A Note From Will

Posted by on May 23, 2013 in Updates | 51 Comments
I am alive.  We don't talk about it much, but several medical professionals presumed that I wouldn't make it this far or be where I am right now.  To be honest, I have no idea what's going on.  I know my wife, Angie, took me home from the hospital and started to do things in a much more regimented and holistic way. For her efforts and belief I am alive! I got to meet lil Will. :) I've been able to see so many of my great friends and family again. This is all such a great blessing, and I just want to cherish every second. I still look like a monster, finding it hard to see myself in the mirror.  I get lost in my thoughts for the days feel too long.  It's filled mostly with the same activities, most of which I am too tired to do, and I am covered in pain. I wish we knew a way to stop the pain... Yet through each moment it feels like my chest is going to explode, or that one morning I'm going to wake up and not be able to walk again, it reminds me that, for this moment, I am alive... still needing your love, prayers, and affection. With hope - Will #GoTeamGray

1 Comment

  1. Jackie Travis
    June 6, 2013

    Will, may God continue to keep u n his blessings, I pray that u will get betta, u r beautiful inside nd out nd may God bless ur wife she’s a blessin sent to u from tha man above. Congrats on ur Gold Album nd may u receive many more nd hope that u stay n good spirits. Always remember Mr. & Mrs. Gray no matter wat God is good nd he’s able, nd he’s got yals back. Love, Jackie nd tha ppl from Paris will always keep u both n their prayer.


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