The Quiet Days Are the Hardest…

Posted by on Apr 6, 2013 in Updates | 13 Comments

The Quiet Days Are the Hardest…

…at least for me.

Quiet days are the ones when Will mostly rests and there is little interaction except for eating and taking medicine. The last few days have been quiet days.

These days are hard because we do not know what it all means. We do not know what is going on with Will’s body while he rests. We know that allowing him the needed rest is the right thing to do. So, in the words of Will, we do the next right thing. We give him space to rest. We cut vegetables and juice for his next meal. We pray. We hope. We wait. We prepare for tomorrow.

Every day with Will, even a quiet one, is a blessing. Lord, thank you for these last few days. Please give us tomorrow with him, then another tomorrow, another tomorrow, and another…

Friends, thank you praying and seeking the latest news on Will. If the blog goes quiet for a few days, you can assume they have been quiet days. You can assume that Will is resting while he continues the fight. Please keep praying with all your might and faith that God will heal William.

-Jamie Mosley & #GoTeamGray


  1. Curtis
    April 9, 2013

    Praying that God will comfort and bless you and Angie as you fight the good fight. God is able.

  2. Carolyn Lockett
    April 9, 2013

    “in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” Isaiah 30:15

  3. Crystal
    April 8, 2013

    Sending love, thoughts, prayers. Patiently waiting for the next part of your amazing story.

  4. Rebecca Burchett Morgan
    April 8, 2013

    Praying for you EVERYDAY throughout the day… for HEALING. May your feel God’s comfort and presence in the deepest place of your soul…


  5. Judy
    April 7, 2013

    Will is always in my thoughts and prayers. How blessed is Will that he is able to rest, true peaceful rest, knowing he is in the hands of God and all of you angels surrounding and caring for him. How blessed is he that you are there for him, preparing his meals, watching over him night and day. Will is already so blessed. He has all of you with him, loving him. praying over him and giving of yourselves for one that you truly love. Will is already one of Gods very special angels. Whether he heals on this earth or is freed from human pain in God’s world, Will is an angel. Here or there. Will has meant so much to so many of us. We will always love Will and he is one with each one of us now and for always. Heavenly Farther tonight please place your loving healing hands upon Will’s tired body. Give Will the strength he needs to transition, either back to live or over to be with you forever and always. I ask that you surround Will’s beautiful soul with love and warm healing light that brings him and his loved ones great comfort and peace. Let Will’s family know that Will is at peace and not suffering. Surround Will’s loved ones with love and peace in knowing that they will be ok no matter what your plans are for Will. Let them know that you are also there for them and that you will carry them through and that they will be ok and so much better for knowing dear sweet Will. Heavenly Father I ask that you fill all of these lovely hearts with knowing the awesome love you bring to each and everyone of us and may they truly experience the peace that surpasses all understanding. May they truly know that this is God’s will and that Will has been with us all for a special reason and we are so much better having known him. Heavenly Father please release any fear in Will as you gently rock him in your loving arms tonight. May everyone have peace tonight and feel God’s love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. oxox

  6. Rachel
    April 7, 2013

    Dear Will and Angie,
    I am Ben Lundquist’s sister, and heard of your story through Ben and Kelly. Reading your posts, seeing your video has changed me. You are often in my thoughts and I am challenged to love well- in this day- by your tenacity and heart. Pleading and praying for you.

  7. Amanda V.
    April 6, 2013

    Praying for your family. Thank you for that video update. Our family (including our 4 year old) prays for you every night and watching that video, her response was “Thats Will?! I want to be his friend, he’s nice. I’m gonna pray that God cleans all his germs away cause He can, then i can sing with him”. Know that even in the quiet days you have multitudes fervently praying over you from afar, and praying for much needed rest for ALL of you. God Bless.

  8. Julie Hamlin Bron
    April 6, 2013

    I got to spend a bit of time with Will when he sang with my brother, Jason Hamlin, and DJ Lee. What I got to know of him is that he is truly a wonderful person. I want you both to know that our family is praying that God will heal Will and give strength to you both. Our God is an awesome God and I believe that he has more in store for Will. From the updates, it sounds as though there is a fleet of beautiful people around you for support. May you both gain strength in these days of rest to keep fighting. God’s love to you both.

  9. Mike and Nancy LaRocco
    April 6, 2013

    We continue to pray and stand with you. We feel as if we know you yet having never met. Thank you for sharing your updates. May you both be strengthened during these resting days. You have so honored the Lord with your love for God and for each other. God has blessed you with such wonderful friends. May your courage endure as you hope in Him. New mercies for tomorrow.

  10. Mindy Tipton
    April 6, 2013

    Will and Angie – We’ll keep praying. Love you guys and thanks for sharing about the quiet days.
    Jason and Mindy

  11. Christi
    April 6, 2013

    I don’t know you guys at all…I’ve seen you story through the friend of a friend route that happens on the FB. I was so proud of you guys as I watched the video of your story. God has moved you so powerfully. Been praying for your both. May He keep you at peace….courage, confidence, hope, love, meaning, help, mercy, and the holding up of your hands. May the Lord’s love and closeness find you in a hundred ways today. He has chosen you specially and I absolutely know that He is honored beyond your wildest imaginations with how you’re handling this situation. Both of you. I feel that He’s standing applauding.

  12. Beth
    April 6, 2013

    I pray that Will and Angie can rest in the Lord and regain strength for tomorrow.
    Psalm 37:7

  13. Jamie Collins
    April 6, 2013

    I have never met Will. He is greatly loved and admired by some people who are dear to me and alerted me to his story a couple weeks ago so I could pray. I’ve been checking this site every couple days to keep up. These updates have been painting a beautiful picture of this dear man and his amazing community of friends. I will continue to pray for healing and the strong sense of God’s presence for Will and all of you who love him. Peace, strength and love to you all in Jesus’ name.


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