This is the place to leave a note for Angie. Your kindness means so much!

If you would like to physically mail a card or package, please mail to: P.O. Box 455 Brentwood, TN 37024


  1. BreAnn Stephenson
    July 25, 2013

    Hello Will and Angie,
    I don’t know you, but reading the story of these past few months of your lives has touched me. Many eloquent words for u on this page from a vast family…truly during your darkness light is shining unbelievably bright out here. Your faith and determination is building the kingdom of God. Comfort, healing, and peace to you both. These two songs came to mind tonight…

    Beauty, and light, and peace to you,

  2. Alex Cox
    July 25, 2013

    I am from Paris, TN, and many of my family members have the privilege knowing you, Will. Lori Neal Nolen and Marie Culley are my cousins, and I heard your story through their FaceBook. I have been reading the blog all day and watching many videos of your music, and I am overwhelmed by the impact of your music and kindness. The one thing I have heard repeatedly is you are a man of The Lord. My husband and I are praying for you and Angie. There are a million words that could be said to try to comfort you. But, words are no match for the comfort He can offer. Thinking of you guys daily.

  3. Joy
    July 25, 2013

    Dear Will,

    I have never met you, but you have had an incredible impact on my brother, Josh’s life. I think you met him as part of the artist development program on Maratha’s vineyard back in spring 2006. This is what he just wrote about you on his facebook wall “Will is the man who’s basically solely responsible for me becoming the songwriter I am today. I’d be pretty much nothing without his mentoring 5 years ago. ” Pouring out your love into that 19 year old kid continues to have ripples even today. Thank you for helping him grow his passion, and thank you for sharing your passion with him.

    Angie, i’m praying for you to have strength and wisdom, and that God gives you incredible peace in each moment.

  4. Marguerite Vulfs
    July 25, 2013

    Dear Will, Angie and family,

    I met you at Oasis with my sister Hope in June. All of you have remained in my thoughts and prayers.

    We know how hard you are fighting and how connected to spirit you are. It was a joy meeting all of you.

    Our Beth (Hope) passed away last Saturday morning July 20th at 4:45 in the morning. She got to go to the beach and was in California at her passing with her best friend of 41 years beside her. she had family surrounding her and it was very peaceful.

    I wanted you to know that she loved you. I am sure if it is possible to send healing angels to you she is doing so for Will and strength for Angie. You are both so beautiful and brave,

    Sending love and gratitude for having met you. Her services are this weekend in Lake Havisu AZ. We will celebrate her life and as I listen to the music we play, I will think kind thoughts of you as well.

    Blessings and hello to your Mom Angie, Love, Marguerite

    Her services are this weekend in Lake Havisu City AZ and we will think of all of you as we gather.

  5. Kevin Doerksen
    July 20, 2013

    Will and Angie,

    Found your video on a link from Tim Challies. I am touched to the core by your story. All the more so, as I am a cancer survivor myself. I battled Hodgkins for a year, back in 2008. I testify that what you say is so true. My wonderful wife Tammy and I learned the truth that Jehovah Jireh is truly our provider, and that His Grace is indeed sufficient. Cancer is a hard journey. But what is revealed to you on that journey, is something that is precious indeed. Grace and Peace to you both. Your Brother and Sister in Christ, Kevin and Tammy Doerksen

  6. Laura
    July 20, 2013

    Our bodies are frail and only held together by the will of Christ, “who holds all things together”. Col 1:17. Each sunrise is a gift, life is holy and your desire to live is precious. The hope of glory is our great hope and lifeline. I pray that as you live your hope is great in Jesus but if it is the Lord’s will to bring you home, you would be filled with joy, peace and a real, palpable and overwhelming understanding of the great love of Jesus for you! I pray for mercy, grace and love as you both live in this struggle.

    • Lauren
      July 26, 2013

      What a beautiful post. I was wondering what to write, but I couldn’t have said it better.


  7. Carol
    July 17, 2013

    Dear Angie and Will,

    Your story has really touched my heart. I just prayed for the Lord to be glorified through Will and to heal his body in the name of Jesus. We know that all things are possible with God.

