This is the place to leave a note for Angie. Your kindness means so much!

If you would like to physically mail a card or package, please mail to: P.O. Box 455 Brentwood, TN 37024


  1. Jacqueline Taylor
    April 26, 2013

    WILL and Angie, I love you! Your story, through faith in Jesus, WILL change. God is using your testimony to draw people authentically to Him. Your light is shining brighter than you realize. God is able to do more abundantly than you WILL ever ask or think! WILL, your name speaks of what you have in you to overcome this world, and it is GOOD. Do not faint! I love you both.

  2. Ricky Jackson
    April 26, 2013

    Hey Will and Angie,

    Thinking about you two tonight. You guys are something else, and I’m so blown away by your gracefulness (both of you), in this. You are so loved. Do you need more wheatgrass!? Please let me know and I’ll drop some by in a jiffy. Believing…..

  3. Laura Rector
    April 24, 2013

    Years ago, when I was still in high school, another Union University alumni (Ricky Wheat), shared with me about his miraculous healing from cancer. I know that’s what you’ve asked for–and I believe in praying for what people ask–so I’m continuing to pray for your healing… and also for God’s very felt Presence in your and Angie’s lives (We know God’s always there, but some days it’s easier to feel his presence than others). God bless you!

  4. Steve Moorey
    April 24, 2013

    Dear Will and Angie,
    It was really an honor to be in your home today. I am praying for you Will and for Angie. If at any time you have additional or urgent special prayer needs, I will be pleased to join in prayer with you. Angie has my number, just call. In the meantime, I praise God for the wonderful support you have from your family and your church. God bless you. Chaplain Steve

  5. Randale Willis
    April 24, 2013

    Hello Angie, I’m Randale. I’ve never met you before, but I’ve known Will for a number of years. We were in Madrigals together from 1997-1998. I just recently found out about the situation. I pray that you and Will will make it through this. Keep the faith, and remember that the strongest sword is forged i the hottest flame. I believe that God will do the “impossible.” Nothing is impossible for God. He is Alpha and Omega. I believe through faith and hope that anything can happen. You just have to believe. I will continue to pray for you both. By the way, tell Will that I said, “If you’e gonna give up on anything, give up on the word known as doubt.” May God bless you both!

  6. Kevin Robbins
    April 24, 2013

    i think ive posted this before….but please check it out

  7. Lisa Midgett
    April 21, 2013

    Blessings to you guys,

    I first heard of Will’s amazing story through a co-worker/ friend name Terrence who is also friends with the Gray’s. Since, the day he showed me the video of Will and Angie’s testimony because it was nothing short of an amazing testimony. I have been constantly in prayer for God to do what he does best show up and show out in your lives. I pray healing, peace, contentment, restoration, and many more years of love for you guys. I also pray that if he does not heal and restore their lives and Will’s body the way we all are praying for him to that you guys know that your light, your testimony, your love for each other, and your willingness to share your remarkable story with all of us has touched and forever changed my life. I am affected by your life in a way that will make me live for God in a way I never have before so THANK YOU!!!!

    Lisa Midgett
    Nashville, Tn

  8. Nicole
    April 20, 2013

    I am still continuing to lift you guys up in my prayers constantly, BELIEVING in supernatural healing, and for God to show up in a big way with a MIRACLE for Will!! We love you guys so much!!
    Nicole Eaton

  9. Nancy Elliott
    April 20, 2013

    You are in my prayers constantly, Will and Angie. I pray today is a great day for you both and you feel God’s presence.

  10. Debra Stoope
    April 19, 2013

    Dearest Will,

    I only found out about your illness a couple of weeks ago and I am so sorry. I have you and your family in my prayers. I have always said that you were one of the sweetest people I know, I so enjoyed the time we spent together at the Henry County Courthouse. Stay strong and know that God is with you and you have many here on earth that love you and will continue to pray for you.

