On Music (Excerpt written by Will)

Posted by on Oct 1, 2013 in Updates | 2 Comments

In an excerpt from a letter to Angie, Will writes about the evolution of his love for music.

I used to love playing sports. I understood the games with a second nature. There were times that everything moved in slow motion. Miles Davis played in my head. Blue in Green looping over and over as the game bounced along. I saw all the angles… Music became my second wind, and I began to love the way it made me feel…as I created vs. just listening. It became my family because I grew with it. It seemed to love me. Music was patient with me and began to listen to my ideas as much as I listened to its melodies. Paul and Stevie and Michael whispered in my ears. They taught me how to be myself in the world. Lauryn became my big sister and I hung onto her every word.


  1. John
    October 17, 2013

    that is beautiful

  2. Tammy Bullock
    October 2, 2013

    Hey Angie,

    I love this excerpt about Will’s love for music and its place in his life. I have a 10 year old son, Tyler who plays both piano and now cello and who I think is a talented writer; I will share this excerpt with him. He will appreciate the interplay of sports and music in this writing. Like Will, Tyler is learning how to be himself in the world and music plays a huge role in his life!

    Thank you so much for sharing! You bless us – all of us!

    Again, we welcome you to Nashville and grateful that you are in our midst. If you ever need anything, please know that we are available to help you!

    With love,
    Tammy Bullock


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