This is the place to leave a note for Angie. Your kindness means so much!

If you would like to physically mail a card or package, please mail to: P.O. Box 455 Brentwood, TN 37024


  1. Margaret
    April 4, 2013

    I have been following your journey through these updates since your diagnosis. I have not written to you yet, though my prayers have been plentiful. I have you and Angie on my heart and in my thoughts. There is so much love being sent your way, as you’re well aware, from every direction, from all the lives that you’ve touched.
    I am so grateful to say that mine has been one of them. I am deeply appreciative of your intense energy and your fierce gentleness. Your passion is palpable when I’m in your presence. You are a driven dreamer, an invested visionary. I have been inspired by your work ethic, but better yet, that you always prioritize people over productivity. Your compassionate concern for everyone you interact with is striking. Talking to you is an experience in affirmation and encouragement. I aspire to that same balance between accomplishment and accommodation, efficiency and edification. I have always admired your easy joy, tender thoughtfulness and captivating focus.
    Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us, for sharing your time and thoughts and talent. And now this, the details of your disease and moments of miracle and lessons of love.
    You are such a gift. Such a wonderful witness.
    I want you to know that I rejoice in your faith. I am moved by your humility. And I celebrate with you the great hope we have in God’s endless love.
    Peace, dear one, as your body feels the weight of the sickness that will never scar your soul. Peace, my friend, as your pain presses against your patience that will be rewarded by Gods grace. Peace, brother, as you embrace that which embraces you. It is all love. And there is so much of it. In you, around you, between us, and from God. And as bright as it all is, now we see it darkly. But soon, hallelujah, we will be face to face with Love itself, The Lord himself.

  2. Kimberly
    April 4, 2013

    Hi – I just wanted you to know that a friend shared your video on FB and it lifted my head today. My husband has been unemployed for a year…..we have 3 daughters …. no retirement, no savings, and I am feeling like a big fat failure. It is a minute by minute battle to keep negative thinking about the future, my husband, etc. at bay, and I loved your encouragement to fellow strugglers….”just wait”. I am glad that this life is not all there is. I am glad I got to hear your story and wanted you to know God used it to lift my head today.
    Much love

  3. Shelly Bradshaw
    April 4, 2013

    Will and Angie,
    Your strength, hope, and testimony have moved my heart and touched my life! When Will says “your story can change any minute” and Angie “none of us are promised another minute”…those statements reminded me of his fragile and short life really is! I am praying for God’d perfect peace, His healing, and his joy. God has used you both to show so many the true meaning of sacrificial love, dedication, and living a life committed to Christ! Praying daily……sharing your story and having others pray with me! I know God hears!!!!
    -Shelly Bradshaw (Union grad, 2003)

  4. Alan Knox
    April 4, 2013

    Dear William,

    I had heard of you and seen you multiple times but never realized you and Jonathan were such friends. When I was living in his house I remember the first time we came across each other … and I was scared of you! Something about you that intimidated me and yet made me excited to know you. Knowing you meant a lot to Jonathan always meant a whole lot to me, and I wanted to be friends with somebody who treated him highly. I also remember you and your wife spending 30 minutes at 2:30 am trying to back your big truck out of the driveway after the concert! I simply cannot put the two pictures together of that night and scenes from your video.

    I’m afraid I’ve had to think about my own death a lot the past 3 days William, I’ve had to think about how only what I do that is of YHWH will matter. All the years of restraint and neglect and being ostracized and not fitting in for the sake of the standards of the LORD quickly flushed into my mind when I saw the video. Sin is here to you, and kill me and kill us all. And it will. Our fallenness is here to wipe us out. And it will. But that’s why Jesus came to save whosoever will die to themselves and love Him alone. I know you know that, and I’m saying this horrific suffering makes me believe it more.

    I don’t care if everyone wants to party their life away to the god of amusement. I just can’t do that. This ever so unexpected turn reminds me how Satan tricks us all and wants to steal and destroy everything. My circle of family and friends is praying, to my shame I don’t really know what to pray for or I would tell you. If I were there I’d read the only verse that keeps coming to me: John 11:25-26.

    There is an air about you that feels like care and feels like confidence. Warmth and strength.

