P.S.A. (Words from Will’s Writing)

Posted by on Aug 8, 2013 in Updates | 9 Comments
As Angie culls through the expanse of Will's creative output, she's uncovered hundreds of pieces of Will's writing. This particular piece struck her as relevant to the #GoTeamGray community, as it addresses Will's thoughts on grief and death. It was written in 2009, following the death of Will's godmother.
P.S.A My Godmother, “Aunt Jackie" passed away. It seems to happen in flashes like that.  Stark reality and frigid truth hit you in the gut with no apologies. In an instant, life is boiled down to what you remember.  I remember that my godparents had a room that was a complete mirror… walls, ceilings, everything.  Tons of small mirrors.  It probably wasn’t like that, but that’s what I remember from when I was 5 or 6. I remember summers in DC, going to basketball camp, and late night chess games with Uncle Bill.   I remember their lush garden full of flowers and how they used to travel to places I couldn’t pronounce. Life isn’t so simple now.  It was on one of those trips that she crossed from this life to the next.  No one knows exactly what happened, but I’m not sure that reasons matter.  This is the great stark reality of the common language.  The certainty of death is the truth that connects us all, and that truth is chanting in my ear louder than most days. I wrote a song that’s been haunting me this morning.  The basic concept of the song is to give up the the trappings of this life, this world.  Aunt Jackie lived a philanthropic life with her heart and eyes wide open, and I hope to live in the same way.  So here is my P.S.A.  Stop fearing what other people think about you and live your life for something bigger than “stuff". give up the world give up the world cause life finds a way to lose in the end and no matter how hard you try, you can't win give up… and live.
Wishing you all increased peace in this time of grief, and a renewed sense of living with a heart and eyes wide open. #GoTeamGray


  1. John
    August 13, 2013

    Thank you for sharing this with us. So beautiful. It makes me want to capture thoughts and emotions rather than simply letting it go by. Will will inspire us forever. Give up the world, give up the world, cause life finds a way to lose in the end… give up….and live.

  2. Jennifer
    August 10, 2013

    Sounds like Will for sure. Such an amazing guy whom definitely cared for and always put others welfare before his own. I still don’t know what to say besides I’m sooooo sorry for your loss. Yall had such an amazing connection that no matter how bad things were not only could you watch and see I could feel the luv yall shared when I was around or just chatting with yall. Looking in either or yall eyes and see this sparkle or gleam that I’ve probably seen a handful of times in my life. I know he is still with us all and we were truly blessed to have been a part of his short and extremely unfair life. He was blessed too to have the luv from you and his friends that he always talked about. He would always say how he had such an amazing wife and support system in our daily chats. I wish so much I could’ve been there for the service but flew home Thursday bc my contract ended. I’m going to reach out to you and want to badly so you know I’m here anytime for anything but I figured I should give you time with all of these services. I’m definitely there in spirit and here by phone or email always. Hang in there and luv yall very much!!!!

  3. Allison
    August 9, 2013

    Just wow and simply beautiful.

  4. Mike and Nancy LaRocco
    August 9, 2013

    Go team Gray, you have been awesome to keep us all in the loop and getting to know Will more and more. I truly desired to meet him and you too Angie. I appreciate your honestly and open heart to share with us at this time. I am still shocked by the outcome . I don’t ever seem to understand God’s ways but I know I can’t turn from Him no matter what comes. Thank God that he doesn’t allow us to
    be plucked out of his almighty hand. May you know Him if only in this way at this time. Loving you from afar and praying always for your peace and comfort. What a blessing for you to have had the time you did with such an incredible man.

  5. Patty Falls
    August 9, 2013

    Beautiful….May God continue to grant you peace during this journey….

  6. The Nolen & Byars
    August 8, 2013


  7. Alan & Diana
    August 8, 2013

    Thank you so much for sharing. Such beautiful word. Keeping all of you in our hearts and prayers.

  8. Eileen Trombacco
    August 8, 2013

    Angie, thank you for those words. Since I lost my beloved husband I do live life on day at a time following Jesus all the way until I go home. I always believed in love not the material things in life. I love family and all people and if I can help someone even with just a kind word then that makes my day. One day at a time follow Jesus. Eileen

  9. Kathy B.
    August 8, 2013

    Such a beautiful message. Thank you Angie for sharing this with all of us. My new motto: Give up the world… and LIVE!
    Sending blessings of peace to you.


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