Passing. (From Angie)

Posted by on Jul 27, 2013 in Updates | 202 Comments
This is the update I have prayed that I would never have to send. At around 8pm tonight (Friday, July 26), Will passed away. I don't really know what to say. My heart feels like it has been ripped out and my world has stopped. Will is my love and will always be my love. I can't imagine life without him. The beauty and color of life seems to have gone with him. William, thank you for loving me. Thank you for sharing the last 12 years of life with me. Thank you for marrying me and being my husband. You made my life better; you made me better. I don't know how I will continue breathing without you, but I'm thankful for the love we have that is more beautiful than either of us deserves. Will lived an amazing 33 years and didn't waste a moment. Everything he did was done with great intentionality and love. A couple of years ago, we went to a poetry reading. Will chose this poem to share with the group...
Late Fragment by Raymond Carver And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.
Will is definitely beloved, by so many people. The love we have been shown has been overwhelming. Thank you all for loving us so well. Thank you for caring about our lives and sharing in them.  


  1. Brenda
    July 27, 2013

    Prayers going out for you and your family. So sorry for your loss.

  2. Kimmi Jackson
    July 27, 2013

    My heart is breaking. You are in my prayers. Rest in peace Will.

    • Jessica Dumas
      July 27, 2013

      Praying for the Gray & Ross families. Will is going to be missed by so many. He touched so many lives… may u rest in peace now.

  3. Laura couch
    July 27, 2013

    Angie, All I can say is that I am so sorry. You and Will have been amazing examples of how to live life for Christ in the midst of the most tremendous struggle. Even though we on earth are so overcome with grief, I imagine there is some big time rejoicing going on in Heaven because Will has arrived. I know God has told him “Well done.” He lived an amazing life, and he finished well. He had hope to the very end…

  4. Kim Godawa
    July 27, 2013

    We are so sorry for your loss! Thank you for being so transparent; thus teaching us to live one day at a time with love, fulness, and integrity. Praying for you..

  5. slc
    July 27, 2013

    thank you for sharing this journey with us. praying for you!

  6. Sarah Corey
    July 27, 2013

    Dear Angie,
    I go to God’s word. I have no words, myself. Just feelings for your loss. I am so thankful for Will, his life, his life beloved. I looked on these words having purposed to go to Psalms…
    “She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.” Prov. 31
    Beautiful one, God bless you ~ and all.

  7. Laurie Dhonau
    July 27, 2013

    We are so very sorry . . . please know that you continue in our thoughts and prayers.

  8. Janet Risler
    July 27, 2013

    Angie my heart hurts for your pain and we will continue to pray for you sweet child of God , you have an amazing spirit that has shown all who have been praying for Will how strong the love between two people can be . Thank you for allowing Larry and I to be apart of your long. Journey we have lifted you both up in prayer every day . And will pray that that peace. Be upon you
    Love Janet

  9. Nick Mulliniks
    July 27, 2013

    Will was a great friend, one of the most talented people I have know, and a Great Man of God. It was an honor to know him, and be challenged by him as a freshman at Union. It has been amazing to watch his story unfold, and for it to end with the level of inspiration and admiration for The Creator is astonishing. One of the things that I admired about Will was that everything he did had meaning, and I don’t just mean on the surface. It had deep, well thought, and life changing meaning. Will you battled hard, ran as hard as you could, and now are resting safety at the Kingdom of God. We will miss you friend, my life and others will not be the same.

  10. Cynthia Idle
    July 27, 2013

    I am so sad for you and your family. But, at the same time I am happy for Will, for his release from the brokenness and pain into the wholeness with God. I have been lifted up by your faith, Angie, by your love and by your strength of character. I am amazed by you. You have a gift that you can share when you are ready. I hope that you come back home to Indiana soon, so that I can put my arms around you and say thank you for sharing Will with us. I will pray for you often in the coming days. Love you all.

  11. Tammy
    July 27, 2013

    Angie – all have been blessed by your journey. We are thankful to know that our Lord has healed Will. We stand with you, pray for you and grieve with you. May God’s immeasurable love sustain you during this time. Thank you and Will for allowing us to walk with you. Your story has impacted our lives in ways only God knows. We thank Him for both you and Will.

  12. Deanna
    July 27, 2013

    Much love to you Angie..

