Update – 3/25 (A note from Angie)

Posted by on Mar 25, 2013 in Updates | 34 Comments

I wanted to let you know that Will will have a CT scan of his chest this morning at 8am (particularly looking at a place on his sternum) and some other imaging as well.  This should give us a clearer picture as to where the cancer has spread in the body and what can be done.  They decided not to do surgery on the spinal column and will do radiation instead.  Radiation will start this morning after they get the results from the imaging and make a plan.  We should be meeting with all the teams today and tomorrow and should get a better idea of what we are dealing with and the prognosis.

Will needs a miracle.  There is nothing really else to be said.  The doctors are confident that the cancer has spread to different locations and because of the different locations it makes treatment very difficult.  We need the cancer to be gone when he gets these scans tomorrow morning.

I don’t want to be naive about what we are potentially facing…a nightmare that I can not even begin to fathom except in spurts that breaks me into pieces.  We truly need the scans to come back negative and we truly believe that this is possible.  That if the Lord so chooses he could heal Will tonight from all of this cancer and restore him to health completely.  The hard thing to swallow is that he may not choose to do this. But, until then I will pray, and ask that you pray if you will…that God would show us the power that he has over death, over sickness, over cancer, over everything.  As the Lord has healed so many throughout history, that he would choose to heal Will as well and that his power would be the only explanation to such a healing.  That he would give us all many more years with this beautiful man.  I know that the world is a better place with Will in it.  We need him.  I need him and I can not imagine a world without him in it.  Will you pray?  Will you pray that the cancer is gone when they do the scans.  And that we would see a noticeable difference in Will’s strength and energy in the morning.  He is sleeping now, I pray that the Lord would be renewing and healing him with each breath and when we awake, healing would have taken place in his body.

Thank you once again for walking with us, for crying with us, for holding us in the light, for praying.  As difficult and scary as it is to write and to pray this… Lord, may your will be done.


  1. valerie vidmar
    March 25, 2013

    I’m a friend of Reva’s from High School. My husband, Jason and I saw Will and Reva play in D.C. years ago. My husband and I were immediate fans of Will and love his music. I just learned of his illness yesterday. I can’t stop thinking about you all. I keep rereading your letter above and can feel your pain. I sent it to my family and they are praying. I am praying. Although you don’t know me, just know that there are people that are praying for you and sending you as many thoughts of peace as we can. It’s amazing how so many can be touched by such a talent. I’m sure you are surrounded by those who love you. Lean on them. Everyone just wants to ease your pain.

    Thinking of you and praying constantly.
    Valerie–Rochester, NY

  2. slc
    March 25, 2013

    praying for you both! may the ultimate healer renew both you and will’s spirit and body! all things are possible in christ~

  3. Jana Hargis
    March 25, 2013

    Praying for complete healing and cancer free scans in Jesus name!! I believe with all my heart it can be done!! May Will be free of pain and feel Gods healing raidiate through his bones!! amen!!

  4. Matt Inman
    March 25, 2013

    We are praying for the cancer to be gone, that this cup will pass. we love you both.

  5. Vikki Rogers
    March 25, 2013

    My prayers are for complete healing of Will’s body! I know you know our God is able and His arm is not too short. Lord, have mercy on Will and Angie and flood them with your power. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead can raise Will and this is what we ask in Jesus name.

  6. Danielle Hoff
    March 25, 2013

    I got the updates yesterday morning from Angie and Warren and went to church with a heavy heart for you (Will and Angie). On the way there I began to think of my faith in the situation and the “mustard seed”. When I arrived at church I found out that the sermon was titled “FAITH: The Power to Persevere”. Specifically preached on Mark 9:14-27 when Jesus casts out an evil spirit from a boy. This was such an encouragement to me and I hope it is as well to you. I felt the need to tell you this verse from that passage, 26……….The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, “he’s dead.” 27 But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up. I have faith that Jesus will do the same for Will. Praying for miraculous healing and unstoppable faith. We love you and pray for you daily (sometimes hourly). Your Friends in Ohio- Danielle and Billy Hoff

  7. Barbara Hargis
    March 25, 2013

    Praying that God by the power of His great name will intervene and remove every cancer cell from Will’s body. You all are walking a difficult path but your love for each other and for Him give a powerful testimony to a faith that can only inspire and bless others. Reminded of a line in an old song: ” the God on the mountain is still God in the valley, the God of the day is still God in the night”. May His peace and comfort surround you and your families.

  8. Pat Freeze
    March 25, 2013

    I was blessed to have witnessed a miracle when God completely healed my friend from Inflammatory Breast Cancer (which is almost always fatal). 10 years later she is still with us and doing well. I know God still performs miracles. I have prayed and will continue to pray that Will receives a miracle. (Mary Mount Dunbar’s cousin).

  9. Lauren
    March 25, 2013

    Will and Angie,
    My prayer group was emailed your story this morning by a mutual friend. We are praying hard and fast for God’s good grace and healing upon Will. Though we have never met, please know prayers are being sent up for you both in Colorado- now and always.
    Sending Love, Hope and Strength,

  10. Kim Wynn Boyd
    March 25, 2013

    Praying for you both! God is still the great physician and miracles still happen! Praying for Will’s strength and healing! Stay strong!

