This is the place to leave a note for Angie. Your kindness means so much!

If you would like to physically mail a card or package, please mail to: P.O. Box 455 Brentwood, TN 37024


  1. Michaela Beck
    November 15, 2012

    I hope that you are feeling well and you get well very soon! Your strength and grace through this is truly inspiring. My family is always behind you through this journey, and I know we will be behind you on more positive journeys in the future! I send my love and prayers to you. Get well soon! #GoTeamGray


  2. Cassie (Paddock) Chaplin
    November 13, 2012

    Will and Angie,
    Bekah called me tonight and let me know what is going on. Just wanted to tell you how thankful I am for your creativity and character. And Angie, that you are a wife who is supporting her husband in his calling, in health, and now in sickness. It was such a joy for me to get to introduce my husband to you. I am praying for you healing. I’m praying for your hearts. I’m praying that no matter what happens you both will bring glory and honor to the Lord by your response. I know you face a terrible time, but I pray that God will affirm his love for you, and grant you His grace and peace. Much love from your old college buddies! We are holding you in our hearts and prayers.

    my thoughts and prayers,

  3. Sarah Richman
    November 13, 2012

    Your life only overlapped with mine for a short time while you were with scratchtrack, but my prayers are with you nonetheless. When I’m able, I hope to be able to do more, but I know that my God is exceedingly able to do more than I can ask or imagine, so I’m asking Him for amazing blessings for you and your wife!

  4. burt goldin
    November 13, 2012

    In April 2006 I was diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer. The first doctor I saw told me to go home and spend as much time as I could with my family because nothing could be done.I was stage 4. It was over.
    I made up my mind right then and there that I was not going to allow the disease to define my life. I told myself, my wife and my 16 year old daughter (and everyone who would listen) that this was not going to be the thing that killed me. I refused to give in and determined to do whatever I had to in order to survive. I prayed an awful lot. I asked everyone I knew to pray for me. I asked folks I didn’t know to keep me in their prayers. I had surgery, chemo and radiation and now, over 6 years later I am writing yo to say that I hear the same thing in the way you tell your story that I felt when I spoke to people about what was going on with me.
    I refused to give in. On my worst days I told myself that it was all just a temporary inconvenience and a pain in the ass, but it was not going to be what I died from.
    I last went to the doctor in April of this year. He said that after 6 years he no longer needed to see me on a regular basis and said that i was cured. That was the word he used. He said I was a graduate and told me to only come back if something unusual happened. I have faith that it won’t. I have seen the darkest hours and it’s made me appreciate the beauty of a sunny day more than I ever did. I know that God is great and God is good and he will cure you the same way he did me. Don’t ever lose your faith, your determination or your will. All this will pass and the sun will shine for you again just as it does for me.
    My Prayers will be for you and your family

  5. Eileen Trombacco
    November 13, 2012

    Will and Angie,

    I wanted to let you know that my cousin called me and told me your story and need for prayer. I have your name written by my bedstand and I pray every night and day for your recovery. God is hearing our prayers for you both . We are all God’s children and his love for us is so great and powerful. Please know you will be in my prayers and I await to hear that you are on the road to recovery soon. God bless both of you. God loves you and so do I. Be strong

  6. Mike and Nancy LaRocco
    November 13, 2012

    Dear Will and Angie, We have been praying for you since Leah told us about your need for prayer. We know a little about you
    from her friendship with you. Our hearts have been truly touched . Your gifts and talents to create music and to be
    successful are God’s blessings. We have asked our dear church family and many others to pray for your healing. Heaven is
    being flooded with prayers on your behalf. Many are walking with you both near and far. Most of all may you know the
    comfort and strength of your loving heavenly Father. Praying and loving you both at this very special time.
    Nancy and Mike LaRocco

  7. John and Debby
    November 12, 2012

    Will and Angie,

    You both continue to inspire us with y our strength and trust. We continue to put the “all call” out for you in every church that we know anyone in. Please know that there are a multitude of prayers coming from Metro Georgia. We know that praying is the most powerful thing we can do!

    We love you!

    Debby ad John

  8. Yvonne
    November 12, 2012

    I take authority over this tumor in the Name of Jesus. I rebuke it and command it to go back to the pit where it came from. It is not Will’s inheritance, get off God’s property? I declare a long cancer free, tumor free life for you. Glory to God, amen.

  9. Isaac and Heidi Tucker
    November 12, 2012

    Go Team Gray! We will do everything we can to help!!

    You always have been so thoughtful, loving and caring to everyone around you, so we are here to do the same…

    This too shall pass,

    I & H

  10. Kristi
    November 12, 2012

    My dear Will, I am praying for you and am sending so much love your way from the East Coast. I hope you can feel it. XO.

  11. Carol & Brad
    November 11, 2012

    Well I don’t really buy lottery tickets but I think I may start now! I hope to hear great news after your surgery is over and pray that you are cleared to start a brand new and improved year in 2013. Stay strong!

  12. Linda King
    November 11, 2012

    Dear Will and Angie,
    I was so sorry to hear of your illness. You probably don’t remember me. I am Jenny King’s mom. I reflect on those high school days with fond memories, also when you sang in our church here in Dyersburg, TN several years ago. I will be praying daily for you. God is still in the healing business and to that end I will pray.
    In Christian love,
    Linda King

  13. Maggy
    November 11, 2012

    Dearest Angie and Will,
    You are such amazing people in Christ, my heart goes out to you and your families in this situation. May God strengthen you physically, emotionally, in your faith and in your love for him and each other. In church we have been talking about fear and worry so I thought I would leave you some verses to reflect on.