  13. Janice and family
    July 27, 2013

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine your pain. One of isaac’s friends told me one time what he was told about his grandfather’s passing. He was only a toddler when his grandpa passed, so when he was older, he was told that his grandpa was very sick and heaven was the only thing that could heal him. I’m glad that Will is healed now and free of pain. We will keep praying for especially you, but also for the rest of your family and Will’s family for your pain from his loss. Love you all so much-big hugs!

  14. Adele Berry
    July 27, 2013

    Even though there are no words to comfort you at this time Angie…we are all in amazement of your strength, courage and undeniable love for one another.
    May you and your family find peace/comfort in Him who wove this masterpiece called life…
    Love in Him, The Berrys

  15. Amy Little
    July 27, 2013

    Rejoicing in the hope of Christ. Praise God He performed the miracle years ago when Will accepted Him as Lord of his life. Praying for the family.

  16. Aimee
    July 27, 2013


    My family has been praying for “Mr. Will and Miss Angie” through this journey. You will continue to be in our prayers, that the comfort only God can give will envelope you.

  17. Debra
    July 27, 2013

    So very sorry to hear of your loss. Words seem inadequate, but may knowing that Will is in the arms of Jesus, out of his suffering and ultimately healed, bring comfort to your broken heart. You will feel God’s Peace and Presence as you lean hard on Him.

  18. Angel Ferguson
    July 27, 2013


    Although I haven’t said anything to you during your journey I’ve followed it and been praying for you. My heart hurts with you right now my dear sister. Know that you will continue to be in my prayers and thoughts through this new journey you face. God wil hold you in His arms and carry you when you need Him to.

    Love and AOT

  19. Rhonda
    July 27, 2013

    I’m so sorry for your broken heart. I can’t imagine your loss after such an incredible fight. Oh how I long to know what wills eyes have already seen! He is with the Father! I will continue to pray that in this temporary and separated time , you will know joy again.

  20. Christina O'Connor
    July 27, 2013

    My prayers are with you. Thanks for greatly encouraging me through this whole journey with your faith and strength.

  21. jeanne lamb
    July 27, 2013

    Sing William Sing!!!!!!!! You will hear him Angie. Know that you r being prayed for in the hard days ahead – i’ve been there. We who are left now do the suffering in the missing and needing of him. from now on you will hear him, smell him, think u see him, and dream of him. eventually that will bring u a peace. Grieve Angie – you cannot stop that. but you know deep down that God is there – has not & will not leave u. Wm was such a good man and u are (not were) so blessed. Peace dear will come. My way in the end to put my life in perspective was to watch the birds – God says he takes care of them and that I (we) are more important than they. That day will come for you Angie, but not today. I’m not smart or wise but do know what ur going thru and I care.

    July 27, 2013


  23. YouCaring Team- Brock, Naomi & Luke
    July 27, 2013

    We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Your journey of hope, love and faith has inspired us beyond measure. We know that Will is in a place of endless peace and joy and we pray that the author himself whose peace surpasses all understanding will be with you now, bringing comfort.

    Much love. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

  24. Melissa
    July 27, 2013

    My heart is aching for you today. I have followed you and Will’s story for about 6 months now and have prayed for the Lord’s peace and healing. The thought that keeps running through my mind this morning is that all of our prayers HAVE been answered–WILL IS HEALED AND WHOLE. He is with our Savior. He fought the good fight. He kept the faith. Now he has entered into the eternal rest of God and will be your guardian angel for the rest of your life. You WILL see him again and love is FOREVER. Thank you for sharing your story and this journey of faith and love with so many of us who never had the privilege of meeting this incredible Son of God. You guys have inspired countless people. Thank you. Praying for you and all your loved ones during this tough time.

  25. Lynn Beck
    July 27, 2013

    Angie – I was widowed at age 26. Like you, I knew then (and I know now) that Alex, my husband, was fully alive and fully well. Like you, my heart broke. My heart breaks for you now.

    In the first few days, weeks, and months, I clung to Isaiah 54 and took God’s promise to Israel “Your maker will be your husband….the Lord has called you as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit” as my own. I claim it for you – that the God Will is now enjoying, the God who is enjoying Will, will envelope you in a love that neither you nor I can imagine or understand.

    I will pray daily (many times each day) for you – that you will know joy and peace, that Will’s wholeness and joy now will give you immeasurable comfort, and that Christ’s love in this utterly incomprehensible time of loss will cover and sustain you.


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