    In Christ,

  8. Laurie Dhonau (Eliza's mom)
    July 17, 2013

    Today Will may be “unable to open his mouth”, but still he speaks volumes to all of us. He is the embodiment of a man who is more than a conqueror, a true warrior of God. Those of us who read your blog are inspired by your honesty, your love for each other, your reliance on the Lord, and your determination to fight with every drop of strength that God gives you. Praying that God continues to show His strength and power through Will, defeating what may seem to others to be insurmountable odds.

  9. Josh
    July 15, 2013

    Will, I wanted to post these words here because they have meant a lot to me through the years. I hope they can be as much of a blessing to others reading on this site as they have been to me.

    Praying for you, brother.

    “On this day, we ask for a humble blessing upon all those who didn’t take the time to learn that simple lesson. The ones that refuse to use the knowledge of common we all call sense, the ones who’ve backed themselves into the corner knowing they can’t jump the fence. We need to open up our eyes and begin to see into the lies and extract the truth that’s being robbed from our youth. You say “Where’s the love?” but what do you give? You say you want a better life, but how do you live? Not the life you should, not as good as you could, only as good as we all would if we only had the time. But I’m begging of you to heed this rhyme, see what’s inside your mind and listen to what you find. Because I may have the tightest flow in the whole show but if I don’t know where I’m gonna go when I die, then this has all just been a lie. Like y’all been feedin’ me trash, telling me I’m the man of my past, that I’m still a slave to sin and that I’ll just mess up and do it all again. Nah, man… I’m more than a conqueror – I’m gonna win. No, I’ve already won because I became one with the Son when He gave me the grace to give up the rights to my life to gain life – eternal.”
    – Will Gray

  10. Carol
    July 15, 2013

    Dear Angie,

    Will is a man after God’s own heart. What a blessing!!! May the Lord who is the Great Physician guide all the doctors hands and minds and heal Will in the name of Jesus Christ. May he be up and about his Father’s business.

    In Christ,

  11. Michie Bell
    July 15, 2013

    Praying for you guys. I pray for comfort and strength. I don’t know you personally but I do know many of your friends and family.may God be with you and wrap you safe in Jesus’s arms. From Paris.

  12. Christi
    July 13, 2013

    The Lord Jesus be with you, as I know He already is. May His comfort and care abound for you and fill your every need. May He collect your tears in His bottle as David said. May you know that your every care is precious to Him and that His tears fill and match your own. As tears come from your own eyes, consider them to be His, flowing through you, even as His Spirit inspires your speech and your action. Every tear that flows is His. I ask for His constant comfort, for a league of angels to be dispatched to labor on your behalf, making Will comfortable, courageous, ready to attack and fight, filled with grace. May the Lord’s angels be whispering in his ears and ministering to him even as they did to Christ in the wilderness. Will is in a desert fight. May the Word of the Lord become to him as bread, and may it drive away the attacks of the evil one. I pray that the Lord seals you in a protective bubble as all this plays out, that even as the disease runs its course, the evil one would not be allowed to make light of it, or capitalize on it, but that the full glory of God’s grace would be on display. May your joy rise with the Light. May your faces be shielded from darkness. I ask that praise and prayer would be ready on your lips when you don’t even realize that they’re there…that your armor would be fashioned of heavenly Light and that His words would be penned in your mouths. I pray for divine insight for each of you. For moments of precious care from God and from each other. May His blessings astound you. Be at peace, may you be able to say “It is well with my soul”….because God has woven a miracle work in your heart. I ask for His carrying of you. May your feet not even touch the soil. Jesus, go get your children and carry them all the way home. “Even until your old age, I am the one, and I’ll carry you even until your gray hairs come. It is I who have created, and I who will carry, and it is I who will bear and save.” Isaiah 46:4. You’re singing His song through this ordeal. You’ve worn your trial well and I thank you for bearing your cross faithfully and beautifully. The Lord be with you now and forever. May His seal be on you and His joy on your lips. Jesus, guard them and save them.

  13. Tabitha
    July 12, 2013

    Will, you are constantly on my mind. I am praying for strength and pain relief for you. Keep fighting and bless your beautiful wife.

  14. Sherwanda Chism
    July 11, 2013

    I found out about your story today after seeing a Go Team Gray t-shirt worn by Elizabeth Straube. I inquired about her shirt and she shared your story with great compassion. I am always looking for good ground to sow into and I believe with all my heart after hearing and reading about you that Go Team Gray is good ground. God is for you and He will never forsake you in your weaknesses.