    Alan Knox

  5. Christy Strickland
    April 4, 2013

    You probably know about this already. You may find comments like “have you tried X, Y, or Z?” to be infuriating. But every time I see a possible cancer treatment or idea I can’t help but want to share it with you.

    Like I said, I’m sure you’ve heard/read them all. But just in case,

    Have you tried B-17 (apple seeds)?

    We (Dan Strickland and I) love you both so much. Our hearts are heavy. Stay strong.

  6. Alisha Toy
    April 4, 2013

    Will & Angie,

    I just found out about your situation from Michael Norton. My heart completely dropped. I can’t even begin to imagine what you guys are feeling, but I pray that you are feeling loved by all of your family and friends and, most importantly, by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Michael showed me the video you guys made and I pray that your testimony will be life-changing and far-reaching through all of this. I am also praying for God to perform a miraculous healing for you. Know that you are loved and prayed for here in Murfreesboro, TN.

    ~ Alisha Toy

  7. Candace Halpin- Newsong Fellowship, Edw, Il.
    April 4, 2013

    Dear Will & Angie,

    I do not know you personally and only heard about the battle you are facing through my pastor, Dave Romoser at Newsong Fellowship in Edwardsville, IL. My pastor does not know you either, but found out about you through a girl who comes to our church name Laura Harris.

    I’m so blown away how God works and how he moves the HEART of his people to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, and not even know each other. My pastor text me and ask that I would pray for you because his heart was SO BURDENED by what you all are living through
    each day.

    I know a little bit about suffering. Not to the degree that you are facing, but suffered for about four years with all over joint pain, and fatigue. The pain just ached to the bone. Long story short, I went undiagnosed for four years. Went to many doctors, tried many medications to constantly be disappointed. There were times of hopelessness. There were even times that I wish God had just taken me home. There were even times I was so angry at him for not healing me or leading me to someone that could help.

    Two months ago, HE HEARD AND ANSWERED MY CRY FOR HELP. He led me to a doctor that diagnosed me with Rheumatoid Arthritis, put me on proper meds, and within a week I was feeling 80% better. To date I am feeling almost a 100%, PRAISE BE TO GOD.

    Recently he began to show me that he ALLOWED me to go through this for a GREAT PURPOSE. He has given me a COMPASSION, AND MERCY for people who suffer. My heart breaks for them. However it is not EMPATHY, IT IS MERCY I GIVE THEM, IN JESUS NAME. He is doing a new work in me and has given me a FAITH that is straight from HEAVEN. He has told me that we all have the same power living on the inside of us that the disciples had, (JESUS LIVING ON THE INSIDE OF US), and we can do the same miracles they did IF WE EXERCISE OUR FAITH IN HIM.

    He has told me it is not enough that we pray for people who are suffering at a distance, but that WE GO TO THEM. LAY HANDS ON THIS IN JESUS NAME! So when I heard about you I was moved to do something more than just pray in my prayer closet. My pastor said that you were in California, so I knew we couldn’t come there, but we could do something almost as good, if not better.

    I ask my pastor if we could get a team of people together TO COME TOGETHER AND PRAY FOR YOU. We even took it a step further and FASTED THAT DAY! I wanted to offer God our best, A SACRIFICIAL PRAYER! God put on my heart who to invite to the prayer meeting. IT WOULD REQUIRE PEOPLE WHO HAD AN UNWAVERING FAITH! We also invited a few people in our
    church who have been suffering with Aids, Mental Torment, and Cancer.

    It was such a POWERFUL THING! I could feel the presence of GOD in the room. He says when two or three are gathered in MY NAME, there I am in the midst of them. Believe me HE WAS! I am already hearing praises from people who were there that night, and even from those that we prayed for that were not able to come due to their illness.


    You are two beautiful Christan’s who have an unwavering faith, and submit to HIS WILL. True HERO’S OF THE FAITH! To me there are NO GREATER hero’s of the faith, than those who are suffering and even facing death, and STILL LOVE JESUS, AND TRUST HIM! So thank you both for your POWERFUL TESTIMONY, to the GOODNESS of our LORD!



