A note from Angie

Posted by on Apr 1, 2013 in Updates | 63 Comments
We are officially home and trying to adjust to all that it brings.  Will is doing okay and seems a little better and more present since coming home.  He even had enough strength to go to church today, which was incredibly beautiful.  I wanted to hold on to every moment and wished it would never end. Hospice is in full effect with round the clock nurses yesterday and starting today a nurse 8 hours a day and on call.  Sitting in the nurses station at the hospital, speaking with the hospice representative is something no one should ever have to go through.  I was listening to her, thinking "How did we end up here?"  "How am I a 32 year old wife planning hospice care for my husband?"  "No one this young should have to answer these questions or make these decisions." It was so surreal and incredibly difficult.  But I want to assure you all that us choosing hospice is not going home to give up.  We are fighting harder than ever.  We are not giving up on Will and he is not giving up either.  We have no idea what the future holds and there are moments that we are overcome with heartache and discouragement.  Then in the next breath there is hope and peace.  And sometimes both in the same breath.  But, our hope is in Christ and trusting that his will is good and even if our peace in this truth is not constant, it is real.  In that we also have the freedom to try everything we can as a cure.  I don't know if any of it will work.  I don't know if Will will one day wake up completely healed.  I don't know if Will will see his next birthday.  But the truth is, none of us know if we'll see our next birthday.  Will is still here and I will never give up on him.  The situation is bad.  This can not be denied.  I have felt sorrow to the point of it physically hurting and shaking my body, uncontrollable sobbing, not being able to stand or walk on my own from crying so hard.  Feeling so sick that I couldn't eat for days.  I have felt emotional pain that I have never felt before and would not wish upon anyone.  My heart breaks and then breaks more until I felt there was nothing left to break.  But, as a friend told me awhile back when I was sharing about my fear of what the future might hold, he said all we have is now.  And, right now, Will is here.  He is alive.  He is living and loving and crying and laughing.  He is holding hands and hugging and sharing stories and cracking jokes.  And, all of this in the few hours a day that he's awake.  Our days are no more guaranteed than his.  So whether his last day in near or if his body begins to heal and his last day is years from now, I know we have the moment we're in and we want to live that moment well.  Will has taught and is teaching me how to do that.  He has shown me how to live and love now.


    April 2, 2013


  2. Jessica C. Mitchell
    April 2, 2013

    So thankful for both of you and that I got to see you on Sunday. What a gift that your whole family got to worship together.

    On my knees in prayer alongside you. Love you both. Jess <3

  3. Esther W.
    April 2, 2013

    Hi Will and Angie, we don’t know each other, I found out about Will’s music and Broke* via jill&kate’s blog. I want to thank Will for his music, you are such an inspiration. Please know you are both in our prayers. May the Lord give you both strength and courage for all there is to come. May you feel carried and loved by Him. sincerely, from the Netherlands.

  4. Yancey Pettigrew
    April 2, 2013


    I have prayed often for you and Angie in the last several months, and I continue to do so now. I thank God that I know you and I thank God that I will most assuredly see you again one day! Only the Lord knows where and when, but we both know that He who has redeemed us has sealed us and destined us for life eternal. This world is a hard and broken place, but you are not a “homeless man” and neither is your savior. Whether it is sooner or if it is later I will stand with you again, my brother forever. To God be the Glory. I love you bro!!

    Yancey Pettigrew

  5. Veronica Humphreys
    April 2, 2013

    This note is beautiful Angie……

    I’m from Will’s hometown and went to highschool with him….. I’m praying for your strength to endure during this time. Give Will a HUG from me and I will also be praying for his recovery…… Take “One Day At A Time” is a motto I live by, I haven’t met you, but I know God placed a wonderful woman by his side…

    Love and Light….

    Veronica Humphreys

  6. Marty
    April 2, 2013

    By Gods grace we meet each day with new strength. I know that by His grace you and Will will see each day as a gift from our Lord Jesus and guide you through the darkest times. Oh by the way Latrell says hi ! Marty

  7. Cayce Elliott
    April 2, 2013

    Praying for you both, Angie and Will. Sending love and prayers from Paris and Nashville, TN!


  8. Kamber
    April 2, 2013

    God bless you Will and Angie. We are praying for you. You are such a light and a blessing to the world.

    Love and prayers for you,


  9. Sue Jones
    April 2, 2013

    Will and Angie……just want you to know that we are lifting both of you up in prayer every day in Tennessee. I remember Will helping my daughter move into Union University in 2001. He was so helpful to us that day. Praying that Jesus will wrap his loving arms around you and give you the peace that surpasses all understanding. Keep fighting!

  10. Michael Noe
    April 1, 2013

    I just learned about your story recently. I am praying for you both, for healing and the peace that is from God.

  11. Brian Duke Song
    April 1, 2013

    Will and Angie, the worship team and choir was so moved from the video during first service. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

    Second service, double whammy seeing you two there. It’s all what we kept talking about backstage. Oddly enough, last week I had been listening to the song “All Will Be Well”, thinking of you guys, and it happened to be the offering song. Nate could barely hold it together when he was singing that.

