Hope (Written by Angie’s Brother)

Posted by on Mar 28, 2013 in Updates | 45 Comments
It is true that we have been told William has a short time remaining.  It is true that the doctors have told us the cancer is untreatable.  It is true that we are considering hospice and bringing William home to a more comfortable life. And it is also true that we still have hope. From the beginning of this process, we put our hope in God for Will’s healing.  Will’s health has only continued to digress.  We’ve done surgery.  We’ve done radiation.  We’ve done chemotherapy.  We’ve done juicing.  We’ve done everything we possibly can to no avail… and yet we still have hope. We have hope because the One we put our hope in at the beginning of this process is still the only One big enough and powerful enough to take this disease away. We don’t cry (too much), we believe.  We don’t say goodbyes, we share stories and live in today. Will has lived for 7 months without lying down, he hasn’t been able to taste food, he lost his eye and jaw, has dealt with a severe blood clot, had or has cancer in his face, lymph node, vertebra, sternum, and lungs, had a third degree burn on his face, can’t open his mouth and has fractured vertebra in his back. While allowing themselves to be filmed for a video to be played at their church, Will was asked, “Are you angry?”  Will replied, “No I couldn’t be. I gave up the rights to my life when I said I was going to follow Christ.”  He goes on to say He does sometimes wonder the “why” but that He has chosen Christ and is learning how to follow Him amidst these circumstances. Today, William had his PET scan.  It’s to see exactly where the cancer is and what it is doing.  We continue to pray and beg God for a miracle.  Is it possible that He could shrink the tumors and make all the cancer go away?  We believe so.  We understand that He may choose to or not to.  We understand the realities of this disease and that we may not get the miracle we so desperately desire.  But we do beg Him that He will.  He truly is our only hope.  Nothing medical is left to help us.  Will and Angie had to wait 45 minutes between treatments this morning during the scan.  She told me and our sister Kelli, “That gave us time to beg the Lord.”  Kelli echoed, “What, you took over the world?”  “No, we begged the Lord.”  This sequence reminded me of when William used to tell us he was going to take over the world. If he did, the world sure would be a more beautiful place.  And in fact, even while sitting up for the last 7 months, I am pretty sure his love is taking over the world right now. Angie kisses Will softly and holds his hand gently and says “We need you here, lover.  The world needs you.” #goteamgray  #hope Romans 4:18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed…


  1. Dianne E. Carlisle
    April 3, 2013

    This is for Will and Angie and also for the thousands of people who have come together in Love and Prayer. We must remember as we pray, that we don’t miss the miracle. God has allowed me to not only see and be part of a miracle, but to understand that they are easy to miss in the mists of our pain. Through one amazing, loving, faithful and talented young man, God has brought us all together to share our love and our faith in the One God. One beautiful young man and his wife have brought thousands of us to our knees in prayer. Is that not a miracle of it’s own? This young couple, so in love…Miracle. Let us seek out the miracles that God is doing right in front of us. But also, let’s keep praying and watching for all the new one’s.


    God’s Peace to You and Yours,
    Dianne E. Carlisle

  2. Katherine (Darnell) Grooms
    March 29, 2013

    This has just broken my heart to learn of and follow your story over the past several months. You and Angie are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    You are an amazing person and always have been! Stay strong Will! You are a fighter!!! You have SO many friends and family back home praying for you!!

  3. Leah (Duke) Cook
    March 28, 2013


    It’s been a very long time, but I echo all the sentiment the same. You haven’t changed much. Your spirt is still there, you are still an amazing Christian, and you will continue to fight. I pray without ceasing. We continue to hope.


  4. Kathy Jones
    March 28, 2013

    Dear William and Angie,
    With God there is always a way!! I am so sorry you have had to go through so much!!! You have always been an inspiration and a blessing to those around you!! I will keep you in my prayers. All things are possible through our Heavenly Father!! I am praying for one of his miracles !!! God bless you and your family!!!!
    Kathy Jones

  5. Gail Faulkner
    March 28, 2013

    William, My prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong and never stop believing, you have so many people who love you and praying for you.
    Love, Gail
    (Jason & Justin Cluck’s Mother)

  6. Laura Tregellas (Mary Beth Kesler's sister)
    March 28, 2013

    Will and Angie,

    My husband Joe and I have been praying for you and your family everyday. It is hard to comprehend what the both of you are going through, but we admire your faithfulness during this hard time. Joe and I believe anything is possible through Christ and we will continue to pray for a miracle.
    “What is impossible for man is possible with God” Luke 18:27


  7. Whitney
    March 28, 2013

    It’s been a long time, friend. But your spirit is as precious as it was in 1998. I will continue to pray for you and your sweet family.

