A Good Day (An update from Angie)

Posted by on May 2, 2013 in Updates | 32 Comments
Since the majority of our updates have been very disheartening news, I wanted to write tonight and allow you to share in a good day with us.  Actually a fantastic day. Will got up this morning and started the day with some physical therapy.  He was able to get out of bed and sit up in his wheelchair.  He did multiple leg exercises and walked around our apartment twice.  After physical therapy, we decided to go outside for a bit.  Yesterday was actually the first time in about 5 weeks that we had walked outside of our apartment door (except for an emergency trip to UCLA to get a new feeding tube).  The sun seemed especially bright and the air seemed somewhat fresh.  I don't know that the air in LA as ever seemed somewhat fresh to me, but today it did.  I wheeled Will out to the pool and we sat there, listening to the birds chirp, feeling the warmth of the sun, enjoying each other's company.  Will was coming up with song ideas from the sounds of the birds and I was just taking in every second.  It was beautiful and special and complete joy was all I felt.  It was perfect.  We stayed out for about 30 minutes and then came inside for Will's next juice.  I had parked the wheelchair in the living room, but Will unlocked it and wheeled himself up to the table to check his email.  It had been so long that he forgot his password, so ended up not doing anything, but the attempt was made and that was huge. Will has had good mornings the past few days, but his afternoons have been difficult.  I was expecting the same today, but after a 3 1/2 hour nap, he got out of bed and spent the next 3-4 hours up again.  He sat in his wheelchair, read some of the many letters and cards that have been sent, and opened some packages.  Today was my mom's birthday, so we decided to watch a movie tonight with her and Will was even able to stay awake for most of it. I don't want to jump ahead of myself here, as I was quickly reminded of the seriousness of the situation when Will would try to reposition and would grimace or call out in pain.  His pain is still quite intense, and the situation we face has not changed.  But, today was an incredible day and I could not be more thankful for it.  It was a day that left my heart full.


  1. Bethany
    May 4, 2013

    Rejoicing with you for a good day! Praying for many more. Am smiling so proudly and gratefully as I read your post.

  2. Ryan
    May 3, 2013

    I could imagine every beautiful moment as I read your post Angie. It was wonderful and brought me joy. Thinking of you guys every day.

  3. David Dark
    May 3, 2013

    Deep, serious thanks for telling us about it <raises hands in telepathic, solidarity, we-are-with-thee(s) gladness. Love to you both from the Dark 5.

  4. Sarah Corey
    May 3, 2013

    Spring in the valley is the best! What a beautiful report of God’s grace! A refreshing time for you, Will, and for your mama! It’s a glimpse of how God longs to be gracious to you, and delights to show you compassion! Every remembrance of you is with praise, rejoicing, and prayers.

  5. Connie Garrett
    May 2, 2013

    Will , you probably do not remember me by name, but I am Connie Garrett, Emily Garretts’ (Scanlon) mother. We live in Paris. I have been following Angies updates, and asking about you whenever I see someone who knows you . Todays posting of a better day, is wonderful to hear! God is good! Barbara and I share a birthday, and we have one coming up soon, on May 16th. I haven’t seen her lately, but whenever I do, I will give her a hug from me to you! Stay strong and I pray for you and Angie, and for more days like today! I wake up every morning,thinking about you and your wonderful family. This is hard, but you are blessed with such a loving, and supportive wife and family! You all are on many prayer lists, and those prayers will continue!!!


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