    I don’t know what all that really says, but your story is moving in us, through us, and around the world. I love how you love stories, Will.

    What beautiful and wise words of life you speak, Angie. Thank you for your honesty, both of you.

  12. KM
    April 1, 2013

    It is not death to die,
    To leave this weary road,
    And midst the brotherhood on high
    To be at home with God.

    It is not death to close
    The eye long dimmed by tears,
    And wake, in glorious repose,
    To spend eternal years.

    It is not death to bear
    The wrench that sets us free
    From dungeon chain, to breathe the air
    Of boundless liberty.

    It is not death to fling
    Aside this sinful dust
    And rise, on strong exulting wing
    To live among the just.

    Jesus, Thou Prince of Life,
    Thy chosen cannot die:
    Like Thee, they conquer in the strife
    To reign with Thee on high.

    • KM
      April 1, 2013

      The original words to this hymn were written in French by H. A. Cé­sar Ma­lan in 1832 (Non, ce n’est pas mour­ir que d’al­ler vers son Dieu). George W. Beth­une trans­lat­ed them into English in 1847.

  13. Rachael Camp
    April 1, 2013

    Continuing to pray and to hold all of you near to my heart.

  14. Anna Robillard
    April 1, 2013

    I’m a friend of Joy and Ryan Schunemman and have been following your battle through Joy. We have been praying for you each day and will continue to lift you up in prayer. I lost my very amazing mother whom I was very close to to cancer this past December. Her diagnosis was a shock, as well, much as you all have experienced. Just know that the Lord is with you, even when you may think He’s not, He will find a way to show you. Hold onto your love for each other and for Him and know how many people are lifting you up. I will continue to pray for strength, healing, understanding, and peace. You two are an inspiration.

  15. Mee Mee Gray
    April 1, 2013

    Hey Angie and Will,

    Words can’t describe how I felt yesterday when his mom told me that he was able to go to church! LOOK AT GOD! The kids are always talking about their Uncle Will! :-) He has been truly blessed with an Angel and the love and support you have for him is priceless!! He has a great support system. God is truly amazing and through Him all things are possible! Everyone is still praying here back at home in TN!! We love you guys and stay strong!!

  16. Heather
    April 1, 2013

    What an inspiration and witness you are to many Angie. We are praying in Henry County, TN!!!

  17. D (Rutt) Farley
    April 1, 2013

    Hello Will and Angie,

    I knew you all from your days at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. Upon learning more about what God has been doing in your lives, memories of when you all announced your engagement and leaving the DC area on a Sunday evening service have come flooding to my mind. As the memories come so do the prayers.

    There is nothing I can say to help or even take away any pain or anxiousness. However, God’s word can and does. A few passages I am praying for you all are:

    Joshua 1:6 “Be strong and courageous…”

    Revelation 21:3-5 ” And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.’ And He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ And He said, ‘Write, for these words are faithful and true.’

    Lastly, my family and me pray for God’s will to be your testimony of the woman in Mark 5:25-34. You will be healed regardless…selfishly we pray it is on this side of heaven.

    May the love of Christ be with you all, your friends, and family during this time. Continue resting in the only strong tower – the Lord.

    In Christ’s love,
    Danielle (Rutt), Isaac, and Joshua

  18. Amanda Teague Higgins
    April 1, 2013

    Glad to hear you were able to make it to church and celebrate the ressurrection of Jesus. “By His stripes, we are healed.” Angie, I’ve never met you, but I admire your strength every time I read an update, or see a pic of you two. Such an amazing love story. You all have touched so many lives by sharing with the world. Praying for you daily.

    Amanda Teague Higgins

  19. Nicole
    April 1, 2013

    Will and Angie, please know I have been praying for you both constantly! I will continue to pray and believe for a miracle, a miracle so big that everyone, even the doctors and nurses will only be able to explain it with one word, “GOD!” The Eaton family loves you both and will continue to pray without ceasing!! Sending you both lots of love and hugs!
    Nicole Eaton

  20. Thena Beam
    April 1, 2013

    His mercies are new every morning.

  21. Rebecca Burchett Morgan
    April 1, 2013

    HOPE ALWAYS! Praying hard for healing!!

  22. Jane McMullen
    April 1, 2013

    Thinking of you and your family. You and Will are a true inspiration to all. Praying for you each day!

  23. Trish Boys
    April 1, 2013

    Welcome home Will! I hope that being home brings you comfort and strength. Much love to you both.

  24. Iris Chapman
    April 1, 2013

    I am a friend of your Mother, Diana, and live in the neighborhood you grew up in.
    She has told me about your husband’s condition and both of you and your struggles throughout this difficult time. Along with many Parke County folks, our prayers and concerns are with both of you.

    Iris Chapman

  25. Kristen F
    April 1, 2013

    Praying for you, Angie and Will. Thank you for allowing the body of Christ to share in your journey. You are covered in prayer.


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