Thanks, as always, for your continued prayers and notes of support. Will is fully in "recovery" mode in a rather nice room at UCLA. His pain management is still a work in progress, and as always post-operative care brings many ups and downs. He is surrounded by a great team of nurses and doctors, monitoring him around the clock.
Their biggest concern right now is keeping Will's stress levels down. Because of that, hospital visitation is not encouraged at this time. However, we'll keep you posted if/when anything changes.
I've yet to see Will, but Reva who has been caring for both Will and Angie says the incision looks good. She's gently pushing both Angie and Will to rest more, as one can only imagine their exhaustion.
As always, more updates to come...
Continuing on in hope for a strong recovery and rest for this amazing couple,
Allison, Reva and the #GoTeamGray Core
December 10, 2012Keep up the fight prayers from Nashville tn
Bonni Rucker
December 2, 2012Thanks for the updates as we all continue to pray and see the ” recovery” we wait patiently understanding Will and Angie must focus their attention on “Will and Angie”. Many prayers to the couple and their family members for strength you need to continue your journey to recovery.
“Aunt” Bonni
Josh Hubbard
Carol & Gordon Johnson
November 30, 2012Thank-you Team Gray for these updates, Will and Angie are being lifted up, here in China.
Kim Godawa
November 30, 2012We are so grateful for his progress and continue to pray for God’s full healing. We remember you in our prayers and ask that “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you….” (Ephesians 1:16-22)
Kim and Brian
Neshonne McDonald
November 30, 2012May the Love of God keep you!! We are lifting you in prayer and love… Rest in His peace and in His strength.
Much Love & Many Blessings!
Neshonne & Family
Michael Jefferson
November 29, 2012#GoTeamGray!!! Love you guys and I’m so glad to hear that Will is looking like he will have a promising healing process. I’ll make sure to check the updates, and can’t wait to make a visit! Sending all my love to both of you.
John and Debby
November 29, 2012We are praying healing, rest, and peace over both of you and we are claiming GREAT news for the path report next week.
Much love!
The C-C’s