Tears of Love from Uganda (Memory Journal Entry by Andrew)

Posted by on Oct 24, 2013 in Updates | One Comment
Along the way and through the ups and downs of life we meet people who impress upon us a mark of significance, an impression that naturally expands the size of the cup with which we draw from the Source. Such people impart the grace of inspiration, unaware of the significance of their soul soothing cadence and the sustenance of their gentle, selfless and thoughtful ways which help to mend the broken cisterns of the heart. William Gray left such an impression because his winsome creative brilliance was understood as a gift to others. For this reason Will was not onerous and, unlike many artists, he made time for others. Tormented, like many perfectionist artists by an unending reserve of notes, words and creative content, his introversions were routinely interrupted by his notion of the sanctity of his marriage, his friendships, the beauty of the dance of conversation. William understood that he was not his own, that he was broken and that he was a conduit of restoration. He oscillated between the offices of Hollywood music executives and sages, churches, and those of musicians of different traditions loving and uniting along the way. William loved others with distinct perception, meekness and gentleness. The mastery of his art and unity that it inspired through love was a foretaste of heaven and the symphony to which he now belongs to the great delight of his Heavenly Father. I will continue to be inspired by Will as I miss him until I see him again. Andrew Briggs

1 Comment

  1. John
    November 23, 2013

    Thank you for sharing Andrew. Beautiful and true words indeed.


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