This is the place to leave a note for Angie. Your kindness means so much!

If you would like to physically mail a card or package, please mail to: P.O. Box 455 Brentwood, TN 37024


  1. The Staff @ Rivers Edge Health (Stephanie & Katherine)
    April 1, 2013

    Will & Angie,

    We are the owner-operators of Rivers Edge Natural Health that Emily Williams told you about. We are strong believers and would love to consult with you on the phone in the next few days (no charge of course). We would love to offer prayer and natural health support and brainstorm with you! We are on Eastern Time (Noblesville, IN) and our website is:

    I just hung-up with Emily and feel the Lord at least calling us to pray with you all… if/whenever you feel you need anything from us, just call!


    Remembering you both to the Father, Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our HEALER,
    Stephanie & Katherine

  2. Karen Peale
    April 1, 2013

    Dear Will,
    Your mother is so precious to me, as are Michael’s two children Monique and Mekhi! I regret that we’ve never met, but I know you are just as special as they are. I am so sorry you are having to deal with the “monster” they call cancer. Stay strong, lean on others, think positive thoughts and know that our HEAVENLY FATHER loves you and hurts right alongside you! You will be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you and your sweet, supportive wife!

  3. Linda Cherry, IMS
    April 1, 2013

    William our thoughts and prayers are with you at Inman School. We are all so proud of you.

  4. Chris Nelson
    April 1, 2013

    Faith, Hope , Love , Dream , Believe ,
    Hang on to all these things and KNOW that The Lord , your God is with you !

  5. Beth
    March 31, 2013

    Prayed for you all today during our church’s Easter service in Texas. Angie, as I am reminded in this Easter season of the power of the Resurrection that Jesus provides, I especially prayed for you. Woman to woman. You are no doubt a warrior, but I would also imagine you are tired on many levels in this season. I have been praying God will give you more grace than you can handle and that His peace will carry you through this storm. I am praying Resurrection life and strength unto you, and of course praying much and often for Will. You two are a wonderful testimony of the power of love, and I wish all of the world could see more the tremendous and breathtaking love for one another you share to all of us as a powerful testimony to the commitment of Jesus’s special love for us. You are showing us, and this is something our world shows us the opposite of on a daily basis. You are standing as Light and Life to many of us, in this, a very dark hour. May His strength sustain you and His loving arms encircle you. I am in awe of my brother and sister in the faith- absolutely in awe and imagining a Father whose love is deep and heart is proud of how you reflect Him to so many of us. Thank you for being a living testimony.

  6. Aundrea
    March 31, 2013

    Thinking of, and praying for you both often.

  7. Craig
    March 31, 2013

    Dearest Will & Angie,
    I do not cry. I hide my emotions well. But today as your video played at church, in the middle of multitudes, I cried. I cried as I shared a tiny portion of your pain and frustration. I cried as I saw and remembered the love and commitment that both of you seem to have no end to. I cried as you shared your faith-your faith in a loving and powerful God. And even though “He sometimes has a strange way of showing it” continues to love you, want good things for you, and sees a much bigger picture than you see today.

    You are an inspiration and example. And you continue to be in our constant prayers that we know are heard.


  8. Donna Quarry
    March 31, 2013

    Will and Angie, I continue to pray and requested prayer this Easter Sunday at our church for both of you. I hope that you are getting more rest at home. May God continue to give you the strength, hope and peace to see you through.

  9. Dexter Williams
    March 31, 2013

    Hi Will and Angie. My name is Dexter Williams. I played basketball at Union University with Will. He was a freshman during my senior year. Will is such a great guy and I always admired everything that he stood for. I was thinking about Will and the thought that came to my mind is when he accidentally elbowed me in the nose (after a rebound) during practice and he broke my nose. Will felt so bad (even though it was an accident). That’s just the kind of guy that he is. I can say that I never had my nose broken by a nicer guy!
    I’ve never net you but I’m totally inspired by the love that God has placed within you..A true Angel on earth!!
    Please know that my family and I are covering you guys in prayer and that my life has forever been changed by your amazing story! May God bless and keep you!!

  10. Russ James
    March 30, 2013

    Will, I can’t stop thinking about your circumstances. I keep checking back to this site truly expecting a miracle! God is able! I just read in Luke 5:26 about the paralytic being healed by Jesus. I pray we soon hear of a similar response: “And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, ‘We have seen strange things today!'”. May God get all the glory now!

  11. Meredith Tate Richardson
    March 30, 2013

    Praying for you Will and Angie. May God’s face shine upon you; may you feel his peace.

  12. Darren
    March 30, 2013

    Praying for you.
    Grace and Peace

  13. Mary Floyd
    March 30, 2013

    Angie, This is Mary Will’s cousin and I was wondering had you checked into Cancer Center Treatments of America, when my husband had cancer we looked into it; I believe they can work for William.

  14. Jude Mason
    March 30, 2013

    Will and Angie, I am a great friend of Sarah and David Dark and have met Will on a few, sweet, occasions.

