One Beautiful Cohesive Symphony Bound In Love

Posted by on Jul 16, 2013 in Updates | 57 Comments
I sit here in the hospital room looking at my sweet, loving, determined husband and I feel ready to fight to my own end for his life. I also see an impossible situation in front of us that leaves me feeling so helpless. Cancer throughout his body, unable to open his mouth, unable to stand or walk or even move his toes, legs the size of my arms, 135lbs, so much pain, fluid in his lungs, hooked up to every machine possible. How do we move forward from this... this impossible situation. We are tired. Will's body is so very tired. On October 31st our world was turned upside down in a moment. In that moment we put our hope for Will's life in our Lord, the same Lord that we had our hope in the month before when we had not a clue of what was about to happen. We have been through a hell on earth we never could have imagined, but our hope has not changed. And to us, it doesn't matter whether it is the day he was diagnosed or if it is today -- a day he is lying in a hospital bed unable to even turn himself -- our hope for his life is still in the same God who could have delivered him then and can choose to deliver him now if he is willing. We have all cried out for months. Why Will hasn't been healed, I don't know. Why he's had to go through so much suffering, I don't know. I'll never understand why. We trust that all we have been through was part of God's plan for our lives, so we accept it. And we continue to cry out to him. Just an hour ago, I was crying and Will looked at me and said, "We serve a mighty God." Will wrote these words after he was diagnosed...
"For many of you, I do not know what you believe in or to whom you pray as we ask you to lift us upward. For me, this is quite a wonderful thing to think about. I am a believer/follower of Jesus and the God of the new testament, and I think he, like a great conductor, takes all of our thoughts, hopes, doubts, and fears, and somehow melds them into one beautiful cohesive symphony bound in love."
We are crying out tonight for our Lord Jesus to heal Will's body, to spare his life. Will you join us? We don't know what you believe or if you pray, but will you join us in a "beautiful cohesive symphony bound in love" for this incredible man?


  1. Joy
    July 20, 2013


  2. Lance Parrott
    July 19, 2013

    You all are in my prayers. Your story is encouraging me from a far as you share your suffering with us. You all are a great testimony of holding fast to Christ with a certainty that Christ is holding fast to you. Praying that God would bring healing, that God would be glorified, and most of all that you “may have the strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” ( Ephesians 3:18-19)

  3. Meghan
    July 19, 2013

    Praying!!! I have faith that God can heal Will and am begging for his life!!! Josh and I love you and are praying for you both!!!

  4. Babatunde and Gretchen
    July 19, 2013

    We are continuing to pray with you Will and Angie! In the midst of all of our suffering, we’re thankful to be able to say that for you who are clearly both IN Christ Jesus, the best is yet to come, “As I live, says the Lord!” God bless you!

  5. Niles
    July 19, 2013

    Prayed for you both, my brother and sister in the Lord. May our wise Father make his face to shine upon you and continue to give you grace, even in the valley.

  6. Patrick Chan
    July 19, 2013

    Thanks for your story. I’ll certainly pray for you guys. May the Lord continue to comfort you as the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.

  7. Matt
    July 18, 2013

    Praying for you both tnite. Praying for will to be free of pain. Praying for will to be courageous fighting for his life against this very vicious disease. Such a talented and kind person, it is hard to imagine why something like this would happen. I stand with all of you wonderful souls thinking and praying for will.

  8. Bethany & Jonathan Kuenne
    July 18, 2013

    We are praying for Will and for you. We do not know you personally, but have followed your story from my sister and her husband (Koral & Steven Michaels). We love you and are praying for a miracle, and if for some reason no miracle is granted, we are praying for peace. May God keep you always.


    Bethany & Jonathan

  9. jacinta
    July 18, 2013

    Praying to God in the name of JESUS that He will heal Will’s cancer. Thank you Will & Angie for your beautiful faith in Jesus. We DO serve a mighty God!

  10. Nancy
    July 18, 2013

    Constantly praying for you two. You are always on my heart, mind and prayers. Praying for God’s healing hand on Will.

  11. Mandi
    July 18, 2013

    I’m ashamed to admit it. I’m ashamed to say it’s because of me, it’s because of us that you and Will are going through such a struggle. I’ve been so humbled and yet so encouraged by your testimony. Through all of this, you’ve remained committed to one another, and committed to the Lord, who allows you to struggle because beyond any doubt, He is receiving glory and recognition through the testimony of your lives – despite your struggles, you remain confident that God is good; despite your struggles, you remain confident that God is mighty; and, despite your struggles, you trust in His plan, knowing that your lives are eternal, and hoping in the truth that whether Will is healed in this life or the next, he will most certainly be healed, as he is a believer in the almighty God. God allowed Job to suffer because there was no one on earth like him, no one who would provide the testimony that Job did. I’m confident that there is no one on earth like you two; thank you for sharing your story, your struggle. As you struggle, please know that your struggle is not in vain, you’re touching so many lives for our faithful Father. I’m praying for healing for Will and comfort for you during this time.