  15. Donna Quarry
    July 10, 2013

    Will and Angie, Praying for you daily. Your faith is amazing! I pray for strength, healing, and peace in every decision you make. F.R.O.G=Forever Relying On GOD

  16. Carol
    July 10, 2013

    I heard about Will on Hope Heals and I am praying for ya’ll. I know you make the Lord smile with your absolute trust in Him May the Great Physician place his healing hands upon Will and heal him completely.
    In Christ,Carol

  17. Nancy Green
    July 9, 2013

    This is an amazing story of strength against all odds. I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Kelly for a few years at Five Talents and continue to follow her amazing pursuits. As a result, I am praying daily for you, Will and Angie. You are inspirational.
    With Blessings, Nancy

  18. Linda Casale
    July 9, 2013

    I am Linda Casale, Melissa Bean’s friend. Melissa really enjoyed her visit with y’all!
    I just read your update, Angie. So sorry to hear about Will’s spine. What a bummer:(
    You and Will are I are always in my prayers. I only wish I could do more.
    Will, you have the most awesome voice and I really like your style of music! Definitely a big fan. Can’t wait to see the movie!!
    Take care you two!

  19. Ruby Amanfu
    July 5, 2013

    In prayer~ for strength and courage to face what’s ahead~ for moments of joy dispite incomprehensible pain~ for peace in your decisions. Standing in the gap for you, Will and Angie.

  20. Adisa
    July 1, 2013

    Hi Mr. Gray,

    You crossed my mind and I decided to google your name to listen to some of your music and I stumbled upon this page. I am so happy that you are still fighting and improving. You and your wife are amazing. The two of you together are an extremely strong force. I am certain that your faith, hope, and determination have gotten you to where you are, and will take you even further. Please know that I am lifting the two of you up in prayer. God is a healer. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to care for such a wonderful person.

    Your UCLA nurse,


  21. Tommy Thompson
    July 1, 2013

    Will. I just bought and watched BROKE on ITunes. I was blown away. So many emotions. I’m 55 years old. When I was 15 I was in a car accident and broke my neck. I was paralyzed. I had a band. All I ever wanted to do is to be YOU! I didn’t get blessed with your gift. And it is a GIFT! So I reinvented myself, got married had 2 kids and moved to Hollywood. I’ve been a successful television writer for 25 years. And I am so jealous of you my friend. I’m buying everything you’ve recorded and telling everyone about your film. Cancer sucks. Surgery sucks. But these things will pass, I promise. Get that evil shit out of your machine, get strong and keep on truckin’. Like you I played sports in school and I always looked at my recovery like a football game. Just gain 3 yards today and by the end of the week you’ll get a new set of downs. I know we don’t know each other but I have genuine love for you and hope you and Angie can feel it in the moments when you need that kind of power. I tried to buy a t-shirt off your site but it didn’t work. If you need anything I think we live in the same city. Stay strong young man.

  22. Amy Kiger
    June 29, 2013

    My 3 year old son was diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma in his left orbit in July 2012. In October 2012 he had an orbital extenteration just like Will. We are praying for you. We will continue to pray for Will’s total healing!

  23. Denisse Peña
    June 29, 2013

    My family and I don’t have the pleasure to meet Will or Angie in person but Martha and David Milhouse have told us about your story and have been following with the updates, we just want to wish you a very happy and blessed birthday, we’ll continue to have you in our prayers. I am very impressed and so happy with the improvements that Will is showing. stay strong Will and AngBest wishes from my mother, sisters, and brother. God bless you

  24. Denisse Peña
    June 29, 2013

    My family and I don’t have the pleasure to meet Will or Angie in person but Martha and David Milhouse have told us about your story and have been following with the updates, we just want to wish you a very happy and blessed birthday, we’ll continue to have you in our prayers. I am very impressed and so happy with the improvements that Will is showing. stay strong Will and Angie!

  25. Emma Gollan
    June 27, 2013

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    • Donna Duss
      July 25, 2013

      May the God of ALL COMFORT hold these dear friends (whom I have never met in person) close. I have no wisdom to offer in this hour, though as a gerontological nurse I walk through end of life experiences on a regular basis. Thankfully, the God of ALL COMFORT is also the God of ALL WISDOM. We trust every heart to his care in this hour.


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