  8. Regina Overpeck (Bill and Julie Helt's oldest daughter)
    April 4, 2013

    Angie and Will,
    Saw a FB post yesterday and shared it to ask the folks I know to lift you in prayer. They are coming from all directions it seems as I read notes that are being left on your message board. I have heard about Will from various people and have not had the blessing of meeting you yet! I look forward to that!
    Spiritually minded, I don’t think there is anything that I could share that you don’t know and have not been reminded of countless times. I do want to tell you though that I read an update from Angie yesterday where she said “”But, our hope is in Christ and trusting that His will is good and even if our peace in this truth is not constant, it is real.” That really spoke to me because I have been at places in my life that my peace was not constant even though I knew in my heart that I could believe and trust Him. A friend of mine from church, this AM, wrote to say that she was on her way to Riley with her 11 year old who has had a heart defect since birth. She made the comment that every time she goes to the hospital for checks, she just dreads it (he’s had surgeries and many other procedures over the years), even though they continue to receive good reports. I shared Angie’s statement with her and she thanked me for words that encouraged her.
    And now I thank you for your sharing and let you know what blessings others are receiving from our Father through you both, and please know that in Rockville, IN, there are people praying for you and your families and loving you because of a Heavenly Father that loves us.
    Because of His great love,
    Regina Overpeck

  9. Laurie Dhonau
    April 4, 2013

    Your story isn’t over, Will; in many ways, it is just beginning. Grateful for your powerful testimony, trusting that God loves you and has some purpose in all of this, hoping that purpose is to show the world a true miracle of faith. Praying for you, Angie and everyone surrounding you.

  10. Hallie
    April 3, 2013

    Though I have never met Will or Angie, my heart has been so broken over this. Please know there are people who love you both although we have never met you. You are being lifted up in Jackson, TN.
    #goteamgray is now the background on my phone so I will pray for you two and your families when I see it.
    May the love and peace of The Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
    We are struggling with you, brother and sister in Christ!

  11. Emily Arnold
    April 3, 2013

    God bless you Will an your wife an family

  12. Autumn and Jay
    April 3, 2013

    Angie and Will,

    You are in our prayers daily – and repeatedly throughout the day. We are praying for peace, ongoing strength, and hope. May Christ surround you with His presence.

    With much love,
    Autumn and Jay

  13. Jason Voorhies
    April 3, 2013

    Will and Angie, I was made aware of your story by a mutual friend, Amy Brake. I’m so sorry that you are going through all of this. Your transparency, faith and strength are awe inspiring. I’m going before the thrown daily to boldly ask for healing of your cancer and spine fracture. Take care. Jason Voorhies

  14. Melisa Liao
    April 3, 2013

    Came across this verse this morning during my devotions…
    “For I am convinced that neither death or life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height or depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:39

    Thank you Will, Angie, and all of Team Gray for showing me what true faith is. The video at Easter service was beautifully touching and convicting of how my own faith lacks during times of trial.

    I am praying every day for you.

    -Melisa (PCC member)

  15. Jeanna
    April 2, 2013

    I don’t know what to say other than we are joining your prayers for a miracle. Angie and Will, you are great testimonies to faith, love, marriage and what it means to be true husband and wife. Your are in my thoughts and I am praying for you. Much love – Jeanna.

  16. Halie Hunt
    April 2, 2013

    Praying for you guys!! Came across this verse and thought of you:
    The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. Psalm 28:7
    With love from Arkansas,

  17. Candace Dunn
    April 2, 2013

    Dearest Will and Angie,

    I have been thinking about and praying for you both often from DC and am so happy that the Lord has used Will’s talent and creative spirit to impact so many. I pray that the Lord would draw near to you in this time of confusion and weariness and that the Spirit would provide healing, restoration, comfort and peace. He knows our grief and cries with us. I often take comfort in the story of Lazarus, specifically when Jesus is weeping with Mary and Martha because he, too, feels their pain. We can trust that the Lord is working behind the scenes and He is looking after Will. He made Will, gifted him in countless ways including his friendly nature and joyful smile, and loves you both.

