One Beautiful Cohesive Symphony Bound In Love

Posted by on Jul 16, 2013 in Updates | 57 Comments
I sit here in the hospital room looking at my sweet, loving, determined husband and I feel ready to fight to my own end for his life. I also see an impossible situation in front of us that leaves me feeling so helpless. Cancer throughout his body, unable to open his mouth, unable to stand or walk or even move his toes, legs the size of my arms, 135lbs, so much pain, fluid in his lungs, hooked up to every machine possible. How do we move forward from this... this impossible situation. We are tired. Will's body is so very tired. On October 31st our world was turned upside down in a moment. In that moment we put our hope for Will's life in our Lord, the same Lord that we had our hope in the month before when we had not a clue of what was about to happen. We have been through a hell on earth we never could have imagined, but our hope has not changed. And to us, it doesn't matter whether it is the day he was diagnosed or if it is today -- a day he is lying in a hospital bed unable to even turn himself -- our hope for his life is still in the same God who could have delivered him then and can choose to deliver him now if he is willing. We have all cried out for months. Why Will hasn't been healed, I don't know. Why he's had to go through so much suffering, I don't know. I'll never understand why. We trust that all we have been through was part of God's plan for our lives, so we accept it. And we continue to cry out to him. Just an hour ago, I was crying and Will looked at me and said, "We serve a mighty God." Will wrote these words after he was diagnosed...
"For many of you, I do not know what you believe in or to whom you pray as we ask you to lift us upward. For me, this is quite a wonderful thing to think about. I am a believer/follower of Jesus and the God of the new testament, and I think he, like a great conductor, takes all of our thoughts, hopes, doubts, and fears, and somehow melds them into one beautiful cohesive symphony bound in love."
We are crying out tonight for our Lord Jesus to heal Will's body, to spare his life. Will you join us? We don't know what you believe or if you pray, but will you join us in a "beautiful cohesive symphony bound in love" for this incredible man?


  1. Anne
    July 17, 2013

    Angie and Will, I absolutely will pray for healing for you both. Everyone needs prayers, big or small.

    My husband does not have Cancer but he has ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) and the unknowing, the same as you, is here right in front of us at all times. We do not know what each day is going to bring. But the hopefully slow decline has started.

    I pray that you find the peace and comfort you need, as well as your family, to get through no matter what God’s plan is. I know that I have. He has strengthened me to be able to care for and love my husband like never before.

    I wish I could be there to hug you and tell you that I understand and things will be OK. As long as you believe in the God Almighty you will make it through. We want to know why, but we really will not know until we ourselves meet our Maker and are again with our loved ones. Remember that God’s plan for us was thought of way before our parents knew. Who our parents are

    My heart is in pain for you but I know through that pain the Lord will provide, strength, peace and comfort to handle whatever is coming your way.

    We all are with you in thoughts and prayers.

  2. Harrison Cowan
    July 17, 2013

    We are definitely joining you all in prayer.

  3. Janet Risler
    July 17, 2013

    Sweet Angie and Will, what a testimony , we weep for you both on one hand and shout for joy on the other hand . We pray EVERY day that God and his grace will fall upon you . and we are still standing on that promise ….
    This morning as I was reading and the word will not William came to mind i thought of Wills determination will to suffer what ever it takes to let his light shine when he was named our Lord new he was going to need the will of iron and steel….
    We love you all and will continue our prayer with cohesive symphony bound in Gods love

  4. Katie Williams
    July 17, 2013

    Praying for mercy from the depths of our souls.

  5. Melody Adams
    July 17, 2013

    Still praying with you everyday..God bless you both

  6. SimplyWholetic
    July 17, 2013

  7. Angela
    July 17, 2013

    My CG meets tonight. We will join you in prayer. If words fail us, the groaning of the holy spirit will intercede for you!

  8. Beth Skinner
    July 17, 2013

    We do not know where or when Will shall find his healing. Whether here or the other side of the ever so thin veil called life. But believers know he will receive his healing. And the testimony of faith that has been his life will be a strong ever present one regardless of where he resides. The bible speaks of the narrow road. So many consider it one of avoiding sinful behavior. But I think it also applies to holding fast to faith in Jesus regardless of how many spears and arrows are thrown into our life by the enemy. Both of you have demonstrated, in a way that shall long be remembered, of walking on a road so narrow it is like the edge of a knife, and still your faith remains steady, solid, and strong. I dont profess to know anything. But I have to wonder if this almost unbelievable demonstration of faith, love, and commitment to each other…to God, is part of the why. Lives will be forever changed for the better because of how both of
    you have fought this epic battle.

  9. Carrie Furr
    July 17, 2013

    I’m not sure you know how much your eloquent words speak to people, Angie. You and Will seem to both have such a gift. It is a privilege to lift you up in prayer to our most high God. While we will likely never know why you all have been chosen to bear this burden, it is so powerful to see how you and Will continue to trust Him. This testimony is changing lives. Love to you all.

  10. Uncle Samuel and Aunt Gale
    July 17, 2013

    William and Angie,

    We are thanking God for both of you and praying that He will continue to shower His grace and mercy upon you.

    Much love!

  11. Nancy LaRocco
    July 17, 2013

    Absolutely yes. I love you you both because I have come to know you through this incredible episode. It is part of something greater. Will ,you have written a beautiful episode of music right where you are because like in music you have lead us to the next part. There is a symphony as you say of prayer , worship, and praise like never before since we have all come together to pray. We supplicate before a loving God for your healing.

  12. Alan & Diana Ader
    July 17, 2013

    Always in our prayers. Always in our thoughts. Sending lots of Love to the both of you. And to your Mom and Dad too! God Bless all of you!

  13. Becki
    July 17, 2013


  14. Jane McMullen
    July 17, 2013

    Joining you in prayer daily. You writings are so beautiful. They are inspiring so many people. Hope you can feel a hug!

  15. Halie
    July 17, 2013

    I think of you guys many times daily and prayers continue to be lifted.

  16. Enid Roberts
    July 17, 2013

    I am praying for your continued faith and strength.
    It has been a long journey in which your lives have touched many others.
    God Bless

    July 17, 2013


  18. Beans
    July 17, 2013

    Praying without ceasing… talking with God about this now. We love you Angie and Will. We serve a mighty God indeed. And oh how Jesus loves you. Holy Spirit please fill the hearts of your faithful to pray.

  19. Renee
    July 17, 2013

    So beautiful! Still praying!!

  20. Cynthia Idle
    July 17, 2013

    Yes, Angie. I will pray.

  21. Evelyn Hamlin
    July 17, 2013

    Your always in my thougjts and prayers.

  22. Tina P.
    July 16, 2013

    Hi Angie. Joining you in prayer this very moment…

  23. John
    July 16, 2013

    I love you guys so much. You are such an amazing blessing and testimony. Both of your words amaze me. I am in awe of how you live your lives. I am not sure what God is doing with all these prayers either, but I am praying! And specifically tonight, my whole house, Mark, Wes, Brian and myself are joining the masses around crying out for Will’s life.

  24. Simone
    July 16, 2013

    Praying every morning and every night for both of you from the deepest place in my heart. ❤

  25. busbee
    July 16, 2013

    praying. sending our love to you both.


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