    Your friend,
    Debra Stoope

  11. Abby Cullen
    April 19, 2013

    I continue to pray for you, Will and Angie, and all of those close to you. Many people here in Rwanda also continue to pray and hope along with you.

    Abby, CMC ’03

  12. kata
    April 18, 2013

    Will and Angie-
    I know we have only met once, maybe twice.

    I’ve been reading your updates. I think of you daily… at home and at my job.
    I work in Neurosurgery/ENT and it makes me think of you on a daily basis.

    I consider you both and the entire Ross family as family in Christ.

    Praying and knowing that he hears our prayers and meets our needs… even in the darkest hours.


  13. Brenda & Derek Cruz
    April 18, 2013

    Will & Angie
    Love and prayers from Martha’s Vineyard.. So nice to hear the updates so we know how to pray for you both..Your always on our hearts..
    Keep the Faith!

  14. Karen Rudd
    April 18, 2013

    Angie, thank you for the update. Will remains in my prayers daily.
    I had to share this with you in regard to Hospice. I’m in no way undermining the wonderful job they do, but as a nurse myself, and one who has personally utilized their services, I believe I can speak with some authority on the matter.
    Unlike Will, my mother had, in fact, come to the end of her life. At 87 years of age she had Alzheimer’s and I knew in my heart of hearts when it was time to call them. As a side note, they hesitated to qualify her because she was too “high functioning”. I argued my good care of her, in keeping her mobile and walking her to the bathroom, almost cost me their help. She passed over into glory 3 months later. I knew, even though mentally I wasn’t ready.
    After her passing I was very honest with them about their care of her EXCEPT that their focus is on dying. While I knew in her case it was an inevitable blessing, my argument was that she had to LIVE until she died & I believed their focus was skewed. Maybe it was the fact that I had worked as a Rehab Nurse combined with my deep love for her as a daughter, but I wanted to her LIVE until she died rather than wait passively until death came and for that I am eternally grateful because she died with dignity.
    Unlike my mother, Will has much to live for. I have the faith to believe for a miracle, but even if that is not in God’s plans, continue to focus on LIFE. You know Will better than they do. I think you and Will have taken a very honest approach to everything and I applaud you for that. Everyday with him is a gift from God, be it weeks or decades. Only God knows & perhaps that’s why He doesn’t allow any of us to know when our days here are finished. I could die tomorrow myself. Until then I plan to live each day as the precious gift it is. Never let anyone dissuade you to just sit back and wait to die, but live each day to the fullest, thanking God for each & every moment!

  15. Ronda W
    April 17, 2013

    My daughter shared your story with me and asked for prayers for you. You certainly have my prayers. I am so sorry for your exhausting struggle. Your posts show your spiritual maturity and such compassion for others, even as you’re going through something this hard. We are praying for God’s healing hand to touch Will mightily, and praying for peace and rest and hope for both of you . . . for your families, too . . . as you walk through this together. Love and prayers from Tennessee.

  16. Kerry Howell
    April 17, 2013

    Dear Will and Angie,

    I am Don Miller’s sister Kerry Howell and I was very touched and moved by by your story.
    So much so that it took me at least a half an hour to get myself together.
    It is amazing to me how much faith you have.
    I wish I could tell you that I have as much faith as you and Angie do. I do know that there are a lot of things out of our control and that we have to believe that everything happens for a reason and at times this is challenging for me in my life.
    I do believe that I have absolutely nothing to complain about in life after hearing your story.
    I know that you will find peace in heaven and that our brother David will be looking out for you when you get there.
    I am praying for you every day.
    I wish you peace and much love.

  17. Seana
    April 16, 2013

    Dear Will and Angie,
    About a month ago I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed and came across a friend’s link to your website, asking that any and all who saw her post would take a minute to read and pray with her for Will’s recovery. As I clicked on the link and explored the story of your love and the devastating surprise of Will’s cancer I became overwhelmed with love and concern for yours and Angie’s plight. I check everyday with the hope that new news of a miracle in his health has been discovered, I am encouraged and touched by the very present love of those who contribute in gentle and honest words as they document your journey. I want you to know that, as you bravely face each morning, I am praying with and for you, and that you have blessed me with your story of faith, hope and love nearly a thousand miles away.