  12. Joyce
    July 18, 2013

    No matter who one prays to or what they believe, it is ultimately in God’s hands and I believe that if one gives it to God, He will hear and He knows best! Have faith and believe in miracles. I am praying!

  13. Gerry Neese
    July 17, 2013

    Bill Walker I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. He has to fight.
    5 hours ago · Like

    Gerry Neese I feel the story is ending, but still pray for Will and Angie. If you have not been following the post, these are two incredible Christians and a love for each other that is truly “to death do us part” Will is a former Union University basketball pl…See More
    5 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

    Alan Baxter I sat on the side of the hospital bed with my father in the exact same situation. I told him if I took Id take the cancer from him and put it in my body…..his reply? Son, I wouldn’t let you do that. Cherish the moments you have had, all the words, the deeds, everything. Then look forward to a time that you will be together again. God bless. You are in our prayers.
    5 hours ago · Like

    Catherine Tate Smothers Praying for this brave couple in their unbelievably difficult situation.
    5 hours ago · Like

    Gerry Neese I look at all the people suffering from cancer…..I stop and pray for Dot Harvey, Hugh and his family and remember what others have been through. My parents both died of heart attacks in their sleep, no suffering, I feel I did not have to go through that pain. I think about Juliet and the suffering the family endured and how quick life is here and vanishes. We live out lives here to justify our life in a better place….
    5 hours ago · Like · 4

    Cathy Coplin Benson My prayers continue for this courageous faith filled couple. My heart hurts for them. Thank you Gerry for affording me the opportunity to be aware and the privilege to lift them up.
    5 hours ago · Like

    Beth Garland Heatherly Although I don’t know Will or Angie, I have read Angie’s posts through Gerry Neese and I have been praying for them. I will continue to pray for strength, peace and healing.
    5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2

    Timi Sue Bates Praying !!
    4 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Georgia Jones Yes I will be praying for Angie and Will Pray is the answer
    4 hours ago · Like

    Judy Henson Praying for Will and Angie. May God engulf them in His Love and give them strength. We do not know why these things happen….. So sorry. Much love to them and prayers for sure.
    3 hours ago · Like

    Gloria Jean Bennett O’Steen Still praying.
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like

    Sheila Cox Praying for Will and Angie. I lost a grandmother and grandfather to this horrible disease before they developed chemo. No one can imagine the horror is this disease unless they or their loved one has experienced this.
    3 hours ago via mobile · Like

  14. Peggy Simpson
    July 17, 2013

    I met Will many years ago when he was in the wedding of Jamie & Suzanne .. I have been following this difficult time thru them . I am praying for both of you daily ; that HE will perform a miracle healing Will body and giving him the strength needed . We service a MIGHTY AND HEALING GOD and all things are possible thru him. He holding you all in his loving arms . I pray you both have the strength needed each day ….

  15. Joyce m.
    July 17, 2013

    Your faith is so awesome…..God surely has two exceptional servants in the form of Angela and Will…I cannot describe the feelings I have for the two of you at this time…so, so faithful…regardless of the environment…..

  16. courtney
    July 17, 2013

    Saying endless prayers for you both

  17. Leesa
    July 17, 2013

    I don’t believe, nor do I pray, but I’m joining both of you in hope, thought, strength and love–hoping for a miracle here.

    • Alicia
      July 17, 2013

      Leesa, I think Will would consider this trial worth it if you came to believe !! Please think about his and Angie’s words and testimony. God loves you and wants to have a relationship with you ;)

  18. Maxine Cockerill
    July 17, 2013

    Will and Angie, I sit here across the country from you in the same congregation as your friend, Harrison Cowan. I’ve never met either of you but my prayers are as fervent as though you were family. Indeed we are family as children of God. We’re sisters and brother through Jesus’ gift of salvation so many years ago. I have no answers to the why in your life right now but I have no doubt Will will be okay because he is God’s child no matter what happens. I know that He is with His children through all the trials encountered in life, and I know because He has been with me at times I could not stand on my own. I know because the Bible tells me.
    God bless you both.

  19. Chris Gilbert
    July 17, 2013

    I think about you guys all the time. You both are amazing! Keep fighting!

  20. Liz
    July 17, 2013

    Angie and Will,

    Praying, praying, praying for God’s healing for Will!

    Will’s right – we serve a MIGHTY God. Nothing is beyond His knowledge, His reach or His capacity. He’s never left either of you. His heart is for you. And, He’s fighting with you. We can trust Him.

    You are loved.

    With love and blessings ~

  21. Wendy K. Rice
    July 17, 2013

    Will be praying for Will and his family.

  22. Catherine Culley
    July 17, 2013

    Praying for you both

  23. Carla
    July 17, 2013

    I do cry out “LORD HAVE MERCY!!! ” in the name of JESUS plz LORD hold our brother and sister in your tender, loving arms; you are our stenth when we are weak! You pick us up when we fall down , LORD you are our ALL and ALL!!!!! Hugs, continued prayer, and lots of love with you xoxo

  24. Lisa
    July 17, 2013

    Praying now.

  25. Lori Cave
    July 17, 2013

    Joining you in prayer. Sending love and strength to both of you <3


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