Hope (Written by Angie’s Brother)

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Updates | 45 Comments
It is true that we have been told William has a short time remaining.  It is true that the doctors have told us the cancer is untreatable.  It is true that we are considering hospice and bringing William home to a more comfortable life. And it is also true that we still have hope. From the beginning of this process, we put our hope in God for Will’s healing.  Will’s health has only continued to digress.  We’ve done surgery.  We’ve done radiation.  We’ve done chemotherapy.  We’ve done juicing.  We’ve done everything we possibly can to no avail… and yet we still have hope. We have hope because the One we put our hope in at the beginning of this process is still the only One big enough and powerful enough to take this disease away. We don’t cry (too much), we believe.  We don’t say goodbyes, we share stories and live in today. Will has lived for 7 months without lying down, he hasn’t been able to taste food, he lost his eye and jaw, has dealt with a severe blood clot, had or has cancer in his face, lymph node, vertebra, sternum, and lungs, had a third degree burn on his face, can’t open his mouth and has fractured vertebra in his back. While allowing themselves to be filmed for a video to be played at their church, Will was asked, “Are you angry?”  Will replied, “No I couldn’t be. I gave up the rights to my life when I said I was going to follow Christ.”  He goes on to say He does sometimes wonder the “why” but that He has chosen Christ and is learning how to follow Him amidst these circumstances. Today, William had his PET scan.  It’s to see exactly where the cancer is and what it is doing.  We continue to pray and beg God for a miracle.  Is it possible that He could shrink the tumors and make all the cancer go away?  We believe so.  We understand that He may choose to or not to.  We understand the realities of this disease and that we may not get the miracle we so desperately desire.  But we do beg Him that He will.  He truly is our only hope.  Nothing medical is left to help us.  Will and Angie had to wait 45 minutes between treatments this morning during the scan.  She told me and our sister Kelli, “That gave us time to beg the Lord.”  Kelli echoed, “What, you took over the world?”  “No, we begged the Lord.”  This sequence reminded me of when William used to tell us he was going to take over the world. If he did, the world sure would be a more beautiful place.  And in fact, even while sitting up for the last 7 months, I am pretty sure his love is taking over the world right now. Angie kisses Will softly and holds his hand gently and says “We need you here, lover.  The world needs you.” #goteamgray  #hope Romans 4:18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed…


  1. Barbara Hargis
    March 28, 2013

    What beautiful words of faith and hope. Will and Angie your journey through this dark valley has inspired and blessed so many, just as your music did Will. There are so many things about all this that are beyond our understanding …. but this I know Will and Angie … your story will have a good ending because we know the One whose writing it. God bless you and make His face to shine upon you.

  2. Beans
    March 28, 2013

    WE BELIEVE… AND love you Grays. And Kelli and John, praying for you and your families too. To remain steadfast with love and support.

    I wrote a little ditty on my blog to help encourage everyone – Will and Angie, you mean so much to our little family! (Sweet fun pix included to make you smile) : )


  3. Amanda Speight Belcher
    March 28, 2013

    Will I sure hope you know what an inspiration you are to a lot of people. We are praying for you all and still will continue to pray!

  4. Connie Cooper Sager
    March 28, 2013

    Will and Angie,

    Amazed by the beauty and faith of Christ that I saw through you two at Union years ago and read here today. Devastated by reading the news, yet joining you in hope and prayers.

  5. Rick Reiter
    March 28, 2013

    Will & Angie,

    I’m standing with you and praying with you asking God to speak words of healing into Will’s body. I love you both, and remember so many good times with you guys for our movie nights and Will’s cd release. I marvel at the grace, trust, and faith that you handle these circumstances with. I know God can do anything, so I’m asking Him to use His power to overcome this cancer… praying for a “Will Gray resurrection miracle” this Easter!!!

    Love you,

  6. janet risler
    March 28, 2013

    Thank you lord for your word and your promise, as l pray for Will and Angie I have joined their believing body of Christ.We know God is able and we expect that Easter miracle.
    As I read each prayer that was expressed by so many friends and even people that aren’t acquainted with William and Angie I know God is listening to every prayer going up on William s behalf and will not return void .
    A song by mercyme (The hurt the Healer) is an amazing song )

  7. Amy Weatherford Vaughan
    March 28, 2013

    Angie and Will,

    I am singing and praying this for you always:

    Bless the Lord, O my soul
    O my soul
    Worship His holy name
    Sing like never before
    O my soul
    I’ll worship Your holy name

    The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning
    It’s time to sing Your song again
    Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me
    Let me be singing when the evening comes

    Bless the Lord, O my soul
    O my soul
    Worship His holy name
    Sing like never before
    O my soul
    I’ll worship Your holy name

    You’re rich in love, and You’re slow to anger
    Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
    For all Your goodness I will keep on singing
    Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

    Bless the Lord, O my soul
    O my soul
    Worship His holy name
    Sing like never before
    O my soul
    I’ll worship Your holy name

    And on that day when my strength is failing
    The end draws near and my time has come
    Still my soul will sing Your praise unending
    Ten thousand years and then forevermore

    Bless the Lord, O my soul
    O my soul
    Worship His holy name
    Sing like never before
    O my soul
    I’ll worship Your holy name

    May you continue to find 10,000 reasons to paris His holy name!