  18. Kirk Holtgrewe
    April 15, 2013


    I was just thinking about you and wanted to let you know. Stay strong, man.


  19. Sheena Bowen
    April 15, 2013

    These lyrics have literally been running through my head every day since I learned of Will’s cancer and I have to share. They are from a song that Eclipse (Will’s band in college) had on their CD: ” Free your mind and your soul, realize you’re not the one in control. Let the Holy Spirit give you life He’ll renew your strength and take your pain and strife”….so fitting for Will and Angie and all of his friends and family during this time. Hope this encourages them in some small way maybe…just felt God telling me I needed to share it :) Praying daily- Sheena & Kydon

  20. Michael
    April 14, 2013

    Continuing to pray for you both.

  21. Terrence
    April 12, 2013

    What you do today can change the course of your life far into the future. Today is critical. Today really counts. ~Ralph S. Marston, Jr.

  22. Susie Bowman
    April 12, 2013

    Dear Angie,

    I just read the note you posted this morning. So moving…not simply what you wrote about but how you expressed it. Speaking the Truth, as best as you are able to express, with love and insight and beauty. Giving voice to questions that many of us are afraid to even think about. Thank you for sharing your struggles, insights and heart with us all. You continue to give gifts of blessing to the Body of Christ as you and Will share what it is to walk together though this nighmare. I pray for you and Will daily.

    Much love,

  23. Candace Halpin- Newsong Fellowship, Edw, Il.
    April 11, 2013

    Hello dear friends and fellow brothers & sister in Christ,

    I have been praying for Will and all of you consistently and now ask if you would please pray for my cousin Pam. She too is fighting a battle of cancer. Started out with breast cancer. She then began to have have terrible headaches and then seizures. Doctors did cat scan, mri and found nothing. Yesterday they did a spinal tap. Today they say she has brain cancer. They are doing surgery today. She is in her mid 40’s, mother of two. She loves the Lord as you do and trust in him no matter what. I know you are prayer warriors and ask that you lift her and her family up in prayer as well. I will continue to pray for you all daily. He is on the throne and makes intercession for us. Praise the Lord!
    Much love and thanks,

  24. Karen Rudd
    April 11, 2013

    I thought I’d share this after spending some time in prayer and in the Word this morning.
    I recalled Angie’s recent comments about the quiet times and then I was so moved to tears by Will’s words, shared with us by his brother-in-law, when he said, ” I don’t want to give up…I just don’t know how (to keep fighting)”.
    I read this in the Word this morning and immediately thought of you. In this account, King Jehosaphat prays before The Lord as Judah has had war declared upon them by opposing armies.
    In 2 Chronicles 20:9 the King recalls what the descendants of Abraham declared “…”Whenever we are faced with any calamity such as war, DISEASE, or famine, we can come stand in your presence…we can cry out to You to save us, and You will hear & rescue us.”
    Further on in the chapter, the Lord’s Spirit comes upon one of the men standing there and he says, “This is what The Lord says, ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged…for the battle is not yours, but God’s…you will not even need to fight…STAND STILL and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you!”
    I pray you will be encouraged in the Lord today by these words. I’m continuing to pray and believe on your behalf.

    Karen Rudd

  25. Kim Hancock
    April 10, 2013

    Hey Will and Angie,

    Through the darkest times, we can trust that God is there…leading and carrying us. Nothing is too big for Him – even though the earth is His foot stool, you both are the Apple of His eyes. He will never leave you…so cling to Him but let your heart find peace knowing “He’s got you” with the strongest arm possible. Praying, praying, praying for ya’ll.


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