    I am sending much love and praying constantly for the Lord’s Grace and Peace for you and your family. Praying for miracles. Let Your Kingdom come!!

    Jude x

  15. Evan
    March 30, 2013

    I’ve heard it said that only two things bring transformation in this world: great love and great suffering. You have both of these in abundance and the reach of your greatness and goodness extends far beyond your own family and friends and into the lives of strangers like myself.
    I have read your story and with many tears this morning, in that wordless way that accompanies pain, have prayed to God for healing and restoration for your body. I am committed to you as a sister and a friend, and will bear you up to Him who named Himself YHWH-Rapha,”The Lord our Healer, the Great Physician”. It is not beyond Him to change this course. Sending love and compassion to you and your beautiful wife.

  16. Ron McPherson
    March 30, 2013

    This is from Pete Wilson’s blog (Sr. Pastor – Cross Point Church (Nashville). I hope it provides encouragement and strength during this difficult time.


    The other day I stood in line at my local coffee house. I was in a curious mood and just watched the four or five people in front of me as we stood in this unusually slow line. Their body language and facial expressions said it all. There were hands on the hips expressing disgust at the current inconvenience, some were rolling their eyes as they glanced up momentarily from texting on their cell phone, and there was the predictable looking at the watch and then looking at the line and then looking back at the watch.

    Most of us do not like waiting for anything. We live in a day of fast everything and waiting for anything seems like a major inconvenience. I must confess I don’t like waiting either. I don’t like standing in line for my favorite cup of coffee, flipping though magazines in the waiting room of the doctor’s office and I sure don’t like waiting in traffic. And if I can just be honest with you, I don’t like waiting on God either.

    Lewis Smedes described waiting like this: “Waiting is our destiny. As creatures who cannot by themselves bring about what they hope for, we wait in the darkness for a flame we cannot light. We wait in fear for a happy ending that we cannot write. We wait for a ‘not yet’ that feels like a ‘not ever.’”

    This is what we often see in the anatomy of hope. There is an event that takes place that sucks the life out of you. Something goes horribly wrong:

    A dream dies.

    A relationship ends.

    A job dissipates.

    A desire is crushed.

    You’re left there standing, waiting, paralyzed by hopelessness. You start to wonder…

    Did God forget his promises?

    Does God know?

    Does God care?

    Luke 23:44-49 44 It was about noon, and the whole land became dark until three o’clock in the afternoon, 45 because the sun did not shine. The curtain in the Temple was torn in two. 46 Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, I give you my life.” After Jesus said this, he died.

    47 When the army officer there saw what happened, he praised God, saying, “Surely this was a good man!”

    48 When all the people who had gathered there to watch saw what happened, they returned home, beating their chests because they were so sad. 49 But those who were close friends of Jesus, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance and watched.

    Notice how Jesus’ closest followers react. The gospel account says they “stood at a distance and watched.”

    Have you ever been so hopeless you couldn’t do a thing? You couldn’t get mad or fight or even cry? Have you ever felt so hopeless you didn’t have the energy or passion to even get ticked off?

    I believe this is the emotional state of Jesus’ followers. Nothing seems to be happening. They feel hopeless, as if they’re completely alone.

    Now, we know the end of this story. We know that God was in fact doing his best work yet. But there would be a waiting period.

    It was Friday, remember, when Jesus was crucified. But the paralyzing hopelessness the disciples experienced continued to intensify as they moved into Saturday.

    I think it’s interesting that we don’t talk a lot about Saturday in the church. We spend a lot of time talking about Good Friday, which of course we should. This is the day redemption happened through the shedding of Christ’s blood. It’s a very important day.

    Nobody would argue that Easter Sunday is a day of celebration. We celebrate that Jesus conquered death so that we can have life. It doesn’t get any better than Easter Sunday.

    But we don’t hear a lot about Saturday do we? Saturday seems like a day when nothing is happening. In reality, it’s a day of a whole lot questioning, doubting, wondering, and definitely waiting— a day of helplessness and hopelessness. It’s a day when we begin to wonder if God is asleep at the wheel or simply powerless to do anything our about our current problems.

    While we don’t spend a lot of time talking about Saturday, I think so much of our life here on this earth is lived out feeling somewhat trapped in “Saturday.” I’m trying to get to a place in my life where I can embrace “Saturday.” I’m trying to get to a place where I can view it as a type of preparation for what I believe God might be doing in my life.

    You may currently be in the midst of a horrible, out-of-control situation. You feel as if God is not there, that there’s nothing that can be done.

    But here is the message of the gospel for you while you’re stuck in your helpless, hopeless Saturday life: God does his best work in hopeless situations.

    We worship a God who specializes in resurrections. He specializes in hopeless situations. After all, at Easter, we celebrate the fact that he conquered death— the ultimate hopeless situation— so you could have life.

