This is a difficult post for #GoTeamGray to write, as Angie has asked us to translate her thoughts into an update.
“I don’t have the strength to do it.” she said, as she asked us to write the following.
On Tuesday night, Will was having difficulty breathing. Angie called the nurse and the doctor, who came over to drain the fluid surrounding his lungs. Sadly, this procedure (which is necessary to relieve pressure) caused Will to vomit.
Because of Will’s decreased strength, vomiting caused Will to aspirate. This incident brought about a call to 911 and a transfer to ICU.
Unfortunately, those efforts to lessen Will’s discomfort resulted in the worsening of his pneumonia. Will was never really able to catch his breath from these attempts, and thus has not breathed comfortably.
Last night (Wednesday), as Will’s condition declined, Angie was presented with the decision none of us wish upon anyone – Add a tube to assist in Will’s breathing or let him slip away.
As Angie said, “I didn’t know what to do. We have talked about doing everything to help Will live, but also how we don’t want to unnecessarily prolong his life.”
In the end, Angie opted for the breathing tube for a few days to see if Will gains any strength or consciousness.
At the time of this post (Thursday morning, 8:30 am PST), Will is still alive, but according to Angie, “barely responsive.”
Her update ends there, as we’re sure she is held tightly to his side, clinging to the earthly love still beating beside her. We at #GoTeamGray will send all the strength, peace, clarity, prayers, love, comfort we can. After all, with an average of 4000 visitors per day to this site alone, we know that Will and Angie are encased in a very tangible love.
We will continue to update as we learn more. In the meantime, your prayers and positive thoughts are coveted.
Tony Bonilla
July 25, 2013Lord, give Will and Angie comfort and peace. Be our comforting God now.
Praying again and again for you both.
Keri Harville
July 25, 2013We love you and are praying for you both!
A friend
July 25, 2013As servants of God we commend ourselves in every way: by great endurance in afflictions, hardships, calamities … We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.
Peace of Christ to you.
Michelle Lewis
July 25, 2013Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26:3
Lori Cave
July 25, 2013Praying with you and for you, Angie and Will. My heart is breaking :(
Esha & Jason Tharpe
July 25, 2013Continuing to PRAY!
July 25, 2013Praying, God Is Able
Katherine Mobley Armour
July 25, 2013Love and prayers.
Mee Mee Gray
July 25, 2013Praying in the name of JESUS!
Kimmi Jackson
July 25, 2013Praying.
July 25, 2013Praying for Will, Angie, and their families
Linda Stacy
July 25, 2013Oh LORD, please be merciful to my brother and sister.
Harrison Cowan
July 25, 2013Praying… Praying… Praying….
Rachel Hillman
July 25, 2013Praying. And won’t stop.
Amanda Speight Belcher
July 25, 2013Much love and prayers to all of you. May God comfort you both.
July 25, 2013Praying for your family all day.
The Beans:: Melissa, TJ and Aiden
July 25, 2013We love you so much. Praying. Just praying. Love love love you both with open arms…. God loves you.
Janet Scott
July 25, 2013Continuing to lift you both up in prayer!
Cynthia Idle
July 25, 2013It is difficult to bear this pain and sorrow. Praying for God’s grace. Much love to you all.
July 25, 2013Praying. Praying. Praying. You are so loved, Will and Angie.
July 25, 2013Absolutely heartbreaking. Please God, please. Thank you for this update. We love you so much Angie and Will and are praying with everything we have.
July 25, 2013God knows our struggles….even when we don’t understand and are angry with why things are happening around us especially to those that we LOVE. GOD KNOWS and He LOVES….Angie and Will may you both continue to be an example to us all. May GOD bring fort comfort and peace at this moment.
July 25, 2013Praying for the Lord’s presence to be ever-so present at this time. I am a faithful visitor to this site for updates and this one breaks my heart. #GoTeamGray is a network of love, prayers, well wishes, and support from near and far. I have been and will continue to pray for Will and Angie. You two are a seamless couple…your love is magnificent and inspiring! xo
July 25, 2013Thinking and praying for you both. Angie your love is amazing and an inspiration to us all to be the best we can be. Bless you and the fight that both of you have.
Bobbie Rickman
July 25, 2013Sending prayers to all!