This is the place to leave a note for Angie. Your kindness means so much!

If you would like to physically mail a card or package, please mail to: P.O. Box 455 Brentwood, TN 37024


  1. Eddie Gray
    February 18, 2013

    I just happened upon this site. My wife and I used to be in Real Estate, and we had this web address as our marketing page. You are making far better use of it. God bless you both!! Praying…

  2. Susie Bowman
    February 10, 2013

    Dear Will and Angie,

    May you may perceive the Lord’s gentle arms that are surrounding you these difficult days. Psalm 94:18-19, Psalm 56.

    Thank you for your updates. They help us to hold you in our hearts and prayers in very specific ways.

    Wish you could see the Vineyard today – sculpted with glistening snow and canopied by a deep blue sky after a 36-hr blizzard.

    Lots of love,
    Susie and Woody

  3. David Evans
    February 8, 2013

    Will and Angie ~

    My prayers are with you and like all of us I look forward to much more of the wonderful playful spirit that is Will Gray. Many open arms await your speedy return, come back Will Gray.

  4. Tania Boyde-Hill
    January 29, 2013

    Will and Angie, I’m praying for you guys. Continue to lift your eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh your help. Psalm121 v.1

    Love, Tania Boyde-Hill (Atlanta)
    (Judy’s daughter)

  5. David Bowman
    January 20, 2013

    Dear Will,

    You may remember me as the hip-hop obsessed kid who you were so kind as to let sit in on some of your recording sessions with Scratch Track so many years ago now at the Contemporary Music Center on Martha’s Vineyard. I just wanted to let you know that I have been and will continue to be praying for you as you. I also re-listened to some of your music lately and it’s tight as anything. I also write rhymes of my own these days :)

    God Bless,
    ~David Bowman

  6. Veronica W.
    January 16, 2013


    When you were much younger, in those teen years my aunt talked about, I heard so many stories about you. You were “Chas’s friend” and I think I met you once or twice when I was in TN. Many moons later, I’m blogging about Broke* and following you on FB and Twitter, in complete awe of the awesomeness of your music and the movement.

    Believe me when I say this–I know all too well how Cancer brings things to a halt and places a certain weight on your shoulders. However, you have so much love and so much strength and so MUCH positivity around you that there is no doubt in my mind you will get through this. Then, you will have more lyrics for us. You will have stories to tell. You will be able to give someone else hope and courage. For now, it is your turn.

    I send prayers, hope, and good energy to both you and your wife Angie. My family is praying for you. You will be in our thoughts and our hearts.

    Love, love, and more love…

    ~Veronica and the Williams family of Chicago, IL

  7. becky hedges
    January 15, 2013

    Will & Angie. My husband and I, Gaines Hedges (whose son is Jesse) are praying that you heal completely. We talk to Will’s mom and dad when we get a chance. We all back in Paris Tennessee are keeping you uplifted to the Lord.

  8. Lynette Travis
    January 12, 2013

    Will and Angie,

    I pray God will give you strength for the journey. Angie, we have-not met before, but I have know Williams since the teen years. Anything he wanted to accomplish, I have watched him move forward and succeed. There is a song by Kirk Franklin that says” I’ve gone through the fire and I’ve been through the flood. I’ve been broken into pieces, seen lightning’ flashin’ from above. But through it all I remember that He loves me and He cares and He’ll never put more on me than I can bear.
    Angie take care of yourself and William. On the other side of Through you will be able share with others how God blessed and cared for both of you during this chapter in the book of your life.

  9. DJ Lee
    January 12, 2013

    You guys were the “stars” of my dream last night. It was crazy cause Will shared a hospital room with Giovanni Ribisi. (one of my favorite actors) Anyway, Jason and i came in and hung out for a bit and wanted to talk to you and drive down memory lane and such and Giovanni kept interrupting and saying lines from his movies. it was super awkward and annoying. eventually i paid a doctor off to give him some sleeping pills so we could have some quiet time. it didn’t last long because i woke up and couldn’t jump back into the dream like i normally can. It was good to see you both though, even if it was in my dreams. my prayer is that you will be able to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and renewed and impowered. maybe its time we move from the beatles to “eye of the tiger. :) take care. -dj

  10. Mona & Ellis Bennett
    January 8, 2013

    Will & Angie-

    I have worked for Will’s mother in several different capacities for several years(Will was in High School when I started). I recently found out that my mother had breast cancer and Mrs. Barbara Gray suggested that I visit the GoTeamGray website. I was emotionally weary when I logged in and after reading Will’s words dried my tears and it was as if a burden had been lifted. In saying that- I wanted to let you know that your lives are a living testimony as to what the power of prayer and God can do. Psalms has always been the go to book in the Bible that encourages and soothes me in times such as these so I am leaving you with a chapter from the Book of Psalms, stayed prayed up and continue to be blessed.
    Psalm 91

    1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
    2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”
    3 Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
    4 He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
    5 You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
    6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
    7 A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
    8 You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.
    9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
    10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
    11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
    12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
    13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
    14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
    15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
    16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him my salvation.”

  11. LaShunda Lewis
    January 8, 2013

    Will & Angie, I recently heard about you guys from a friend of a friend of yours and she asked that we join her in lifting you in prayer. It my pleasure to pray for you during this time. Praying God will grant you emotional and physical strength day to day, that your faith be increased, and that healing comes swiftly. God brings new mercies everyday and I will continue praying and lifting you up. God is…..whatever you need Him to be whenever you need Him to be. Standing with you faithfully.

