Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by on Nov 22, 2012 in Updates | One Comment
Happy Thanksgiving to you all from #GoTeamGray! Those of us that have been walking in any way through Will and Angie's story have been reminded this season just how vitally beautiful and fragile life is. We hope that you hug your friends and family extra tight, and that you say a little prayer of thanks today for the breath of life and beauty of community we share here on this nutty spinning globe. Surgery Will is just days away from his first surgery, Tuesday, Nov. 27. We don't have a surgery time just yet, but we'll post it when we do. The goal of this surgery will be to remove the tumor. With that success, we can begin to rebuild. Will's Spirits Those of us that have been fortunate enough to spend time with Will and Angie through this diagnosis would probably all agree on the same thing -- Will and Angie both have handled this overwhelming news with such grace and strength. At no point have they not given thanks for all the love that comes to them through emails, texts, cards, PayPal, casserole dishes, prayers, etc. For those of you that wonder, Will is still Will in every way possible: A true inspiration and joy to be around. Correspondence The outpouring of love and support thus far has been absolutely astounding. A true testament to the people that Will and Angie are, we here at #GoTeamGray know that Will and Angie are loved to pieces by many. Because of the day-to-day care (pain management, doctors visits, surgery prep), they apologize for not being able to directly respond to all of your cards and emails. Please know that they deeply and humbly express their love and thanks to each and everyone of you. If you're the praying type, please join us in asking for...
  • Continued pain management for Will, as these final days before surgery have proven increasingly more painful.
  • A sense of rest and peace for both Will and Angie in these days before surgery.
  • Likewise, rest and renewed energy for the surgeons and the doctors that will hold Will's life in their hands.
  • A successful surgery that presents clean margins, leaving Will cancer-free!
Wishing you all love and exponential thanks for your concern. -- Allison and the #GoTeamGray Core

1 Comment

  1. Shontale
    November 27, 2012

    I’m teaching a songwriting unit this week and was just telling my students about you yesterday. They are amazed at the amount of work it truly takes to be great at a craft. My friends and I were able to meet you at the Nashville showing of “Broke”. My husband, friends, and I are jumping in the prayer chain :) We love you, we love you, we love you and will be walking with you in prayer and any other ways possible.


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