The Launch of The Will Gray Blueprint

Posted by on Mar 17, 2015 in Updates | 4 Comments

Both professionally and personally, Will Gray had an incredible team of people who loved him and saw his passion, love, and vision in both his life and work.  As we’ve mentioned it throughout this #GoTeamGray journey, he considered you part of that team, and as his wife, I witnessed the value he placed on you.

In this spirit, today we are launching The Will Gray Blueprint.

After Will passed away, we asked that, in lieu of flowers, you give to a project to help musicians in his memory.  At the time, I wasn't exactly sure what it would be, but I knew it would be something to reflect Will’s deep love of music and his love and care for musicians.

After conversations with friends and family and remembering conversations with Will, ideas began to shape.  I remembered one conversation in particular.  After a tour where we ended up thousands of dollars in debt, Will said, "If I could somehow figure out a way to mark some line items off of my budget then maybe we could break even. If I could find a way for my band to eat and have housing, or maybe get a sponsorship for gas...." Later in an interview he said, "We're encouraging everyone to take ownership of the music and artists they love.  The fact is, great art dies if it isn't nurtured.  So, we must care for our artists if we want to live in a world with a high level of art."  These conversations have shaped this project.  I thought, “What if as fans, we help mark those line items off of a tour budget? Maybe we could pay for a meal or a tank of gas or a night in a hotel.”

A team of friends came alongside me, as our friends always have, and helped shape these ideas into something tangible.  Will's and my entire journey - both professionally and personally - has always been marked beautifully with friends and family alongside us. These people, you all,  supported and believed in his music, in his film, in his life, in my life.  He was able to create because people believed in him.  You all sustained us in more ways than you could ever know through your love and support.  This project was possible because of that same love and support.  Our lives have always been marked by others loving us so well, and I could never thank you all enough.

The Will Gray Blueprint (TWGB) will be a site where fans have a platform to become patrons.  You can help support an artist’s tour by marking line items off of their budget (gas, food, housing, unexpected expenses, a unique need.)  You can also become ambassadors.  We go to shows, bring our friends, take pictures, and post to social media sites. A percentage of what is given will go back into TWGB to sustain the work, and the remaining funds will go to a grant.  The grant(s) will be given to artists for larger needs, such as a recording budget, gear, a touring van, etc. TWGB Advisory and Grant Committee will select artists based on talent, work ethic, and vision.

Should you know an artist (or be one yourself) and would like to have an ARTIST PAGE, please email me at

Should you want to contribute to an artist on the site or to the grant that will help artists in development, please click here.

Thank you to the #GoTeamGray community for so generously giving your time, prayers, resources and love to us over the years. It is only with these “teams” that surrounded us, that these dreams were allowed to take shape. Thank you.

“We’re encouraging everyone to take ownership of the music and artists they love. The fact is, great art dies if it isn’t nurtured. So, we must care for our artists if we want to live in a world with a high level of art.”— Will Gray


  1. Marguerite Vulfs
    May 21, 2015

    Dear Angie, I met you at Oasis with Will and my sister Beth who passed right before Will on July 20th.

    The last few days both you and Will have been on my mind so I was happy to catch up with you in this way.

    This is a brave and worthy venture. I will pass along to others as well.

    Be well, Marguerite Vulfs
    Nevada City, CA.

  2. John
    March 23, 2015

    This is so great! Such a well thought out plan. Looking forward to all that comes of TWGB movement!

  3. Kelley
    March 18, 2015

    This is an absolutely, positively amazing idea! Congratulations!

  4. Margie
    March 17, 2015



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