Passing. (From Angie)

Posted by on Jul 27, 2013 in Updates | 202 Comments
This is the update I have prayed that I would never have to send. At around 8pm tonight (Friday, July 26), Will passed away. I don't really know what to say. My heart feels like it has been ripped out and my world has stopped. Will is my love and will always be my love. I can't imagine life without him. The beauty and color of life seems to have gone with him. William, thank you for loving me. Thank you for sharing the last 12 years of life with me. Thank you for marrying me and being my husband. You made my life better; you made me better. I don't know how I will continue breathing without you, but I'm thankful for the love we have that is more beautiful than either of us deserves. Will lived an amazing 33 years and didn't waste a moment. Everything he did was done with great intentionality and love. A couple of years ago, we went to a poetry reading. Will chose this poem to share with the group...
Late Fragment by Raymond Carver And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.
Will is definitely beloved, by so many people. The love we have been shown has been overwhelming. Thank you all for loving us so well. Thank you for caring about our lives and sharing in them.  


  1. B Jane
    July 27, 2013

    Angie ,

    My heart is heavy for you , praying for you daily. Your husband was a good man, his love for you was obvious to everyone he met. I truly enjoyed writing songs with him. I am so saddened to hear his healing didn’t come on this earth. But rejoicing he isn’t in pain any longer.

    B Jane

  2. Karla
    July 27, 2013

    Angie, I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and Will’s family. Your love story and commitment to one another and God are truly inspirational to all of us. May God bring you peace and comfort.

  3. Bethany
    July 27, 2013


    I have never met you but our friends connect us. I love you, and I am weeping for you and with you. You are so blessed to have known such a love in this life.

    “Death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it for a while.” – from the movie The Princess Bride

    Blessings and Peace to you.

  4. Jonathan & Bethany
    July 27, 2013

    Oh death, where is your sting??

  5. Diana Wang Wells
    July 27, 2013

    Dearest Angie,

    I am weeping as I write this, my heart physically aching for you. John and I have only been married 6 months, and you and Will, without knowing it, have been two of the most profound Christian examples to us during our short marriage.

    John has been struggling with a number of health problems for the past year and a half (though nothing like cancer), and I can honestly say that seeing him in physical pain has, more than anything I have ever been through, pushed me to doubt the Lord’s goodness and care. But then I would read the latest goteamgray update, and I would be both ashamed and strengthened.

    I can only imagine the numbness you now feel. But like you, I cling to the only thing in this life worth clinging to — the God who is with us, even and especially in our pain.

    We love you and Will.

    Diana (and John)

  6. Charles Cherry
    July 27, 2013

    Angie, I do not know you but my prayers are with you. We are new members of Dr. Jenkins SS class at EBC. He informed us to pray for you and my wife and I are praying for you. I am so sorry to hear of your husband’s passing. Our prayers now turn to you for God’s comfort and his strength to surround you with his loving Grace. Our class is here for you if you need us for anything.
    Charles Cherry

  7. Kimberly Aronoff
    July 27, 2013

    Dear Angie,
    My heart is with you. You have known a love that makes time stand still. God bless Will and God bless you. You are His song and He is yours forever.


  8. Mike Wilson
    July 27, 2013

    What a wonderful and inspiring testimony you have and that Will had. It’s amazing how your attitude is so good. It serves to remind us how strong God’s love is. Thank you for allowing those of us many miles away, join you in this journey. Our prayer now is that you find comfort and healing to begin this new chapter.

    Loving you without having ever met you.


  9. Emily
    July 27, 2013

    Devastated with you. I don’t know you, but I did meet Will at CMC on Martha’s Vineyard about 8 years ago. His story and his heart have touched me deeply. May God’s peace be with you in your grief.

  10. Christy
    July 27, 2013

    My heart is broken for you. I can’t imagine your steps in the coming days, how you will take them… but by the grace of God, you will. What a rich legacy Will leaves with you and countless others. Your steadfastness, love, commitment, determination and strength has inspired I’m sure more than you will ever know. And, those very same qualities will help you each of these coming days. It is so hard to make sense of this world, but one day, you’ll be reunited with your love in the presence of LOVE Himself!
    I will be praying for you as you figure out what your new normal is…. Love you.

  11. stacey
    July 27, 2013

    angie, you and will fill with love all of those with whom you come in contact. i only hope we are able to do the same for you now. your strength and grace are a true inspiration. my thoughts and prayers are with you.


  12. Whitney
    July 27, 2013

    I’m so heartbroken for you! But I’m so thankful that Will had been freed from his broken earthly body and now has wings!

