I am alive. We don't talk about it much, but several medical professionals presumed that I wouldn't make it this far or be where I am right now. To be honest, I have no idea what's going on. I know my wife, Angie, took me home from the hospital and started to do things in a much more regimented and holistic way.
For her efforts and belief I am alive!
I got to
meet lil Will.
I've been able to see so many of my great friends and family again.
This is all such a great blessing, and I just want to cherish every second.
I still look like a monster, finding it hard to see myself in the mirror. I get lost in my thoughts for the days feel too long. It's filled mostly with the same activities, most of which I am too tired to do, and I am covered in pain. I wish we knew a way to stop the pain...
Yet through each moment it feels like my chest is going to explode, or that one morning I'm going to wake up and not be able to walk again, it reminds me that, for this moment, I am alive... still needing your love, prayers, and affection.
With hope -
June 3, 2013Hi Will and Angie,
I am a sister in Christ who lives on Martha’s Vineyard and remembers you guys from church. I attend the Vineyard Assembly of God and Just wanted you both to know we are praying for you standing in faith with you for Healing , Grace and strength. I also pray with some women prayer warriors who I have been praying with for 20 years , YOU are being prayed for regularly. 2 of my daughters only in their 30s went home to be with the Lord this past year, one from cancer so I know the ups and downs of prayer, trust , faith , hope , PAIN and all that goes with this struggle. YOU BOTH are such a blessed example of FAITH in times of great challenge, the authenticity of Christ is shining through you and I just want you to know you are loved and thought about by many !! My daughter believed up to her last breath that JESUS could come in a heal her at any moment, HE chose to bring her home ! but to this day be assured he still HEALS !!! HE is the same yesterday , today and forever…… PRASIE THE LORD JESUS!!
Kacey Schaffrath
June 1, 2013Hi Will and Angie- I don’t personally know either of you but I go to PCC and am one of your secret prayer peeps. I hadn’t read the blog in a few weeks but last night had a dream that your hospice care went home. You didn’t need them anymore because you were able to live on your own, in strong health.
I pray this is prophetic. If nothing else, know that a complete stranger in life but a sister in Christ is standing firm with #goteamgray. You are an inspiring duo and I look forward to knowing you both when this passes.
Will- it’s good to read your words. Thanks for sharing. Angie- I don’t even have words other than that I am humbled by you from afar. GO TEAM!
Bob and Betty Anderson
May 30, 2013Will you were in school with our daughter,Mark Kate Anderson. Betty and I never met you. We were very much impressed with Angie. I agree with you it is a blessing to have a wonderful caring wife…………You have that…….God’s Blessings ba&ba
rebecca labare brandon
May 29, 2013We pray for you sweet Will. You are courageous and such an inspiration, If we as Christians could have a fraction of your faith, strength and trust in the Lord. You are a blessing to everyone who knows you or simply hears your story. Never, ever see yourself as a “monster”, you are beautiful (and I mean that in a masculine sense) ;o) . Keep living and blessing the world with your special light. You are loved. :o)
Rebecca Burchett Morgan
May 29, 2013Since hearing of your story- through so many mutual friends- i have not stopped thinking and praying for you Will. So many nights i have woken to thoughts of you and Angie and have prayed and petitioned for your healing… picturing the tumors shrinking and dissapearing… Gods power shining on you…
Praying now you feel HIM closer than ever…
We are with you.
With LOVE and FAITH,
Marianne Kesler
May 29, 2013You have them all Will … our love, prayers, and affection. Jesus Peace.
Carolyn Lockett
May 29, 2013Will,
Rest in Him, give all your pains to Him, release all your uncertainties to Him. God wants to carry all your cares when they are too heavy for you to bare. God is there with you; always. He will never leave or forsake you.
His word says in Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze”
Be strong and of good cheer….God’s got you!
Amy Rapier
May 28, 2013Hi Will,
‘He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it in you!’
‘Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side. In EVERY CHANGE, He faithful WILL REMAIN!’
‘It is well with my soul’!
‘My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness!’
Anticipating the inevitable supernatural intervention of God, Amy <
Maureen Shealer
May 27, 2013Will, you are so worth the fight. Sending love to you each and everyday of it. Hugs from Maureen and the little man Leo
Debbie Newell
May 26, 2013Will, I am praying for you often. I pray for your healing but I also pray you will feel cocooned in God’s loving arms. Thankful for you.