    Love in Christ and AOT,

  8. Amy Rapier
    March 28, 2013

    Cease striving and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
    psalm 46:10 nasb

    Growing up I had this tape – the Bill Gaither Trio – and they sing a song called ‘I expect a miracle’ and a line from that “Bill, what’s a miracle?”….”to anticipate the inevitable, supernatural intervention of God” Now that there’s that final medical ‘we can’t do anything more’ – I anticipate the inevitable supernatural intervention of God!!!

    love you guys – Angie – never met you – Will – i think we met once when you came to stay at our house in Wheaton IL=you guys are two very ultra special people!

    Hugs n’ blessings, Amy <

  9. Jennie (Smith) Hughes
    March 28, 2013

    Praying with you for a miracle.

  10. Corinne
    March 28, 2013

    I don’t have any words that would perfectly fit the situation, so I’ll pull a few from the Good Book…

    2 Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.

    Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

    Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

    Still praying. Every day. Every night.

  11. Brian Ellsworth
    March 28, 2013

    Will & Angie,

    You are on my heart and in my prayers. You are a powerful witness. God’s grace, mercy, and peace be with you. There is great hope beyond this life because of what Christ did on the cross. He has you in his arms every moment.

    In Him,

  12. Kina McDonald
    March 28, 2013

    To the family my heart is heavy for you and my prayers are with each and every One of you. I may not know the situation personally but I know God knows. Hold on to his unchanging hand and trust him. He is a healer and a deliverer and I have faith his will can and will be done.

  13. Ashley Calvert
    March 28, 2013

    My heart is broken. The more I see suffering, the more I don’t understand the ways of God.

    What I do know is that He continues to be the same yesterday and today. He is capable and fully able to grant miracles. I am petitioning the Lord and interceding for you all, and begging the Lord for a miracle.

    We used this scripture for our Carlie Wren: <3

    Psalm 118:17
    I will not die, but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.

    Know that you are touching others so fervently through this struggle. As difficult as it is to understand why God picks certain people to suffer in order to bring Him glory, know that it is NOT in vain. I truly believe a ripple effect is happening that will bring people to Christ, and strengthen the walks of countless others. The difficult part is accepting that and letting God use you as His vessel, no matter what that looks like. Will has already accepted and done that with grace and incomprehensible faith.

    I am truly in awe of Will's faith, and I know that it will promote change and inspiration for decades to come.

    Praying, praying, praying, family.

  14. Babatunde Aleoghena
    March 28, 2013

    We have been and will continue to pray for you DAILY, Will, Angie and family. We continue to HOPE in our good God with you, knowing that our prayers avail much. Yet will we trust Him! Know that you are and have been amazing, shining examples to us all! We’re with you Will!

    Babatunde and Gretchen!

  15. Cayce Elliott
    March 28, 2013

    We love you, Will, and are continuing to pray for you and your family. We pray for you to have hope and that we all trust that God has a better plan than we can fathom or understand! You are an inspiration in so many ways and have touched so many lives, especially mine. I am grateful for you! :)

  16. Angel
    March 28, 2013

    Praying for you all and total healing! Is. 58:8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.

  17. Zach Wiggs
    March 28, 2013

    Man I love you my friend. And I am praying for you. You have shown such courage through this and it has made me a better person from following you through it. My family is praying. We love you.


  18. Katherine Mobley Armour
    March 28, 2013

    Lifting all of you up in prayer. William, for complete healing, peace, and freedom from pain. Angie and family for strength, peace, and the ability to minister to Will and meet his needs. William, there is no doubt you are planting seeds for Christ in the hearts of those who do not believe with your unwavering faith in our God. It is an honor to be called your friend and to have the opportunity to petition on your behalf before our loving God.

  19. Sue Frederick-Heineman
    March 28, 2013

    Angie, Will, and families,

    Sending love and prayers to you during this difficult time. May God continue to show you his mercy and grace.

    Your Parke County friend,
    Sue Frederick-Heineman

  20. Bob Curtis
    March 28, 2013

    We will continue to be in prayer for ya’ll.

  21. Susan
    March 28, 2013

    John, thank you for your words. We believe in the God who gave His Son for us. We believe in the God of Easter morning. We believe in the God who can heal Will, we know with absolute certainty that He can heal.

    God grant us your grace and mercy. Wrap your arms around Will and Angie, the Gray family, the Ross family and all who love them. Keep us steadfast in your hope, Lord. We boldly come before your throne and ask for your healing for Will. Amen.

    Susan, John, Erin and Kieran

  22. Mary Gray Whitcomb
    March 28, 2013

    Lifting Will and Angie in prayer this morning. Joining forces with all the prayer warriors who are lifting Wills name and begging for a miracle. Praying.

  23. Paula Stockdale
    March 28, 2013

    Continue to fight William and look to the hills from whence cometh your help, your help cometh from the Lord. Praying hard for you and Angie.
    Paula Byars-Stockdale

    Paris TN.

  24. Kim Wynn Boyd
    March 28, 2013

    Will, you and you family are constantly in my thoughts and prayers! Once again God is the great true physician! Praying that he places his healing hands upon you and takes this sickness away from you! Praying for peace that surpasses all understanding. You all are inspirations with you courage and never ending faith. Praying.

  25. Amanda Teague Higgins
    March 28, 2013

    Absolutely beautiful!!! Our church says that we are a church of hope, love, and deliverance….. Right now we are hoping (praying) for deliverance from this sickness, and witnessing the love of God through this story. Keep fighting Will!!!!


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