  13. Lou Ann Spurr
    July 27, 2013

    Dear Angie, Our hearts go out to you…Dan, Lou Ann and family

  14. Betsey
    July 27, 2013

    If I could, I would take half your pain. There are places we go totally alone. But, I m so grateful you shared this journey with me and that Will’s life is completed. You will be so close to me in prayer and love in these days. It is hard to know how we can cry any more… Love, Betsey Kodat

  15. Becky Miller
    July 27, 2013

    …..and this is the update we never wanted to receive, Angie. What a devoted wife who fought, prayed, believed and fought some more. I know your belief and faith still remains, as Will would want… so you can join him some day in that beautiful place called heaven, where there will be no more tests, no more pain and no more disappointment. Just close your eyes and imagine Will touching the face of Jesus when the days/nights seem unbearable. There is light beyond the darkness of your grief. Our love to your family!!

  16. Dave Kiersznowski
    July 27, 2013

    Angie…I’m so very, very sorry for your loss. Will was a giant angel, and it was such a priviledge being able to watch his creativity and love affect so many. I will be praying for you and all who knew and loved Will.

  17. Laurie Green
    July 27, 2013

    Angie – I know we only met briefly, but please know I am sending you and all those who loved Will so much love! He was a remarkable man, and I’m so grateful that he will live on in the hearts of SO MANY and in his music.

  18. Angie
    July 27, 2013

    I don’t know you except through your website. Words fail me… my heart goes out to you and your family. You are loved…

  19. Margo Fordonski
    July 27, 2013

    Dear Angie,
    My heart is breaking for you today as I too have recently lost my light, my son after a long long battle with Brain Cancer. As a follower of Jesus Christ I know that Will is healed completely in the presence of our Lord and Savior right now, singing and worshiping, and although that picture gives comfort, selfishly we want him with us and the hole he leaves behind is enormous. As a fellow caregiver, believer, and sister in Christ, I will be praying for you as you travel down this new and unfamiliar road. The God that sustained you, and carried you through Will’s Cancer journey has not abandoned you, and you must continue to lean in to him and he will comfort you and give you rest . My husband and I have been attending a Grief group through a local church and the thing that resonates with me is believers grieve different than non believers because we have hope.!!! Time doesn’t heal all wounds… Jesus heals all wounds. May the Peace of Christ and your sweet precious memories of Will encourage and bring you comfort.
    Thank you for sharing your love, example and faith with all of us, to God Be the Glory!!

  20. Kristen
    July 27, 2013

    Grieving, crying, and suffering with you, Angie. I’ve never met you or Will but, having travelled this journey with you, I have loved you both dearly. You are not alone, Angie. We (#goteamgray) will continue to travel along with you to provide love, prayers, and support to hold you up as you grieve. You are so loved. Thank you for sharing Will with us.

    • Stephanie Wheeler
      July 27, 2013

      So well said, Kristen, and my sentiments exactly. Sorrowful and praying for you, Angie.

  21. Beth
    July 27, 2013

    So sorry for your loss, we will remember all the beauty you brought to this world…

    Do You Remember

    Where are you now?
    Who’s holdin’ you now?
    When your world stands still, do you remember?
    Leave were fallin’
    We were fallin’
    Almost like a dream, do you remember?

    Seasons changed
    We both changed
    Sometimes I go back to when

    We ran, put our feet in the water
    We danced, didn’t care who could see
    We sang every song to each other
    Summer would end, but not for me
    I still feel the hope in your kisses
    I still feel the sun on your skin
    I swear I was holdin’ forever back then
    Do you remember?

    Where I am now
    Is where I should be now
    You’re so far away, but always with me

    And it seems like
    Another life
    Whenever I go back to when

    We ran, put our feet in the water
    We danced, didn’t care who could see
    We sang every song to each other
    Summer would end, but not for me
    I still feel the hope in your kisses
    I still feel the sun on your skin
    I swear I was holdin’ forever back then
    Do you remember?

    We ran, we kissed, we learned to love, to live

    We ran, put our feet in the water
    We danced, didn’t care who could see
    We sang every song to each other
    Summer would end, but not for me
    I still feel the hope in your kisses
    I still feel the sun on your skin
    I swear I was holdin’ forever back then
    Do you remember?
    Do you remember?

  22. Autumn and Jay
    July 27, 2013

    Angie, we share in your sorrow this day. We entrust Will to a greater hope beyond our imagination. You will be in our continued prayers and hearts in the days ahead.

  23. Angelia Wilford
    July 27, 2013

    I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family.

  24. Desiree
    July 27, 2013

    Continuing to lift you and your family up in prayer.

  25. Becky Webb
    July 27, 2013

    Dear Angie,

    I haven’t met you or Will. I didn’t even know he had been sick until today, but I have cried right along with you. My heart breaks for you. I hate it that he was taken from this earth so young. He had a beautiful voice and it seems a beautiful personality as well.

    I know that it doesn’t make it any easier that God has healed him now, in a way that you didn’t exactly want. I’m so sorry that the color has left your life. Stay strong sweet girl. I’m praying that God will give you the strength that you need to go on without him. I’ll be praying that you will have the strength to continue to make an impact on this world until you meet him again in heaven.

    May God give the rest that you need while you grieve. It seems as though you have great support.

    Love from North Carolina.


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