I am alive. We don't talk about it much, but several medical professionals presumed that I wouldn't make it this far or be where I am right now. To be honest, I have no idea what's going on. I know my wife, Angie, took me home from the hospital and started to do things in a much more regimented and holistic way.
For her efforts and belief I am alive!
I got to
meet lil Will.
I've been able to see so many of my great friends and family again.
This is all such a great blessing, and I just want to cherish every second.
I still look like a monster, finding it hard to see myself in the mirror. I get lost in my thoughts for the days feel too long. It's filled mostly with the same activities, most of which I am too tired to do, and I am covered in pain. I wish we knew a way to stop the pain...
Yet through each moment it feels like my chest is going to explode, or that one morning I'm going to wake up and not be able to walk again, it reminds me that, for this moment, I am alive... still needing your love, prayers, and affection.
With hope -
Enid Roberts
May 24, 2013Will
Thank our God for your desire and strength to convey to us your story.
We pray that they can find something to remove your pain. My prayers remain with you, your wife and family.
I am a friend of Martha and David, and am aware of their faith. Without them I could not have followed your experience. May God strengthen you and your family. God bless.
Enid Roberts
Steve Fortunato
May 24, 2013keep fighting bro. keep fighting. love you so much and praying like crazy.
Rhonda Elford
May 24, 2013Life is fragile. You are a reminder of that for me each time Anna posts your updates . I pray for you and I am a Jesus lover and totally absorbed in the absolute knowledge that God is in control. It stinks that a young couple who loves Him so much would be the ones asked to live out this story. This is where my faith can get twisted if I think too much. God tells us to choose life, you’re doing that . YOU win either way…. Here with a beautiful family …. Heaven with a beautiful family. I still join all the others in believing for your healing. I pray the pain to subside and peace fill your spirit.
Quotesha Williams
May 24, 2013William, you are forever in our prayers. We love you. May God continue to bless you and your lovely wife in every way possible. Keep your head up: Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY cometh in the morning!!! God loves you and so do we!!
Love always,
The Williams Family
(LiL G, Quotesha, and our 3 boys)
Byars, Milliken and Ray Families, Paris, Tennessee
May 24, 2013We send you are love and our prayers. May God give you strength to move forward.
You are constantly in our prayers.
Drew Bunch
May 24, 2013Will,
I attended Union for one brief semester and met you through DJ. I now pastor at a church near Wilmington, NC and have shared your story for both the glowing inspiration your faith provides me and for prayer support. I just wanted to reiterate what has already been stated by so many…you rock, dude! And your booming faith is echoing all the way to the east coast and inclining us all to trust God more fully and love God more dearly!
Amanda Speight Belcher
May 24, 2013We are still praying, Will!! We wil continue to pray! Your story continues to inspire people and He isn’t finished yet! Much love for you and Angie and your families. Love, Glenn and Amanda
Leesa Dean
May 24, 2013Wonderful to hear directly from you. Sending massive continued healing thoughts & strength to you & Angie. Hoping the pain subsides and the healing continues!
Crystal Ramon Taylor
May 24, 2013Not a day goes by where I do not intercede for you and Angie. We are all still believing that He can do what no other power can do. We serve a God who specializes in the impossible! I ask that God simply grants you and Angie what you need the most today.
Crystal :)
Katherine Mobley Armour
May 24, 2013Hi friend, so good to hear from you. I am thankful for Angie’s posts to update those of us who can’t be there. There are many here in West TN who are praying and anticipating a miracle. I had three people last night at my son’s t-ball game (in Somerville) who recognized my GOTEAMGRAY shirt and knew your story :) thank you both for the updates as it allows us to know how to focus our prayers. Love you, friend!
May 24, 2013We love you Will Gray! And Angie Gray! Praying without ceasing. Amazed to be your friends. :) Love you so much and God’s peace to you today. Keep checking on the sunshine. ; )
Harrison Cowan
May 23, 2013We continue to send prayers up for you William.. Praying for strength and comfort my brother…
Jackie Shaw
May 23, 2013God bless you Will!!!
Nathan & Kathryn Evans
May 23, 2013Thinking about you guys and praying for you each day. Love from Nashville.
May 23, 2013WILL & Angie …i must say ,you are so bless ,our father will never give us more than we can bear,he give us life and he is the one who take it away ,.keep calling on his name my bro he hear your cry .i pray for healing ,strenght,.by your faith u shall be healed.
God bless u both
Joshua A Hubbard
May 23, 2013WE ALL LOVE and are PRAYING FOR YOU WILL!!! You are truly an inspiration.
John Lankford
May 23, 2013Will,
It’s so good to hear from you! Amanda and I have been praying for you and Angie. Continue to be a shining light in the darkness and know that you’ve touched all of us with your grace. We are better people because we have the privilege to call you, friend.
Your friend,
John Lankford
May 23, 2013Great to hear from you Will!
That is great that amidst all of the suffering, you can still find something to be thankful for. Praying for healing and less pain.
Matt Inman
May 23, 2013Great to hear your thoughts, Will. We love you and will continue to pray for spiritual and physical life.
Andrea Marchant
May 23, 2013Sweet Will, I’m praying for you fervently. I’ve never prayed with more hope and belief in my entire life, and I know God holds you in His big hands. I’m praying for Angie as well, that God will give her supernatural strength. We all love you dearly, Will. I’m thankful for who you are. PRAYING!!!!!
Mark DeJaynes
May 23, 2013Love you brother. Will never stop praying and hoping. God Bless you and Angie, you both have inspired so many through all of this. Proud to be a part of Team Gray.
Evelyn Hamlin
May 23, 2013Still praying Will…Lord please take Will’s pain away…we love you Will & Angie
May 23, 2013dear will,
i’m the sister-in-law of a friend (zach vinson) and have been so moved by your story. thank you so for sharing. praying + praying for you and angie.
Beverly Wheeler
May 23, 2013Will,
As a UU Bulldog fan I enjoyed watching you play basketball and knew you were a special kid ( b/c Mrs. Davenport told me so). I didn’t know about your success as a musician until I started following your story 2 or 3 months ago. I also fought a battle with cancer but my journey didn’t compare to yours. I pray God will choose to heal you here so that He may be continue to be glorified by your testimony of faith. I believe God created you to begin with, and He can certainly heal you now. You have already witnessed to more people than most Christians ever will. Only eternity will reveal the results of your faithfulness to God during this trial. You are an inspiration to me. I pray that something will be found to relieve your pain. May God’s strength and His peace that passes all understanding be with you and Angie today and in all the days ahead.
Your sister in Christ,
Beverly Wheeler
Michael Andre gray
May 23, 2013Love you William