  12. Brian Ellsworth
    January 7, 2013

    Dear Will & Grace,

    It was with heavy heart I read your update yesterday. I am praying you were able to begin dual treatments today and the path was clear for this. Praying that the tumor has not reappeared. Praying for your strength Will to endure through the next weeks of aggresive treatments. Praying for you Angie, for your strength to be there for care and compassion in Will’s struggle. You are not alone, there are brothers and sisters in Christ who know of your story and stand with you.


  13. Betsy, Tracy, Taylor, and Alex Galvin
    January 7, 2013

    We are cheering for you , Will and Angie! This is the hardest Challenge of your lives…You will get through this! Our LOVE and Continuous Prayers, The (Ross) Galvins

  14. John and Marketia Jenkins
    January 6, 2013

    Dear Will and Angie:
    Dottie Myatt shared with Marketia and I today what is going on in your life. We are saddened to here that you are struggling right now, and will be absolutely sure to life you up in prayer. Dottie has shared your story with our Sunday School class by email and you can count on the fact that we will continue to remember you.
    While you were at Union, Will, you were over on occasion at our house with the team and Marketia and I remember you well. You are quite the talent and sounds like you have been doing well with your music. We recall you as a very fine, gracious, and kind guy.
    Blessings on you and yours,
    John and Marketia Jenkins

  15. Kathy Storey
    January 3, 2013

    Will. Hi. I am Stephanie’s mom… at the grocery store in Arkansas a lady came up to me and said “how is Will Gray?”. I hardly knew what to say…. And, then she said “we are praying for him every week….”. And, of course, I said “Don’t stop now…..this has to be a difficult time for Will to get through all the reconstruction.”. Anyway, she is on the prayer team at my church and they keep you close to heart and in their prayers as they come together weekly. I just wanted you to know prayers are being said in Arkansas…….I wish you only the best in2013 …..Godspeed…..Kathy Storey

  16. Crystal (Smith) Pepin
    January 1, 2013

    Will, I tried three times to come up with somethong encouraging to say. Truth is, I don’t have much to add. You and your wife are clearly amazing people who will only be even more amazing as this journey progresses. Continue being amazing. Continue to cry when you need to. Laugh when you need to.
    I wish my family could afford to help you out. Right now, i’ve got my words to give, and a big virtual hug from little old Massachusetts.
    God bless.

  17. Rita jacks
    December 22, 2012

    Merry Christmas Will and Angie.
    Dianna keeps us updated in Rockville and we are thankful that you are healing.
    Love, Rita J.

  18. Bryan Owen
    December 21, 2012

    Will and Angie,

    Will, our paths crossed briefly when I was on the Razoo team several years ago. We met once or twice and although I was excited for your music and your ministry we never had the opportunity to spend much time together. Much has changed since those days, and I’ve become increasingly moved by believers who walk through dark days and stand firm, trusting that the Lord has something bigger in mind than we can picture. I just wanted to let you know that you can add one more family to your list of those praying for you and anticipating an amazing testimony on the other side.

    If during this time you have a few moments free I’d love to talk on the phone and encourage one another– just shoot me an email if you would like to connect. If not know we’re praying for you.

    Bryan Owen

  19. Andy Ross
    December 20, 2012

    The way you both are handling this setback is really admirable.
    Hoping you will be surrounded with all you need during your recovery.
    God Bless

  20. Marti Lowder
    December 19, 2012

    Dear Angie and Will:

    I don’t know you, but having read of your ordeal, I would like to offer my love to you and prayers to Christ that you might receive in abundance the grace and comfort which He has purchased with His blood. Truly, God, is the “Father of mercies. . .the God of all comfort”!

    In His Mercy,
    marti lowder

    December 16, 2012

    HELLO Will & Angie…i just want yo give you both my love..i learn,of your sickness ,from my Church at the Vineyard Assembly Church,we have been praying for you both,and will continue to keep u there ,i pray the good Lord will strenghten you both i pray for Healing ,and through his Grace and Mercy you will be healed.God Bless u both.Thanks for sis Pamela McCormick she love and care for u so much

    Love from

  22. Stephen
    December 10, 2012

    Keep up the good fight god is so good prayers coming your way from nashville tn

  23. Susie Bowman
    December 6, 2012

    Dear Will and Angie,

    Julie W told us about your diagnosis and surgery and we’re all praying for you (David is now in NYC studying writing at NYU and playing as much Irish music as he can).

    “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined.” Isaiah 9:2

    We are praying that the Lord will be a shining light in your moments of darkness during this challenging time.

    Woody and Susie Bowman
    FOCUS/Martha’s Vineyard

  24. Matt Harper
    December 5, 2012

    Will & Angie-

    I just want you both to know that Melissa and I are praying and thinking of you both often. We will continue to pray for healing, strength and comfort. I have been encouraged to see how you both have walked through this together. Please let us know anything we can do to support you. Although we are in South Carolina we are with you in spirit and prayer.

    Much Love…Matt

  25. Brian and Angie Lam
    December 3, 2012

    Will, Angie, praying for you guys.


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