    The LORD bless you and keep you;
    the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
    the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.
    Numbers 6: 24-26

    Love always,
    Candace Dunn

  18. Carmen Watkins
    April 2, 2013

    Angie-I am deeply moved by your courage as you write of your journey. And though I have never met you, I can truly sense your beautiful spirit as it is reflected in your words. I am from Paris, Tennessee and have kids around your age. I hope you can feel the love and prayer for peace that I am sending you both- Carmen Watkins

  19. Melissa Maggard Yates
    April 2, 2013

    First and foremost I want you to know that I, my family, and so many others are praying for you and Angie daily. It is heartbreaking to read about the unimaginable times you are going through. But it is also so incredibly inspiring to all of us with the way you trust in the Lord with all that you have. I know Will probably doesn’t remember me but he was my Life Group leader at Union University and we are actually from the same hometown. I remember the way he related to people and always had a smile on his face. He is also an unbelievably talented musician – he truly has a gift like no other. We are thinking about you Will and praying for strength, healing, comfort and understanding.

  20. Teresa Howard
    April 2, 2013

    Dearest William and Angie:

    On behalf of Edward and Teresa Howard and family, all our love and prayers are with you. May the comfort that only the Great GOD of heaven can give with His everlasting love sustain you and keep you as His light shines down upon you with warmth and JOY and wraps you in His everlasting arms of PEACE.

    With Prayer and Love Everlasting
    The Howard Family (Paris, TN.)

  21. william & glenna marshall
    April 2, 2013

    Will & Angie,

    We can’t express how burdened we are for you. We pray daily for you both–that the Lord would heal, that He would give deep peace that only comes from Christ. We pray the Spirit would surround you with His sweet presence, and we pray that He would renew your strength during these difficult days. Right now we are praying with faith for miraculous healing. He is able.

    Will, your declaration that you gave up all your rights when you followed Christ–your testimony has deeply affected us and so many others. This is exactly the kind of reaction to suffering that gives Christ so much glory…it makes us think of Jesus. You bring so much honor to Him.
    Angie, your dedication and perseverance is humbling. You are a beautiful example of gospel-saturated, selfless love. You bring honor to the Lord in your love and care for Will.

    We pray the Lord’s sweetest blessings on you, and we are bearing your burden with you from afar, as is our little church family. Praise God that the Body is going before the throne of grace, interceding for you…literally from all parts of the earth.

    William & Glenna (Veteto) Marshall
    (fellow Union grads)

  22. Kim Godawa
    April 2, 2013

    Dear Angie and Will,
    Your deep and honest reflections about life and faith are so life-giving and challenging. Even though I only met you on the day of Will’s surgery in November, I feel like you are family. Thank you for your thoughtful posts here – as it allows us to “sit down face to face and listen to your heart”. We pray daily and whenever you come to mind (which is often). Seeing your love for Will helps us know the kindness of Christ towards us. Seeing Will’s faith in Christ demonstrated so publicly gives us an example of hope to hold onto for unforeseen life changes. Thank you so much for sharing your lives in this way.

  23. Ashley Ponder
    April 1, 2013

    Praying for you Will (and Angie). Will I remember driving crazy distances just to hear you, DJ, and Jason when you were getting started with the band “3 Guys and A Guitar” :) Memories from so many years ago! Just know you are loved and being lifted up to our Father in prayer daily. Love from Nashville.

  24. Nancy Elliott
    April 1, 2013

    I am so sad to hear of all the torment and sickness in the world but never so much as when it falls on ones I know and love. I can still see your sweet face and gorgeous smile in our sixth grade homeroom at IMS. You were such a bright spot in my day, William! (I still have a little bowl you gave me for a gift and after I use it I put the little card back inside it.) Please know you are being lifted up…I agree with Angie…the world needs you in it. If I do not wake and you live on, may it be God at work…I would want that for His kingdom. I love you, William.

  25. David Yu
    April 1, 2013

    Dear Will and Angie:

    We went to the worship service on Easter Sunday at Crossroads Church as guests of my niece, who is a regular attendee. We were visiting from out of town, and it was such a blessing to see the video with your story and testimony. My wife, our three daughters, and I were all moved to tears to see your beautiful spirit and unwavering faith in the Lord. It was the highlight of our entire week, and is causing me to reflect on my own spiritual walk with Jesus. The Holy Spirit really spoke to me when I heard Will say that he is not angry and doesn’t feel entitled to anything, that he gave up his rights when he decided to follow Jesus. It shook me to the core, and I was both inspired and convicted. I want to have the same love for and commitment to the Lord. Thank you so much for sharing. Although we have never met, i will be praying earnestly for you, that God would heal Will and comfort you both with His peace and presence each and every moment along the way.

    With much love in Christ,



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