  8. John Barrett
    March 28, 2013

    I’m begging too.
    Keep fighting Will!
    The world does need you. Truly.
    Much love to you and your family.

  9. Rebecca Burchett Morgan
    March 28, 2013

    Will and Angie-
    My heart hurts so deeply … I am praying and praying and praying for healing… for a miracle…. for God’s glory and power to shine through in this way. I also pray that you FEEL God with you. KNOW HE is there like never before… you both are loved and being held by many.
    H O P E.
    I have this word written on a small piece of paper by my desk, and every day – without fail- it gets knocked down. I dont known how it does- but it just does. So everyday i have to put it back up- this small little paper with “HOPE” written on it. Today it means something much more to me… HOPE ALWAYS.


  10. Christy Strickland
    March 28, 2013

    I’m sitting here listening to to Iron & Wine’s Such Great Heights, marveling at the timing that my iphone’s shuffle function has sometimes. It’s uncanny.

    Will, you’ve always flown to such great heights. You’ve always looked so perfect from far away.

    I’m happy you’re not angry. But I am. I don’t even know you all that well. But you have shaped my life. And I’m angry that you may not be here to continue shaping it. I’m angry that Angie, a woman I’ve never met, may not have you to hold at night. But mostly, more than anything really, I’m angry that cancer is threatening to take you away.

    You NEED to be in this world, because you are one of the few people that I can say unequivocally, undoubtably, without any hesitations makes this world GOOD. You make music GOOD. Your mere existence gives me hope for the world, for humanity, for music.

    And now I worry about that other meaning of the word Broke*. Not just breaking into the music. Not just breaking the bank. But breaking the very fabric that is music and goodness because you may not be here.

    I’m angry dammit. You’re too good.

    The world needs you.

  11. Polly Spencer
    March 28, 2013

    Will and Angie,
    My heart is grieved to hear of what you both are going thru with this devastating disease!! Please know that I love you Will! You were one of the special students at Union!! We enjoyed your stay with us so much.
    Carlo and I are praying that you feel God holding you in the palm of His Hand as you go through this.

  12. Tabitha
    March 28, 2013

    Will and Angie, my heart goes out to you both and the love that you continue to shower each other with even when faced with the hurdles and roadblocks you continually face. My prayers are with you both that God will lift you both up and comfort you in these difficult times.

  13. William Atchison
    March 28, 2013

    Will and Angie praying for you and your entire family. So thankful for your inspiration and light for all. I know Johnny and Barbara are very proud of the manner and example you have provided for others during this trying situation.
    William ( Megan’s Dad)

  14. Beth Kirkpatrick
    March 28, 2013

    The many times during the day Will, Angie, and their families come to mind, my prayer is simple, “God, please heal Will Gray.” I know He is with you.

  15. Shirley Howard
    March 28, 2013

    Praying for a miracle!

  16. Will Dailey
    March 28, 2013

    Will, I just found out about this just now as I am standing behind a microphone in the studio. I am trying to lift my heart off the floor.
    With a heavy heart and mind I am singing for you now behind the microphone. Straight from the gut. With love.


  17. Sandy
    March 28, 2013

    Praying in Mascoutah…

  18. Danielle Staggs
    March 28, 2013

    Constantly praying for you guys and your families!! I believe and I’m praying for a miracle! Love you.

  19. Kaisha
    March 28, 2013

    i believe u cn overcome this illness! god has the final say so through it all! hang tight and keep fighting!! your Paris family loves u and we r continuously praying for u!!! my heart goes out to u!!!

  20. Jessica C. Mitchell
    March 28, 2013

    I’m praying for you both. God’s perfect peace surpasses all understanding & it’s apparent in all your words & actions. Love you guys!


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