  11. Erin
    March 25, 2013

    I am a cmc alumni and consider all cmc alums to be family. I am praying fervently today that God will provide a miracle. I also have my small group praying for you both. I am lifting you up in prayer as his wife. Only God can provide such an amount of strength and peace that you need right now. May He bless you both abundantly today and in the days ahead.

  12. Meredith Erlandson
    March 25, 2013

    Angie & Will,
    I have been praying for you guys. Praying for healing and strentgh through this time. This morning during my quite time The Lord pressed upon me to pray that you guys are reminded of HIS GREAT POWER. God’s power is greater than the most aggressive cell of cancer and the most daunting crisis. His power is great and will give you both strength for the days ahead.
    “Riches and honor come from YOU, are YOU are the ruler of EVERYTHING. Power and might are in YOUR HAND, and it is in YOUR HAND to make great and give strenght to all.” 1 Chronicles 29:12

    “Now to HIM who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the POWER that works in us- to HIM be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen” Eph 3:20-21

    I will continue to lift you guys up in fervent prayers!
    Meredith Erlandson

  13. Ami
    March 25, 2013

    Said a prayer last night and this morning. Will continue to send Will good energy throughout the day. My father, sister, and I all beat cancer and the best thing for the patient is as much positive and healing energy as possible. So whatever I have to expend, it is all for Will.

  14. Holly
    March 25, 2013

    People in Memphis, who have never met you and will never meet you, are praying ’round the clock. You are loved and I pray that you find strength in that.

  15. Paula Byars-Stockdale
    March 25, 2013

    Will and Angie,
    I am praying for the both of you. Will’ I have admired you since you were young when you were singing with the Madrigals. Your determination to succeed was strong then. I was happy for you and was happy to see you had goon on to do so well. I am praying for you and your wife. I am praying hard that God will bless you with your miracle. Your family (The Tharpe’s) have all been very close with my family and I also pray for them as well. May the Lord bless you with everything you need.
    Paula Byars-Stockdale

  16. Amy Getzen James
    March 25, 2013

    Hey Will and Angie,
    Will.. my Life Group Partner way back in the days.. I am praying. My husband and I are fervently praying and believing that the Lord can heal and is still in the business of performing miracles (we’ve lived one this past year when our son was born at 1lb). Will… we are standing with you and fighting along side you and trusting that the Lord is still good and wise. We know these things to be true about him.

    Angie… I am praying that for you as Will’s wife can love and support him in a way that honors the Lord. It’s evident that you are doing so and I am praying that the Lord sustains you and keeps you in perfect peace. I am praying as Philippians 4:5-7 says

    5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    praying for you all.
    Amy Getzen James

  17. Holly
    March 25, 2013

    The world is a better place with both of you in it. I am praying for a miracle. Love you guys!

  18. sam dula
    March 25, 2013

    We have a shared friend (Ryan West) who mentioned your story this morning in our prayer gathering. We will continue to pray for Will and trust God for complete healing.
    Thanks for sharing your journey with us…
    Sam & Tina Dula

  19. Amber
    March 25, 2013

    Angie and Will,
    I’m a friend of Amy and Jeff Brake (was a bridesmaid with you, Angie, in their wedding). I’ve been getting updates from Amy and following your blog on occasion. My heart beaks for the season you both are in. I want you to know I’m praying with you….praying for complete healing and for the presence of Jesus to be more real to you both than it has ever been.

  20. Christy
    March 25, 2013

    Thanks so much for allowing us to walk with you. We are sending loads of love and prayers from Paris TN (Nashville)! We also believe God to be a healer and will continue to petition him to do so for William. Be encouraged!!!

  21. Sommer Derickson
    March 25, 2013

    Will and Angie,

    I am praying for renewal for you. Healing at the Lord’s hand. May you both know rest and peace today.



  22. Deb
    March 25, 2013

    Will and Angie,
    I sit here reading your heart aching words from so far away, but I feel them as though you are next to me.

    I have been following your journey since you first posted, and have been sending hope and prayers the thousands of miles they need to travel to make it too you.

    I first heard of Will through the many blogs from Jill and Kate, and in 2010 on a trip to the USA I was lucky enough to see him play in Nashville at the Broke wrap party.

    I stood in awe of his voice and his passion and his kindness… And then I stood in tears as he sang Patty Griffins ‘Top of the World’… And I look back now at the recording I have of that song and feel bittersweet.

    Will, I wish you strength and courage.. To continue to fight… Grab a hold of that little songbird and take her for a ride to the top of the world… And Angie, I wish you the strength and courage to continue right along side him.

    Sending love, hope, courage, strength and prayers all the way from Australia xx

  23. Cha
    March 25, 2013

    I’m praying for a miracle too. I don’t know you, you don’t know me but your story moves me and also, I believe in miracles. Never lose hope.
    Hugs from France!
    Cha xx

  24. Charlene and Allan Dykstra
    March 25, 2013

    Will and Angie – We are praying for your miracle through tears flowing for you!!
    I forward all the updates to our small group (over here in Coeur d Alene, ID) and they have and are praying too.
    God’s grace and mercy – Charlene and Allan

  25. Susan
    March 25, 2013

    Oh Angie, we are praying and praying for that miracle. We love you and Will!
    Susan, John, Erin and Kieran


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