Today, with #GoTeamGray (A Post by a Friend)

Posted by on Apr 4, 2013 in Updates | 12 Comments
Visits from friends strewn across the country continue this week, and all will echo that Will and Angie both exhibit a strength that is out of this world. In fact, as their friend Jamie mentioned, on Monday night, Will joined a group of about 15 friends and family outside at their apartment pool for an hour or so. In the same beautiful breath, Will joked and laughed with friends, asked them to pray in any way they know how, and held their hands closely to express love and gratitude as they eventually slipped away to allow him rest. It’s all so truly inspiring. As one can imagine, the odds seem against Will, but upon entering their apartment, one cannot help but be filled with hope. Hope, despite the hospice. I happened to be among the gathering on Monday. During which, an impromptu prayer session, offered by people in all sorts of spiritual walks, took place. Before we began, Will said "thanks" -- for the prayers, of course, and for all the love and support we've offered he and Angie over these last few months. I couldn’t help but think that this moment of thanks to these 15-some people was an echo of thanks to the the hundreds of you, #GoTeamGray, who have been sending all the prayers you can muster. Prayers and well wishes for healing, for peace, for restoration, for relief from pain...these were all uttered in the few moments we spent laying hands on Will. While we still don’t have answers to the Why or How this all happened, Where the cancer is now, What’s next in the coming days, and certainly don’t want to believe the negative When some doctors may tell us, we're choosing to believe that the Who behind all of this hears our hearts and knows how deeply Will is loved. After the “Amen,” it was time for us to let Will rest. In fact, it was probably an hour or so overdue, but Will was “torn” between being present with those he loves and giving his body the rest it’s demanding. So, exhausted and all, Will took the time to hold the hand of everyone in the room, look them in the eye and tell them how much he loved them before he headed to sleep. His body may be weaker than it used to be, his frame smaller, but there is still a hope, a superhuman strength, and a wisdom pulsing through his veins, urging him to keep on. And that, friends, is yet another reason why we’re proud to be a part of #GoTeamGray. What’s next? Well, we continue to pray. Angie continues to juice (amongst offering the most loving affection many of us have ever seen). Will continues to fight (amongst continuing to offer insight into this life to all he encounters). Friends and family continue to visit. And while we know it’s not on Will or Angie’s mind these days, for they are far more focused on the fight, we’re hoping the #GoTeamGray community can pour increased love in the way of donations. By no means do Will or Angie expect it (in fact, they may be uncomfortable with this paragraph altogether). But the truth is, the Grays have not been able to work these past few months, and the reality of living in LA and undergoing intense medical care on private insurance will visit them soon. Wouldn't it be great to raise enough money so that they never have to concern themselves with this? We’re hoping that through a small donation of your daily wages, your coffee allowance for the week, or some other small token of support, we’ll be able to allow them to focus on what’s really important. After all, money is not what today is about, Will and Angie would argue. Today is for being present with the people you love. Today is for leaning into God for the strength that your body may not be able to muster. Today is for celebrating the life lived and for petitioning for life remaining. Today is for hope. Love, Allison (on behalf of #GoTeamGray)


  1. Kristy McNutt
    April 6, 2013

    YOU GOT THIS WILLIAM! Seeing all the “boys” with you was AWESOME!!!! Know that you are such a great person and will ALWAYS be!!! FIGHT! We that know or knew you think SO MUCH of you and your family!!!! YOU got this!

  2. Heather Wilmore Hornbeak
    April 6, 2013

    Hi school friends! You both have blessed us all in Jackson TN with your story. We are all so proud of you and although it seems hard to say, I look forward to seeing how God will continue to use you both. A pastor I grew up with just found out he has an aggressive cancer. He is fairly young himself. He is someone I really respect and I thought if you had a chance, hearing his story and how he is dealing with it all might be helpful sometime. Im going to share your videos with him as well;) Ill include the link. Peace of Christ to you all and your families.

