The Gravity of the Situation (Update from Angie)

Posted by on Jul 4, 2013 in Updates | 20 Comments
Yesterday we were faced with the question... Do you want to continue with treatment or go back home on hospice? We have seen improvement, but the fact that Will has lost all mobility is definitely a setback. It's a difficult question to answer. I can't imagine the helplessness that Will feels. It's takes 2-3 people to move him in and out of the wheelchair and recliner. Will has faced an unbelievable amount of hardship over the past 10 months. He now has to consider the realities of life... Do I want to keep living without an eye? Without half my jaw? At least for now, without the ability to eat or ability to move freely or at all? Do I continue to work and pray that God will spare my life? These are real questions and questions I'm sure you can't answer unless you are the one living it. But Will doesn't want to give up and I don't want to give up on him. Will is one determined man. He is still fully alert and aware and willing to do whatever it takes to get over this new obstacle. We can't let this setback stop us from moving forward. If there was any thought left in us of our ability to do anything in and of ourselves, we have now officially been brought to our knees. We face a situation that seems completely impossible. Up until this point, we have always been able to manage, some days were easier than others, but we always got through it. Now we face an obstacle we are completely unable to do. My mom and I are just not physically capable of lifting Will. So, we are all doing what we know to do... we pray harder, we work harder, we trust that God will show his strength in our weakness (and trust this in a very tangible way), and we ask for help. It's never fun being the one that has to ask for help, but we've had to humble ourselves many times over these past months and here we are again. Will and I believe we will move forward through this new struggle. We won't give up. The people at the clinic want to fight with us. They encourage us to keep going. Today Will woke up and spent time exercising. He also worked with a man who does bodywork and he was able to get Will laying close to flat. It was painful and hard work but Will did it. Will has answered the question "Do you want to continue?" with the resounding yes. "Yes, I want to live...without an eye, without half my jaw, without the ability to eat or move, for now. I want to live and I want to work hard to get back what I can." He has the gift of will and determination without end. I hear him pray the most sincere, loving, heart wrenching prayers, asking for God's mercy. I see him pushing himself past his limits in almost everything we do. I hear him singing, loving everyone around him, wanting not only to live, but to live out the gifts he was given. Early next week they are hoping to get the MRI. They will then be able to determine what's caused the weakness...tumor compression on the spine, compression of the spine from sitting in a wheelchair that is too small for him, from lack of use... hopefully we will know soon and can proceed with treatment accordingly. Will and I are not giving up and neither are our doctors and we come to you asking for help. Asking for prayers if you pray, for help with moving and lifting Will if you are in the Phoenix area and are able, and for encouragement to continue on in this fight for Will's life. #GoTeamGray


  1. Bethany and Craig
    July 7, 2013

    Dearest Will and Angie. So many of us are changed forever because of your example, your faith, and your fight. We’re so sorry for the pain–emotional and physical. We stand prayerful beside you, bringing you continually to the Creator and Savior. We’re so proud of you.

  2. matt and nancy
    July 6, 2013

    We are continually touched and moved by your lives Will and Angie. We continue to pray for you and pray for God’s Healing hands upon your body Will.

  3. Sandra Hayden
    July 5, 2013

    You don’t know me but I have been praying for Will! I believe in a miracle working God and pray that very prayer for Will!
    Father we pray the very blood of Jesus over Will. The very blood that was shed for us. The very blood that is healing for us! We pray that it goes to every part of Will’s body that is affected by this cancer! We claim healing for Will. Miracle healing! Thank that Your word says that by Jesus stripes we are healed! Thank You for that healing for Will!
    Give Will strength and endurance that only You can give! Give both Will and his wife super natural wisdom that only comes from You for every decision they face!
    We all stand if faith and believe and Liam miracles over this couple in the name of Jesus!

    Sandra Hayden
    (Melissa Massey’s mom)

  4. Melody
    July 5, 2013

    not giving up either..will continue to pray!!

  5. slc
    July 5, 2013

    this update humbles me deeply. thank you for sharing and reaching out. i will continue to pray desperately that our lord will make a way cuz he’s that awesome, able and good.