    “Faith in the confidence that what we hope for will eventually happen: it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”
    Hebrews 11:1NLT

    “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let the petitions and praises shape you worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.”
    Philippians 4:6-7 MSG

    “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NLT

    “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. ” Psalm 23:1

    Love and prayers to both of you.


  14. Straube
    November 11, 2012

    Precious Will and Angie,
    What a blessing it is to call you friend and more importantly brother and sister in Christ. I pray you will always feel His hedge of protection over you. I pray for wisdom from your team of doctors and strength (physical, mental, spiritual, emotional) for you both. I am so grateful y’all are such strong Christians. Cancer is impossible to go through with out Him. Know how much y’all are loved!!!
    In Him,

  15. Carol & Gordon Johnson
    November 11, 2012

    Dear Will and Angie:

    We are on TeamGray and send light, hope and our prayers to you both.
    We will be contributing through this site.

    Carol & Gordon Johnson
    (Allison ‘s parents/Josh’s inlaws)

    P.s. Will, you are an amazing writer!

  16. The Captain
    November 10, 2012

    I will be praying for you and Angie that God will carry you through this trial. I am not very good at words but I would like to share something from a friend of mine I went to college with. I lost touch with her but with the aid of Facebook I have come in contact with her again. I knew she had changed in appearance, we all had, but I could tell by her postings that something else was different about her. I noticed that her walk with God was closer and I found out why. She had tongue cancer and had to go through surgery, chemo, and radiation. She is doing the 30 days of thankfulness on Facebook this month and I would like to share with you day 7. I hope it may be an encouragement and inspiration through these dark and trying times.

    Day 7: Today I am thankful that I had cancer. I think I just heard a pin drop. It’s true, I am thankful that I had cancer. There are so many things about my experience that are amazing….but let me share my favorites.
    Cancer stripped away all of the unnecessary baggage I had carried everyday of my life. Those bitter moments I was holding on to, the resentment I had towards some people…the
    forgiveness for those that had wronged me that I refused to give out….those things seemed so vitally important at one time, but when I was looking death in the face, they really didn’t seem to matter anymore. It’s amazing when you let go, how much sweeter life can be. Suddenly, I saw every thing clearer and realized how important I had made the unimportant and how insignificant I had made the significant.
    Cancer reminded me that I am very little but my God is very big. I knew God was going to heal my cancer using the amazing medical team and medication given me. You know what I discovered about my self? It was easy to trust….when I had cancer. However, I had trouble trusting when it came to a bill I didn’t have money for….or trusting Him for wisdom. Amazing, right?! I limited God to only caring or being able to help in the big things….and trivialized my everyday needs. I rushed around trying to fix, connive and maneuver rather than sitting, praying and trusting.
    Thirdly…the cancer diet was the best diet ever. Let me just tell you. If I had not had cancer I never would have been able to experience a size six again. It was glorious. I was sick….vomiting….exhausted…but girl, I looked AHmAzing!! I had RIBS! You could look at my face from every angle…and there was only 1 chin! My left thigh, didn’t even know the right one existed! It really is sad that all I could muster up the energy to do was to get out of bed and go for my treatments….what a waste! If I had had the energy I would have been posting Instagram photos, Facebook Pics and Tweets of myself daily. Humph…oh well….it was great while it lasted.
    SO….I’m not a size 6 anymore….but I am thankful for one other thing….look back at the top of my post. I am thankful that I had cancer. That’s right…had. Weeping may endure for the night…..but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

  17. Jon and Joan O'Neill
    November 10, 2012

    Our bible study group is praying with you and so is our church. Thank you for making sharing your very trying times with us. We pray that you will feel God’s love and presence in every step of the way. We love you both!

    Jon and Joan

  18. Leah LaRocco
    November 9, 2012

    Will and Angie,

    This site is awesome and even more proof that you do not walk through this journey alone. You will be surrounded by love and prayers every step of the way. Miss you tons and will be thinking about and praying for you every day.

    So much love to you both,

  19. Catherine Powers
    November 9, 2012

    Will & Angie-

    I heard about your story from my dear friend, Carol Lee Brosseau. I cannot stop thinking about you and am praying for you daily. Your attitude and story is a gift to us all. Thank you for sharing your journey and faith. Praying for your full recovery and peace during the process.

    Big Hugs & Tons of Blessings to you Both,
    Catherine Powers

  20. Thomas
    November 9, 2012

    Grüss Gott Angie & Will,
    I pray.

  21. Pope Family/Indiana
    November 9, 2012

    Dear Will, Angie and children

    I am so touched by your story. My heart is sad and joyful all at the same time, for the trials you face, and the blessings you give and receive from them. My prayers are for your continued strength, and that God’s beauty smother you with comfort and love filled days, and that he allows for contentment in all moments. I am deeply moved and inspired by your family. God bless you abundantly!
    Lovingly because of HIM,
    the Pope family

  22. Alex G
    November 9, 2012


    I am blessed and very thankful that I have you by my side and can call you my friend.

    Heros neer give up.
    You are a true hero

    I will learn that from you !!!

    Big hugs and see you Sunday !


  23. Karen & Charles Marsh
    November 9, 2012

    Will and Angie– We are sending much love from Charlottesville across to you…with prayers, blessings & appreciation for you,
    Karen and Charles

  24. Tom Willett
    November 9, 2012

    Thanks, Josh, Allison and Reva for giving us some ways to send our love.

    Another good one from Brecht: “People who understand everything get no stories.”

    Tom and Julie

  25. Matt & Erin
    November 9, 2012

    This is a pretty amazing site! This is going to make helping you both much easier. We are praying for Nov 27th and everything in between and after. Thanks for living honestly and hopefully through this, it is impactful to us and will be for so many folks. We love you both.

    matt &erin


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