May 26, 2013Heavenly Father please place your loving healing hands upon Will. Please release him from his pain and let him rest. Dear Lord I pray that you surround will with your loving gentle angels to protect Will’s health and help to ease his terrible pain.Lord, I know that it is notyour will that Will is in such pain. I beg of you to take it away from him. Heavenly Father we know how sick Will has been and yet he continues to fight for life every single day. Please surround this young man in your warm holy healing light and protect him and take his pain away and restore his health. Lord we know that you perform miracles every single day and today I am asking that you perform one on Will. Please take Will’s sickness away and give him rest. Life is mostly a mystery dear Lord but you are not. We cling to you in good times and bad times. We rejoice in our lives through you dear Lord. Please continue to bless Will and his family and friends and give them the strength they need to get through this trial. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. oxox
Angie L
May 25, 2013Thank you for writing to us- it means the world…
May 25, 2013Love you Will! So good to hear from you! Praying daily, dear friend.
May 25, 2013Your strength and faith are an inspiration. May God continue to hold you, and hear our prayers for your healing. May today be a good day…
May 24, 2013Sending many prayers to you and Angie. Thank you for sharing your story and blessing my life with your faith. I will pray for your pain to stop and for you to feel peace and also the love that others have for you. I’m so sorry this is your trial.
“My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.” D&C 121:7-9
May 24, 2013William are blessed beyond words and you must continue to fight, live, and love. God is using you in ways that you and Angie don’t understand and others don’t believe or know could happen. You (especially) and Angie have touched so many people and the way they live and love. God is not finished with you yet and no one can put a date on your life, but or Lord and Savior. Your faith in God is unbelievable in your time of trial and tribulations, but know that God is pleased and he knows your pain. In a few years you and Angie will look back and say I can’t believe we made it and have overcome our hardest test of trials, but we have and you will live your life loving and serving God in the way that he has chose for you ( touching and teaching people, using your experience to help others). You are brave and I am claiming your healing in the Name of Jesus Christ our Savior, who is able to heal the sick, cause the blind to see and the lame to walk. Trust that God is an on time God and he will never leave you or forsake you. your healing is here and tomorrow is your better day. God is healing your body as I type and you read. Your healing is hear, I claim it and speak it in the Name of Jesus. Love you guys so much.
Pray without ceasing.
Kristy McNutt
May 24, 2013William,
So good to hear words from you. Please continue to fight as we continue to pray. You and Angie are ALWAYS thought of and a true blessing! Love all the memories. Love you guys!!!
Nancy LaRocco
May 24, 2013So happy to hear from you Will. We are so thankful you are still with us. Your beautiful spirit is keeping you standing firm and holding onto a very real hope. God has blessed you with a beautiful wife who is being led by the Lord. I don’t know when you two were married but I wish you a blessed anniversary. God’s hand is surely upon your marriage. He is guiding you both through very difficult waters but he is there with you. “When you pass through the waters I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. ” Hold on, fight through your every day. You have a precious prayer covering .
David Dark
May 24, 2013Ah Will. Such a deep blessing to see these words and hear your voice within them.
Love and Peace and Prayers from the Dark 5.
Jay watkins
May 24, 2013We love ya brother. I hope we help give u strength from our love and prayers. You are not alone even in ur darkest days.
Steve Dalmer
May 24, 2013Will,
Its great to read your words. Sending love and prayers, thinking of you often.
Steve Dalmer and your friends at UFO
May 24, 2013Will!!!!! What a blessing to hear from you. You are awesome. And you have an incredible wife!! I’m looking forward to you two having many more memories together. Thank you for sharing with us. I’ve never noticed you looking like a monster, more like a trend-setter. Whatever you do man, however you look, it’s gonna be “it.” I know for sure, I’m in. Love you brother.
May 24, 2013You truly are an inspiration.. whether you realize it or not.
Jill, Eric, Eden, Evelyn & Marian Botbyl
May 24, 2013William,
My family and I have been praying, crying, loving, believing, pleading and trusting for you and your amazing wife since October. You both are so deeply cared for by so many many people. Our church sings this song that says, “Never once did we ever walk alone. You are faithful God You are faithful. Never once did He leave me on my own. You are faithful God You are faithful.” Those times that it is hard for you both to hang on to this, Please know that so many people are believing it for you and Angie, trying so hard to help you in your pain. Love you so much William and Angie!!
Mee Mee Gray
May 24, 2013Hey brother- in-law! It’s a joy and blessing to know that you are still here with us! Only God knows the day and the hour! You have been truly blessed with an AMAZING WIFE, family, and friends! Just keep the faith and we all love you! #GOTEAMGRAY