New Update – Good News! (A Note From Angie)

Posted by on Jan 29, 2013 in Updates | 3 Comments
Angie sent this email about an hour ago...
Thank you all so much for your love and support and for your many prayers. The doctors just informed us that as they took a second look at the nodule scans from yesterday and compared them with previous scans. They believe now that that the nodule may be scar tissue from an infection after Will's surgery.  They are not going to proceed with a biopsy, as of right now.  Will will continue with his treatment as scheduled.  Then after treatment is complete, they will do a full body scan as already planned to see how he responded to the treatment. It would be at that point that a potential future biopsy would be done if something was found. We pray this possible biopsy never happens.  Thank you so much for standing with us and for praying for Will!  We are so thankful for this news! Will is undergoing the procedure to receive a feeding tube as I type.  While this procedure is not without some risk, it should be a very good thing for him to keep his strength up with regular, steady nutrition and hydration. We can not thank you all enough for loving us so well though this.  Our hearts are on a roller coaster of emotions, but as our pastor told us today we will be given enough grace for today. Today brought great heartbreak and today brought great joy, and it's only 3 p.m.  We don't know what the next hour will bring, but we are thankful for the Lord's grace to us and for all of you standing with us.  We could not do this alone.
Will and Angie, it is an honor to walk alongside you both through this process. Thank you for your continued strength, hope and transparency. With renewed hope and prayer for continued relief and restoration, The #GoTeamGray Core


  1. Brandon Jane Kadish
    January 30, 2013

    Will I am thinking and praying for you and your lovely wife this morning. May God’s comfort and love be with you both.

  2. Jean Ozols
    January 29, 2013

    so relieved to hear your news! You are in our prayers every day. Hope you will get some much needed rest tonight.

  3. Carol & Gordon Johnson
    January 29, 2013

    We care, Will and Angie, and think and pray for you both and those who walk with you, everyday.


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