagallo
    March 27, 2013

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers! My heart is hurting as I read the updates, but the comments from your friends and family are an outpouring of absolute love and support. It is apparent that you are an inspiration to many, me included.

  23. Meredith
    March 27, 2013

    These verses were on my phone today:
    I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us. Rom 8;18

    Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Heb 4;16

    Praying for peace, understanding and comfort for you all. I am so sorry. God may still do a miracle.

  24. Corinne
    March 27, 2013

    I don’t know you all personally, but I was given the link to this blog from Heather Vandiver. We are keeping you in our prayers!! Even my 2 yr old son prays for Will each night that God would heal his earthly body quickly or prepare his heavenly body for his glory days ahead.

    Praying for you from Shreveport, LA!

  25. Matt Inman
    March 27, 2013

    I continue to pray for healing. But I also pray that God gives you both a peace and understanding that goes far beyond my grasp, I pray for a supernatural calmness, I pray for these dear and intimate moments you have with each other.

    • Kevin Little's mom
      March 27, 2013

      I am praying for you, for God’s will to be done on earth “as it is in heaven”, and we know that in heaven–you are whole.


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