    His followers were dejected and dismal and hopeless— and then Jesus rose from the dead. God did the impossible and in a matter of hours the disciples journeyed from hopeless to hope-filled; from powerless to powerful. They saw him risen and everything changed. The story of our salvation was born out of extraordinary uncertainty. But that’s the way hope works.

    And no, that doesn’t take away your cancer.

    That doesn’t erase the bankruptcy you’re in the midst of.

    That doesn’t heal your broken relationship.

    That doesn’t replace your shattered dream.

    But it can remind you that while life is uncertain, God is not. While our power is limited, God is limitless. While our hope is fragile, God himself is hope.

    Your world may feel chaotic, especially when you’re stuck in a Saturday struggling hopelessly and waiting desperately.

    But no doubt about it, God is still in control. And one way or another, Sunday will dawn.

    Pete Wilson

  17. Katie
    March 30, 2013

    Hi Will and Angie,

    My name is Katie Rice and I am a friend of Rebecca Carpenter.

    On Rebecca’s recommendation I went to see the “Broke” screening in DC and was so uplifted. I’ve since enjoyed listening to your songs.

    Your music and talents inspired me to write a blog post on my website, which is dedicated to living a creative, authentic life. Here is the link:

    Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts,

  18. Drew
    March 29, 2013

    Brother, you are being lifted up in my and my family’s prayers. We pray for your healing, and I look forward to the day I can hug your neck again. I still remember one of the first times we sang together at Union, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready”, in the freshman open mic coffee house. Even then we all recognized your gifts and talents. May our Lord and Savior bless you and keep you, and may His face shine down upon you, my friend. And when I do see you again we will rejoice in your healing.
    Your friend, and brother,
    Drew Drace

  19. Lori Trzaska
    March 29, 2013

    Hi Will and Angie! I’m a friend of Jana Hargis and heard about what you are going through. Been praying for you and I know our God is a merciful and loving God. Sometimes it’s so hard to understand why we have such suffering in this world. Especially when it happens to innocent, talented and wonderful people.
    Hope you find comfort and love from each other, friends and family and our Heavenly Father.
    Philippians 4: 4-8 is a comforting verse.
    I’m praying for a miracle!
    Grace and Peace,

  20. sarah
    March 29, 2013

    Hi Will, Angie and everyone on GoTeamGray,
    I’ve heard Will and Reva performing years ago on a bootleg recording from a friend and thought those voices were incredible. I heard of the documentary *broke and have sort of become a fan of Will’s work just by virtue of it’s soul, depth and honesty. What talent and what a life force. Everyone who is close to him must already know this. People like me, who have never met him know this as well from his recordings, live performances and work.

    My fiance and I just want to let you know we’re among the thousands of unfamiliar faces who are touched by Will. We’re also touched by the love and strength Angie, his family and friends have during this difficult time.

    We’re here with you- listening, praying, and learning to live mindfully of this precious gift called life.

    I have often thought artistic folks have a direct passageway to the divine by virtue of sharing their gifts with as many people as possible, and seeing through the barriers of self to the souls that yearn to be honored. I consider artists like Will possess a talent of sharing their eternal life force with everyone they come into contact with. That’s such a tremendous gift. Just want to say thank you, Will for being who you are to so many people- myself included.

    We’re here, and you’ve in our hearts and thoughts since we heard you perform to now. We’re here, touched and inspired by you, your family and friends.
    Fondly, Sarah

  21. Dawnielle Miller
    March 29, 2013

    Will and Angie,

    You are being lifted up in prayer by your friends on the East coast. You are deeply loved. May you know the presence and peace of the Lord during this time.

    In Him,


  22. Amber
    March 29, 2013

    Will and Angie, While my heart continues to break for all the pain you both are having to endure right now I continue to pray for Will’s healing.

  23. TM
    March 29, 2013

    Friend of a friend out here in KC,MO. Just heard about Will. He’s being lifted up in prayers out here in “flyover territory.”

  24. Hope Henry
    March 29, 2013

    Will and Angie,

    I was just praying for you here on the other side of the world. May the Spirit bring you a special measure of comfort and hope this weekend as we remember His suffering for us. He is the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief. He is life everlasting. May He sustain and heal. May He lift up and restore.

    With love,
    Hope Henry

  25. Andrea Marchant
    March 29, 2013

    Luke 7:1-10

    When Jesus had finished saying all this in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. There a centurion’s servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die. The centurion heard of Jesus and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant. When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him, “This man deserves to have you do this, because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.” So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself an a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have no found such great faith even in Israel.” Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well.

    Luke 7:11-17

    Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town call Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out-the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.” Then he went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. he said, “Young man, I saw to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people.” This news about Jesus spread throughout Judea and the surrounding country.

    Will and Angie, I have a hope that surpasses understanding, hope in God and His unfailing love. I’m praying for a MIRACLE for Will. I love you both dearly, and I’m praying for you throughout my days. I wish I could hug you both. Sending all the love I have…


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