  3. Melanie
    April 5, 2013

    Angie and Will, I continue to pray for you both everyday…..glad to be reading these updates and thankful that Will got some Poolside time in LA with his family and friends. Love and Prayers, Melanie

  4. Judy
    April 5, 2013

    I am humbled to be a part of your team of prayer warriors Will. Your spirit is so bright and so many of us love you although we’ve never met. I can feel your spirit by me and I know you are a very special soul and God has placed you in my path for a very special reason. I can feel the out pouring of love surrounding you from your family, friends and acquaintances. Heavenly Father please raise Will and Angie up out of the pain and humanous and place them on your spiritual plane. Please take away their pain and suffering and ease their minds knowing that they are enveloped in your love and strength. Let them come to the place in worship with you that surpasses all understanding and thus allowing them complete peace of mind, body and soul. Dear Lord, only you know what your plans are for Will. We are here to witness your plan and to give support to Will and Angie through you. I pray that Will and Angie feel the magic of the power of prayer in numbers. I pray that they feel us all surrounding them in pure love and I pray that they get strength from this love. This is a sad journey they are on right now but oh so glorious as well. To be bound together through our holy spirit for a common purpose is so inspiring and beautiful. Tonight dear Lord, please surround Will with your beautiful Angels that will bring him peace and comfort. May he see and feel the aura of your bright beautiful shining light surround him entirely. In Jesus name i pray. Amen. oxox

  5. Holly
    April 5, 2013

    You don’t know me and I have never met either of you. I live on the other side of the US and found your story because of a post by a friend on FB. I lift you my brother and sister in Christ to the feet of the Most Holy. I pray for you both and for your families. No matter the circumstance we are called to Glorify God. It may not always be easy but you are doing just that and your blessing will be 10 fold. Continued prayers for healing, for peace and for Christ to lay His hand on you and give you comfort.


  6. Lindsay Shepherd
    April 4, 2013

    I dont know you, Will.. I have never met you, but I have friends who know and adore and love you. I saw a video about your story last night and i have not stopped thinking about you and your wife, and I have not stopped praying for you guys. I want to thank you for sharing your story and for re-opening my eyes to what it means to have true and genuine faith in Jesus. What it means to give yourself over to Him and to believe that He shows up for us, each and every day. In the midst of our suffering and pain, He is there. Thank you for shaking me from my sleep. Your story is a powerful one, He is using it to touch and awaken people that you don’t even know, people you have never even met.
    Im praying for you, Will. Im praying for healing, for peace, for comfort, for miracles.
    Thank you for sharing your story and for reminding me what true faith and hope is all about.

  7. Karen Rudd
    April 4, 2013

    I’ve shared your story with the women in my prayer circle so more prayer warriors have lifted you in prayer.
    I can’t help but recall what a dear friend Will was to my daughter when they were in Madrigals together and Holly was so sick.. Remember the “MASH” bus in D.C. and sitting with her while she got her IV infusion? I’ll never forget! God bless you and your families. Much love to you all!

  8. Kimberly
    April 4, 2013

    Hi – I just wanted you to know that a friend shared your video on FB and it lifted my head today. My husband has been unemployed for a year…..we have 3 daughters …. no retirement, no savings, and I am feeling like a big fat failure. It is a minute by minute battle to keep negative thinking about the future, my husband, etc. at bay, and I loved your encouragement to fellow strugglers….”just wait”. I am glad that this life is not all there is. I am glad I got to hear your story and wanted you to know God used it to lift my head today.
    Much love

  9. Rebecca Burchett Morgan
    April 4, 2013

    Praying for HEALING of all cancer in Will’s body in JESUS’ Holy and Mighty name! God we ask you to blow open the doors and SHINE your power and light in his body and heal every park of him so that your GLORY would be for all to see!!! HEAL him JESUS! Hear our cries and HEAL WILL!
    Sending so much LOVE and HOPE you both and may you feel God’s presence with you!

    praying praying praying!!!

  10. margie nolen and family
    April 4, 2013


  11. Jess Hedges
    April 4, 2013

    William and Angie, know that many people are praying for you guys. William buddy I love you. I have many fond memories of playing basketball at your house and many memories of Boys Choir. God has blessed you in so many ways. You seemed to have found your soulmate. Angie stay strong and I pray you can feel all the prayers lifted up on your behalf. I would kiss you Will, but your several miles away and its kinda gross in a way. lol. Love ya friend.

  12. Bonnie Hinson
    April 4, 2013

    I continue to pray for William every day. I have know this young man and his family for many years and my heart goes out to them. I lost my husband to cancer 2 years ago and I know the strength it takes for his wife and family to stay positive for Will and themselves. Their faith in God will see them through this terrible time. Much love and prayers coming their way.

    Bonnie and John Thomas Hinson
    Buchanan, TN


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