  6. Nancy LaRocco
    July 5, 2013

    May you be encouraged by all those who continue to pray and believe for Will’s life. There are giants in your land but God is greater. We all press on faithfully to uphold you both before the Lord ; that which is feeble is strengthened and that which is lame be healed. Heb 12:12-14 Keep holding on to the Word of life.

  7. Natalie Dean Caviness
    July 5, 2013

    Angie and Will, you have both been on my heart and in my prayers for so long now. I continue to lift you up to the Lord, and I know that as you go through your daily trial by fire, that God is making a way for you through this, whether in this life, or in our life eternal. I love you both, and I pray comfort and strength for you as you continue forward. AOT and love Angie!

    Natalie Dean Caviness
    Union University
    Class of 2003

  8. Shirley
    July 5, 2013

    I’m praying each day for both of you to get answers to help Will to get better!

  9. Shirley
    July 5, 2013

    I ‘m praying!

  10. Autumn (Lowery) McFall
    July 5, 2013

    Praying, praying, praying!

  11. Evelyn Hamlin
    July 5, 2013

    I’ve been reading Billy Grahams autobiography and am amazed on the power of God given in the most unsuspecting situations. I know the power of God can change any circumstance. Will, maybee God has called you to preach? He has given you such elequent speach that you could reach a multitude of people who need Christ. Pray about it. We might be missing something God really wants to say.

  12. John
    July 5, 2013

    Thank you for these honest updates. I am so glad to hear that you are continuing to fight and I am standing with you all the way. I believe in the progress we’ve seen and I believe in our God who can turn this thing around anytime. Count me in as one of the many lives blessed, encouraged, and changed by being a part of your story. Love you guys so so much!!!! #goteamgray

  13. sue
    July 5, 2013

    keeping you all in prayer, with hope for full healing, and complete peace as you make daily decisions. the love you have for one another is an inspiration and a joy.

  14. Rhonda
    July 5, 2013

    Wow! Again, I am brought low and lifted up. I read yet cannot fathom your strength and Will’s faith. I agree with Beth, except I hear how that faith and strength come…hardship, incredible hardship. I pray for a miracle, I have seen them before and know God is able. Your testimony is one few people can mentally manage but one that puts you so close to the heart of the Father, its almost enviable . Bless you sweet one that you endure each day and can still believe in the goodness of the world and God.

  15. Christy
    July 5, 2013

    Praying for God’s mercy, provision, strength… more than you can think or imagine. My heart breaks for you guys but what an inspiration you are to the multitudes. Praying in St. Louis.

  16. Leesa
    July 5, 2013

    I am not some who prays but you guys have ALL of my thoughts and hope for the very best outcome for Will. As wrenching as it is, the good news is that through it all, Will is still alert. That says a lot to me. I was there with both of my parents as they went through hospice (for different reasons.) If your will to live is still there, I believe you still have a fighting chance.

    Suggestion: Place an ad on Craigslist for volunteers in the Phoenix area. Have someone interview them. There might be some good Samaritans in the area who can help.

  17. Nicole
    July 5, 2013

    I am praying!

  18. Esteban
    July 5, 2013

    I am praying for Will.

  19. Beth
    July 4, 2013

    At 33 years old, Jesus walked the hardest mile to Golgotha of his human life. And through that mile where He took up His cross, salvation came for us all. I am struck that in Will’s hardest mile yet, in his 33rd year, He is bringing glory to God and salvation for so many. Will’s journey has taught me much about the Lord, humbled me, and even tonight, driving home from fireworks, I was praying & confessing to the Lord that I have carried an entitlement mentality for a long while. I prayed, “Lord, teach me to be like, give me a heart like, Will Gray.” I want to echo Will Gray’s heart in suffering. I want to have a beautifully humble heart like Will and Angie Gray. You both teach me so very much. I know that cannot bring comfort to all you are facing, but I hope you know that your faith and your lives are changing hearts and bringing glory to the Lord. The ripple effect is one you may never know until eternity. I am praying for you both, praying for life and healing and wholeness and restoration. Praying for grace and provision. And I am grateful for your testimony in this trial. It has changed me. Thank you.

    • jacinta
      July 5, 2013

      Beautiful Beth!
      We may never know our effect on others in this life for our Lord Jesus.

      Will & Angie…continually praying for both of you!


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