Feeding Tube Updates

Posted by on Jan 31, 2013 in Updates | 3 Comments

Will made it through the procedure for the feeding tube. Everything went really well and it is now being used. From Monday to Wednesday, he only consumed about 500 calories, so he lost more weight, but the feeding tube will hopefully help get him back on track. Even without eating, but with the regular fluids, he looks much better and stronger than he did before we came into the hospital.

We are still in the hospital, and we haven’t received word as to when he will be discharged. Everyone says he’s doing really well considering what he’s been through, particularly during the last week.

Will was able to go to radiation yesterday and today, so he only missed two treatments. Those treatments will be made up at the end. His end date now will be Feb. 21. As of right now, they are not going to make up the chemotherapy treatment from Tuesday, but he will resume treatment this coming Tuesday.

As the team of doctors continue discussing the nodule in his lung, they are now unsure as to what it might be, but the current plan is still to wait on a biopsy until after treatment. Then, they will decide what to do. This is one thing we would ask that, if you are willing, to pray for this nodule. That it is not cancerous and will go away during the next three weeks. Some of the doctors seem concerned and with others it’s hard to tell. I don’t want to try decoding what every little word, facial expression, or tone of voice might mean, but that is a really hard thing to stop myself from doing right now. We want to know and it’s going to be hard to wait, but this gives us three weeks to pray for this nodule to disappear. And, we will once again ask for grace for today and try to not worry about tomorrow. Grace to get through this day, to gain strength, to heal from this cancer, to have contentment and peace for today — a day we have been given.



  1. Patty and Rodney Pound
    February 6, 2013

    Angie and Will –
    I haven’t been able to check the website for several days, until now. But, in recent days, as I have been up many times through the nights with our little one, God has brought you to mind over and over. It’s amazing how He works that way…I didn’t know what was going on, but God sure did! Rod and I think of you and pray for you often – can’t imagine what this journey has been like for you, but we, too, are thankful for your “Mercy Days” and we rejoice with you when you get good news. Thank you for so openly sharing your story…you are both an encouragement in the midst of a great struggle. God is using you in a mighty way. We’ll be praying for strength, comfort, peace, and that the nodule will prove to be nothing at all. We love you.

  2. Matt Inman
    February 6, 2013

    Praying for you today. Praying for your energy levels, for calories and for all this radiation/chemo to finally zap each and every cancer cell from your body, for good.

  3. Janet Scott
    February 5, 2013

    Lifting Will up in prayer…Please continue to have faith that our God can and will lift your burdens!!! Love to you both!


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